Burke creativity Ready
I dumayub chip will not prevent creativity Burke Ready to start and maintain it! Here, hold my story. Start! Like - I lay out on! SnagIt opened his eyes. They troilos first, then double vision, eventually piece together the picture.
The guy grunted - green men standing around, not even the men, and the vast green men with fangs, and curiously it snags considered.
"Fucking you, pal, Pump. You bitch screaming that shit - bullshit! Neither hedgehog not Torquay! "- Turning and seeing near Pump, driftwood completely dumbfounded.
Mother's rose from the ground, lifted his cap - vosmiugolku, pulled her on his bald head. Impressively brushed himself off and went to one of the green, looking at him in surprise.
Pointing finger dumbfounded poor fellow, driftwood muttered - "I hear, you're my Sitnah glitch, disappeared on! I still carry the pump Nada Tower, for those jokes. »
Gluck has not disappeared, only blinked in surprise.
"No, well, you che, vnature, neponyali chtoli devils green, piled on! I said "- SnagIt painful pinched his arm, to quickly wake up from this nightmare.
In the world around us, nothing has changed. Glitches like standing before a ring around it, only uschiplennaya hand hurt badly.
Snags In clarifies the head started coming horrifying thought one after another. In recent years, its head "came" only Hawk, dope, booze, and a couple of times, his fists more "real" boys. Therefore SnagIt first surprised by the ideas, and then to their content.
"Pac ... guys, you are what the district?" - Had collapsed SnagIt voice grunted, realizing that surrounds it is not dope smoked marijuana, and it is the material world.
"Who are you, & lt; cenzored & gt ;, such?" - Moving from a whisper to a shout he asked, rolling his eyes dazed and spreading his hands with fingers rastapyrennymi sort of ala "patsanski" gesture.
One of those standing around the green men suddenly, striking his breast and said - & quot; We -Orki, people Chernoskalya & quot;
Snags eyes bulged so much that it seemed is about to fall out altogether. If the so-called "orcs" were simple cops in carnival costumes, and he is not about & lt; cenzored & gt; I would be so hard. But takaaaya audacity to snag a reserve for the very depth of his soul patsanskoy.
"Hey you, simpleton," - shouted our hero, Scorch was terrible grimace - "You vnature fantasy read chtoli hobbit overgrown & lt; cenzored & gt ;, I'll show thee the normal asked, who are you on, and you give me bullshit its botanical on ears hang, you will wait just vsek not childish! »
Talked orc suddenly made such a smart intelligent eyes, raised his index finger up and took a step toward a snag.
"We" - Green pointed at himself and two neighbors - "Orcs". "And this" - the orc threw up his hands, pointing to the space around them - "Chernoskale."
Left, hideously bulging eye began to twitch Snags. Anger and astonishment mingled in it so much that soon twitching right eye. (It was a sight worth seeing.)
In my head I climbed the unusual character for the brain thought. On the pull, bug-eyed and red "face" could read the phrase - "I understood everything in nature, in the I loshara that is not immediately doper!»
Batten down the collar of his sweatshirts higher, on the back and chest which proudly flaunted brand label - «abibas», SnagIt slurred chuckled.
"I am Che actually in Chernobyl? .. It chegozh kurnul and how I got here by tram? But these green nerds fraera not hike, and the "real" IUCA? Ugh - pUTANTY? M ... Muta ... Mutants ?. "- in my head finally pereklinilo, and our hero, having lost sznanie, fell in the dust.
"This is what a wonderful stranger had two words out of ten clear" - whispered the meantime the orcs - "Yes, and he odezha unusual, perhaps, he is one of the lords of the castle men»
Next came a gray-haired old orc - "need Tago - etago, Man treat apparently blurted out well head, but as a wake allotted to the leader, who will decide what to do with it.»
At that decided to do
SnagIt opened his eyes. They troilos first, then double vision, eventually piece together the picture.
He lay on the dirt floor, his head bandaged with wet seaweed, nose sticking two lighted candles. A little while & lt; cenzored & gt ;, SnagIt candles pulled from the nose. Remembering recent events, when & lt; cenzored & gt; even more.
"In popadoooos" - murmured the young highwayman. "Yes, finally can, for that nafig? Whether folly is so lethal, or make fun of me bastards "- his thoughts were interrupted by a bright light, which rises from a passage in the cave. Inside I got somebody very big.
The leader of the orcs was huge. "To fool eptygydym" - SnagIt thought - "this will not drag and three have poshnyryat ...»
The huge orc snarled - & quot; I welcome the stranger. The wise woman said, you're okay, I came to meet. & Quot; Then, poking his chest said - "I - Barack!" "Two-on" - slipped into Koryagina head.
"And you?" - The leader of a huge finger pointed at our hero. Orc looked at as a mother to snag an unreasonable child.
Snag overwhelmed. He really wanted to punch the green, with the humiliating, for him, a real kid, attitude. But, considering their size and the size of the leader, for some reason, a place squeezed tighter and muttered - "I - Cor ... SnagIt»
Orc smiled, then ulynulsya wider, then snickered - "And who gave you the name of it is ??? SnagIt !!! Bugagashechkiiiii !!! This stump chtoli? "- The leader just bursting with laughter.
A sort of impudence our Gopnik did not expect, but then again, given the size of the green, he decided not to run - "Well, you, listen, mutant Chernobyl, President unfinished! Name at me, Sergei, and the name Korjagin, that boys and dubbed ... »
The leader has changed dramatically in the face - "All the same my orcs were right, you men of noble knights. Well did not you say that your name Sir Gay! We have peace with men, and we are of equal status, so I'll just call you gay! »
SnagIt deep gasping for air, his hands were trembling like epileptic, his nature was ready to .. (the writer did not have the words to describe his emotional state).
To be honest, SnagIt has never been famous for beauty. His face was than the average, between brick and brick wall .... Bald skull harmoniously complements its natural charm. Currently, bloodshot eyes and ears of the smoke Valya completely finished rasprekrasny Korjagin portrait. If before our hero was not the leader of the Orcs, who had seen a heap of freaks and monsters to green their lives and, say, an elf, then the last one hundred percent would be enough a stroke. With such a face in our world, is not he wore to "heated" kid in the zone and the zone to throw off the last cigarette to bring a "heated" to him. Botha and fraera themselves be dragged our hero cigarettes, cell phones and "ryzhe." Garbage, gave the honor to be, and are glad that the young people in a good mood.
But such thoughts do not occupy a snag at the moment. He was full of righteous anger and ready to punish all the devil's sword of vengeance! (by the way SnagIt last sentence would not mastered in two - three years)
With difficulty pronouncing each word SnagIt not croaked, not growled - "hear you botanyuga zelenomordaya, you now finally Che said vnature?»
Barack anxiously looked at the stranger, raising his hands in a conciliatory gesture. Then the leader of the sly, so soothingly uttered - "Much obliged sorry, noble gay, but pomoymu sorceress wrong and you better treat a little sore in your wanderings head. I was worried about your silno states ... "- did not have time to finish the orc.
It was the last straw. Roaring not worse zapravskogo volkolaka, clenching his fists, with a broken phalanges, driftwood rushed to the leader ...
It was an epic battle, the enemies were tearing each other for life and death. Anger fierce battle took Chernoskalya half, and there was no place in the fight for self-pity. Author of course could well explain the fight, but the harsh reality ... so harsh.
Barak easily dodged, from flying into it, Korjagin strike, and the next movement so smoothly directed his (rather big, by the way) fist in all twenty-four teeth bared opponent. Number of teeth Snags critically decreased. Muttering something like - 'set out above, those sseleny Khan "- the young Gopnik collapsed unconscious on the straw.
Chief checked his pulse on his neck Koryagina - "Fuhh, live ... like Sir, and fights like a girl. Quack here quickly. "- Orc little thought and he added - & quot; And Sir Gaia take the castle to the men, and they will think not let the creator that we stole! While there, I'll take myself and all the everlasting King. & Quot;
In the cave he ran scared sorceress, laid Kroryagu comfortably. Extinct candle stuck his nose back into the poor thing and started his treatment.
SnagIt opened his eyes. They troilos first, then double vision, eventually piece together the picture.
It was a complete paragraph. Rather paragraph! And rather Pi & lt; cenzored & gt ;! The room around, shone bright sunlight reflecting on the golden tapestry hanging on all the walls. Ideal white feather, which lay our hero was so soft that it seemed it could drown, well or kraynyak - fly. The air still smelled right and luxury perfumes.
SnagIt eyes closed blissfully muttered - "What do you Fot - Paradise! fnatue ... »
Recent memories vonzlis Gopnik to the brain like a dart at bullseye (both target principle of comparable size). Felt his tongue former fangs guy squeaked plaintively - "Mamoffkaaa, I do not Bolfo buduuu Chefno ... ..." - SnagIt repented in everything he did and even what else to do in my life. He was ready to go and apologize to all "shod nerds", insert all broken in the life of the glass, and even washed all the entrances, where he spent time with pals, husks Semyon and smashing bottles of beer - only to wake up from stashnogo nightmare which accidentally hit. Thunderstorm "suckers" raised his hand to his face to wipe the tears of the approaches, invisible silk thread taut, and somewhere above the door rang a small bell. The chambers flew heavy woman, felt our hero, looked into his eyes, shoved into his toothless mouth that something very nasty taste, gave drink water from a golden goblet and quickly ran away.
A few minutes later the three entered the room. The first was a short man, dressed in silk, with a ridiculous face and a huge crown on his head, beside him stood a brutal stocky man in a luxurious armor.
"Welcome, stranger" - proudly sticking out his chest said Shorty. Mena name Demius Anatolsky - nicknamed Bear! I am the ruler of this Empire and podvalstnyh her land! This & quot; - Bear pointed to the knight, who was standing next to - "This is my faithful assistant, and my right hand - Valdemar, nicknamed the traveler.»
Out of the shadows came third - elegant thin guy with a feminine face and long golden hair.
"Pontorez runt, breakfast tourists and cockerel. He has a team of Mutant Chernobyl and fox ... "- thought driftwood, but his whole face sensing that run up in this madhouse is not necessary, muttered -" Fdrafstfuyte ».
The Emperor, meanwhile, continued, pointing to the Cockerel - "This is the king of the friendly state elfof - Ugochass! It was he who supported us in the war against Barack. But the glory of the creator, we won and signed a settlement agreement is excellent. His eyes lit king so happy twinkle - "and in honor of our victory, one of the orc shaman gave me slavnenko Chernoskalya bagatelle. Bear turned it boasted a bluish ball in his hands. With it, I can talk to anyone in the Empire, and little, I always now know the weather tomorrow! & Quot ;.
A man in armor rudely interrupted King's Speech - "Sir Gay, can not tell his story, we already all know! We always know everything! "- His eyes gleamed mysteriously Viator - Ugochassu It is because, we know the cause of you in our world. Now he tells it himself. & Quot;
SnagIt has struggled to turn a deaf ear insult "tin" (aka breakfast tourist aka Traveller), his strength is not something to beat, but even to run as the last loshara was not.
"Cock" delicately weighed a deep curtsey and began his story ...
"Was once a long time ago, almost the sun arose in the east and the first lily of the valley cut through the bark of dead land ..." Ugochass received a hefty slap on Viator - "short spread, or we thy delirium three days we will listen to" Chapter elfof a little hurt, but for some reason to argue assistant to the King did not.
"Well, uh, then so" - he sang melodiously Elf - "Once long ago found a magical elf folk grass -Kanabrius. She had an incredibly powerful effect. That's just to control the effect of our people have never learned. When brewing this herb can happen any accidental magic. It will snow in June, the little green men from heaven on a plate fly, it will carry lightning Oak everlasting. »
"And recently, so finally he does so" - entered the long-eared leader of courage - "The whole tower in a castle disappeared! Just gone, can you imagine? »
Bear offended frowned - "And I think, where did my eastern turret go? My favorite turret with windows which I am a daughter of the treasurer of our peering through the eyepiece? At the same the way that you gave me hell eared! Hugo, but I'll demolish those currently head! »
Waldemar roughly chimed in - "Vashestvo, you would be careful with the threats, and the Empire's position on the world stage, and so fell, after the war with the orcs, and Ugochass our only reliable ally. And you, dear elven head of the Mafia, we have a talk about the turret, discuss, so to speak, the question of the cost of the stone in the world. »
Elf was neither dead nor alive, his tongue has never been a friend, but this fiasco in the history of the Board was not yet. It was necessary to change the subject, so he continued his story.
"Um, ladies and gentlemen, the last time when we experimented with the miracle grass, suddenly opened a portal to another world, and the wind brought a leaf there. By the way this unique plant leaves look like this "- elf showed the presence of his fingers splayed.
Suddenly, lying in bed driftwood, his voice - "Flyf PetuFok you ffoyu canoe muforam raffkazyfat budef where you will f tfoim Kanabriufom on the pocket.
You bullshit me not to push, fkazhi bitch where I nafig nahofuf and how my home fernutsya?
Chapter elfof digesting heard a couple of minutes, then said - "Oh sir, I understand a little of your speech, Barak warned us that your language is not quite similar to the Reich, but I understand you want home?
Our hero angrily whispered - "fflyat No, I do not want fflyat home, I hofyu with Fahmy flya tufit - mutanatami, konferfami, petufami and clowns! Konefno I hofyu home! Bafaru not! I'm a femme for ofibke hit. Pozofite flya glaffrachya, I do not pfih, vypuftitte changing .... »
On the snag was a sorry sight, half toothless mouth and a bruise on the floor face made him look like those little green men from heaven, which Ugochass seen under the influence of a miracle herb. In the brain, Gopnik rang another unusual call, he realized that he was not in Chernobyl and the Congress -fenteziynikov suckers. He was in a mental hospital! Apparently a smoke break with the pump and stoned went for a walk. Where successfully mated and debris. And recognizes the EBA & lt; cenzored & gt ;! But it was necessary polyubasu selected as SnagIt not know.
All looked with pity on the young talent nedoorganizovannoy crime.
Elf spoke again - "That's just what I wanted to tell you, sir, how to get back to your world. Apparently, there you will find a piece of Kanabriusa flown away, and brewed tea with him. But everyone knows that you can not make tea from unknown plants. And the magic effect of magic herb proved your transport in our world. And the only one who can turn back the effect of the plant - it is an evil dragon who lives in the wild mountains. So, you have two choices, either to go to win the dragon, or remain to live in our world of miraculous. »
"In popadoos" - thought to myself, SnagIt - "I was like thunder in a violent Durkee. Around some psychopaths. It was necessary because vstryat not detstski! If it is true, first of all ushatayu in the trash pump, and foolishness tie. »
An incredible jerk jumped out of bed, grabbed our hero breast head of the Empire - "Flyf pfihi, zofite fyuda dfakona fashefo or glaffracha, or I him fyaf peregfyzu nafuy throat!" - Shouted SnagIt struggling. Bear yelled pulling her hands.
In the room to the cries broke two strong guards. Seeing the evil monster who furiously shaking their master, warriors do not hesitate hooligan was released a couple of servings of sleeping pills. Beats custody King not very different from the power of fists Barak. Last I saw driftwood, before falling into unconsciousness, it is flying (in his already unhappy face) iron glove. He even had time to think about myself - "Here orderlies, & lt; cenzored & gt ;!».
For a small table covered with a variety of goodies sat four rulers.
The guy grunted - green men standing around, not even the men, and the vast green men with fangs, and curiously it snags considered.
"Fucking you, pal, Pump. You bitch screaming that shit - bullshit! Neither hedgehog not Torquay! "- Turning and seeing near Pump, driftwood completely dumbfounded.
Mother's rose from the ground, lifted his cap - vosmiugolku, pulled her on his bald head. Impressively brushed himself off and went to one of the green, looking at him in surprise.
Pointing finger dumbfounded poor fellow, driftwood muttered - "I hear, you're my Sitnah glitch, disappeared on! I still carry the pump Nada Tower, for those jokes. »
Gluck has not disappeared, only blinked in surprise.
"No, well, you che, vnature, neponyali chtoli devils green, piled on! I said "- SnagIt painful pinched his arm, to quickly wake up from this nightmare.
In the world around us, nothing has changed. Glitches like standing before a ring around it, only uschiplennaya hand hurt badly.
Snags In clarifies the head started coming horrifying thought one after another. In recent years, its head "came" only Hawk, dope, booze, and a couple of times, his fists more "real" boys. Therefore SnagIt first surprised by the ideas, and then to their content.
"Pac ... guys, you are what the district?" - Had collapsed SnagIt voice grunted, realizing that surrounds it is not dope smoked marijuana, and it is the material world.
"Who are you, & lt; cenzored & gt ;, such?" - Moving from a whisper to a shout he asked, rolling his eyes dazed and spreading his hands with fingers rastapyrennymi sort of ala "patsanski" gesture.
One of those standing around the green men suddenly, striking his breast and said - & quot; We -Orki, people Chernoskalya & quot;
Snags eyes bulged so much that it seemed is about to fall out altogether. If the so-called "orcs" were simple cops in carnival costumes, and he is not about & lt; cenzored & gt; I would be so hard. But takaaaya audacity to snag a reserve for the very depth of his soul patsanskoy.
"Hey you, simpleton," - shouted our hero, Scorch was terrible grimace - "You vnature fantasy read chtoli hobbit overgrown & lt; cenzored & gt ;, I'll show thee the normal asked, who are you on, and you give me bullshit its botanical on ears hang, you will wait just vsek not childish! »
Talked orc suddenly made such a smart intelligent eyes, raised his index finger up and took a step toward a snag.
"We" - Green pointed at himself and two neighbors - "Orcs". "And this" - the orc threw up his hands, pointing to the space around them - "Chernoskale."
Left, hideously bulging eye began to twitch Snags. Anger and astonishment mingled in it so much that soon twitching right eye. (It was a sight worth seeing.)
In my head I climbed the unusual character for the brain thought. On the pull, bug-eyed and red "face" could read the phrase - "I understood everything in nature, in the I loshara that is not immediately doper!»
Batten down the collar of his sweatshirts higher, on the back and chest which proudly flaunted brand label - «abibas», SnagIt slurred chuckled.
"I am Che actually in Chernobyl? .. It chegozh kurnul and how I got here by tram? But these green nerds fraera not hike, and the "real" IUCA? Ugh - pUTANTY? M ... Muta ... Mutants ?. "- in my head finally pereklinilo, and our hero, having lost sznanie, fell in the dust.
"This is what a wonderful stranger had two words out of ten clear" - whispered the meantime the orcs - "Yes, and he odezha unusual, perhaps, he is one of the lords of the castle men»
Next came a gray-haired old orc - "need Tago - etago, Man treat apparently blurted out well head, but as a wake allotted to the leader, who will decide what to do with it.»
At that decided to do
SnagIt opened his eyes. They troilos first, then double vision, eventually piece together the picture.
He lay on the dirt floor, his head bandaged with wet seaweed, nose sticking two lighted candles. A little while & lt; cenzored & gt ;, SnagIt candles pulled from the nose. Remembering recent events, when & lt; cenzored & gt; even more.
"In popadoooos" - murmured the young highwayman. "Yes, finally can, for that nafig? Whether folly is so lethal, or make fun of me bastards "- his thoughts were interrupted by a bright light, which rises from a passage in the cave. Inside I got somebody very big.
The leader of the orcs was huge. "To fool eptygydym" - SnagIt thought - "this will not drag and three have poshnyryat ...»
The huge orc snarled - & quot; I welcome the stranger. The wise woman said, you're okay, I came to meet. & Quot; Then, poking his chest said - "I - Barack!" "Two-on" - slipped into Koryagina head.
"And you?" - The leader of a huge finger pointed at our hero. Orc looked at as a mother to snag an unreasonable child.
Snag overwhelmed. He really wanted to punch the green, with the humiliating, for him, a real kid, attitude. But, considering their size and the size of the leader, for some reason, a place squeezed tighter and muttered - "I - Cor ... SnagIt»
Orc smiled, then ulynulsya wider, then snickered - "And who gave you the name of it is ??? SnagIt !!! Bugagashechkiiiii !!! This stump chtoli? "- The leader just bursting with laughter.
A sort of impudence our Gopnik did not expect, but then again, given the size of the green, he decided not to run - "Well, you, listen, mutant Chernobyl, President unfinished! Name at me, Sergei, and the name Korjagin, that boys and dubbed ... »
The leader has changed dramatically in the face - "All the same my orcs were right, you men of noble knights. Well did not you say that your name Sir Gay! We have peace with men, and we are of equal status, so I'll just call you gay! »
SnagIt deep gasping for air, his hands were trembling like epileptic, his nature was ready to .. (the writer did not have the words to describe his emotional state).
To be honest, SnagIt has never been famous for beauty. His face was than the average, between brick and brick wall .... Bald skull harmoniously complements its natural charm. Currently, bloodshot eyes and ears of the smoke Valya completely finished rasprekrasny Korjagin portrait. If before our hero was not the leader of the Orcs, who had seen a heap of freaks and monsters to green their lives and, say, an elf, then the last one hundred percent would be enough a stroke. With such a face in our world, is not he wore to "heated" kid in the zone and the zone to throw off the last cigarette to bring a "heated" to him. Botha and fraera themselves be dragged our hero cigarettes, cell phones and "ryzhe." Garbage, gave the honor to be, and are glad that the young people in a good mood.
But such thoughts do not occupy a snag at the moment. He was full of righteous anger and ready to punish all the devil's sword of vengeance! (by the way SnagIt last sentence would not mastered in two - three years)
With difficulty pronouncing each word SnagIt not croaked, not growled - "hear you botanyuga zelenomordaya, you now finally Che said vnature?»
Barack anxiously looked at the stranger, raising his hands in a conciliatory gesture. Then the leader of the sly, so soothingly uttered - "Much obliged sorry, noble gay, but pomoymu sorceress wrong and you better treat a little sore in your wanderings head. I was worried about your silno states ... "- did not have time to finish the orc.
It was the last straw. Roaring not worse zapravskogo volkolaka, clenching his fists, with a broken phalanges, driftwood rushed to the leader ...
It was an epic battle, the enemies were tearing each other for life and death. Anger fierce battle took Chernoskalya half, and there was no place in the fight for self-pity. Author of course could well explain the fight, but the harsh reality ... so harsh.
Barak easily dodged, from flying into it, Korjagin strike, and the next movement so smoothly directed his (rather big, by the way) fist in all twenty-four teeth bared opponent. Number of teeth Snags critically decreased. Muttering something like - 'set out above, those sseleny Khan "- the young Gopnik collapsed unconscious on the straw.
Chief checked his pulse on his neck Koryagina - "Fuhh, live ... like Sir, and fights like a girl. Quack here quickly. "- Orc little thought and he added - & quot; And Sir Gaia take the castle to the men, and they will think not let the creator that we stole! While there, I'll take myself and all the everlasting King. & Quot;
In the cave he ran scared sorceress, laid Kroryagu comfortably. Extinct candle stuck his nose back into the poor thing and started his treatment.
SnagIt opened his eyes. They troilos first, then double vision, eventually piece together the picture.
It was a complete paragraph. Rather paragraph! And rather Pi & lt; cenzored & gt ;! The room around, shone bright sunlight reflecting on the golden tapestry hanging on all the walls. Ideal white feather, which lay our hero was so soft that it seemed it could drown, well or kraynyak - fly. The air still smelled right and luxury perfumes.
SnagIt eyes closed blissfully muttered - "What do you Fot - Paradise! fnatue ... »
Recent memories vonzlis Gopnik to the brain like a dart at bullseye (both target principle of comparable size). Felt his tongue former fangs guy squeaked plaintively - "Mamoffkaaa, I do not Bolfo buduuu Chefno ... ..." - SnagIt repented in everything he did and even what else to do in my life. He was ready to go and apologize to all "shod nerds", insert all broken in the life of the glass, and even washed all the entrances, where he spent time with pals, husks Semyon and smashing bottles of beer - only to wake up from stashnogo nightmare which accidentally hit. Thunderstorm "suckers" raised his hand to his face to wipe the tears of the approaches, invisible silk thread taut, and somewhere above the door rang a small bell. The chambers flew heavy woman, felt our hero, looked into his eyes, shoved into his toothless mouth that something very nasty taste, gave drink water from a golden goblet and quickly ran away.
A few minutes later the three entered the room. The first was a short man, dressed in silk, with a ridiculous face and a huge crown on his head, beside him stood a brutal stocky man in a luxurious armor.
"Welcome, stranger" - proudly sticking out his chest said Shorty. Mena name Demius Anatolsky - nicknamed Bear! I am the ruler of this Empire and podvalstnyh her land! This & quot; - Bear pointed to the knight, who was standing next to - "This is my faithful assistant, and my right hand - Valdemar, nicknamed the traveler.»
Out of the shadows came third - elegant thin guy with a feminine face and long golden hair.
"Pontorez runt, breakfast tourists and cockerel. He has a team of Mutant Chernobyl and fox ... "- thought driftwood, but his whole face sensing that run up in this madhouse is not necessary, muttered -" Fdrafstfuyte ».
The Emperor, meanwhile, continued, pointing to the Cockerel - "This is the king of the friendly state elfof - Ugochass! It was he who supported us in the war against Barack. But the glory of the creator, we won and signed a settlement agreement is excellent. His eyes lit king so happy twinkle - "and in honor of our victory, one of the orc shaman gave me slavnenko Chernoskalya bagatelle. Bear turned it boasted a bluish ball in his hands. With it, I can talk to anyone in the Empire, and little, I always now know the weather tomorrow! & Quot ;.
A man in armor rudely interrupted King's Speech - "Sir Gay, can not tell his story, we already all know! We always know everything! "- His eyes gleamed mysteriously Viator - Ugochassu It is because, we know the cause of you in our world. Now he tells it himself. & Quot;
SnagIt has struggled to turn a deaf ear insult "tin" (aka breakfast tourist aka Traveller), his strength is not something to beat, but even to run as the last loshara was not.
"Cock" delicately weighed a deep curtsey and began his story ...
"Was once a long time ago, almost the sun arose in the east and the first lily of the valley cut through the bark of dead land ..." Ugochass received a hefty slap on Viator - "short spread, or we thy delirium three days we will listen to" Chapter elfof a little hurt, but for some reason to argue assistant to the King did not.
"Well, uh, then so" - he sang melodiously Elf - "Once long ago found a magical elf folk grass -Kanabrius. She had an incredibly powerful effect. That's just to control the effect of our people have never learned. When brewing this herb can happen any accidental magic. It will snow in June, the little green men from heaven on a plate fly, it will carry lightning Oak everlasting. »
"And recently, so finally he does so" - entered the long-eared leader of courage - "The whole tower in a castle disappeared! Just gone, can you imagine? »
Bear offended frowned - "And I think, where did my eastern turret go? My favorite turret with windows which I am a daughter of the treasurer of our peering through the eyepiece? At the same the way that you gave me hell eared! Hugo, but I'll demolish those currently head! »
Waldemar roughly chimed in - "Vashestvo, you would be careful with the threats, and the Empire's position on the world stage, and so fell, after the war with the orcs, and Ugochass our only reliable ally. And you, dear elven head of the Mafia, we have a talk about the turret, discuss, so to speak, the question of the cost of the stone in the world. »
Elf was neither dead nor alive, his tongue has never been a friend, but this fiasco in the history of the Board was not yet. It was necessary to change the subject, so he continued his story.
"Um, ladies and gentlemen, the last time when we experimented with the miracle grass, suddenly opened a portal to another world, and the wind brought a leaf there. By the way this unique plant leaves look like this "- elf showed the presence of his fingers splayed.
Suddenly, lying in bed driftwood, his voice - "Flyf PetuFok you ffoyu canoe muforam raffkazyfat budef where you will f tfoim Kanabriufom on the pocket.
You bullshit me not to push, fkazhi bitch where I nafig nahofuf and how my home fernutsya?
Chapter elfof digesting heard a couple of minutes, then said - "Oh sir, I understand a little of your speech, Barak warned us that your language is not quite similar to the Reich, but I understand you want home?
Our hero angrily whispered - "fflyat No, I do not want fflyat home, I hofyu with Fahmy flya tufit - mutanatami, konferfami, petufami and clowns! Konefno I hofyu home! Bafaru not! I'm a femme for ofibke hit. Pozofite flya glaffrachya, I do not pfih, vypuftitte changing .... »
On the snag was a sorry sight, half toothless mouth and a bruise on the floor face made him look like those little green men from heaven, which Ugochass seen under the influence of a miracle herb. In the brain, Gopnik rang another unusual call, he realized that he was not in Chernobyl and the Congress -fenteziynikov suckers. He was in a mental hospital! Apparently a smoke break with the pump and stoned went for a walk. Where successfully mated and debris. And recognizes the EBA & lt; cenzored & gt ;! But it was necessary polyubasu selected as SnagIt not know.
All looked with pity on the young talent nedoorganizovannoy crime.
Elf spoke again - "That's just what I wanted to tell you, sir, how to get back to your world. Apparently, there you will find a piece of Kanabriusa flown away, and brewed tea with him. But everyone knows that you can not make tea from unknown plants. And the magic effect of magic herb proved your transport in our world. And the only one who can turn back the effect of the plant - it is an evil dragon who lives in the wild mountains. So, you have two choices, either to go to win the dragon, or remain to live in our world of miraculous. »
"In popadoos" - thought to myself, SnagIt - "I was like thunder in a violent Durkee. Around some psychopaths. It was necessary because vstryat not detstski! If it is true, first of all ushatayu in the trash pump, and foolishness tie. »
An incredible jerk jumped out of bed, grabbed our hero breast head of the Empire - "Flyf pfihi, zofite fyuda dfakona fashefo or glaffracha, or I him fyaf peregfyzu nafuy throat!" - Shouted SnagIt struggling. Bear yelled pulling her hands.
In the room to the cries broke two strong guards. Seeing the evil monster who furiously shaking their master, warriors do not hesitate hooligan was released a couple of servings of sleeping pills. Beats custody King not very different from the power of fists Barak. Last I saw driftwood, before falling into unconsciousness, it is flying (in his already unhappy face) iron glove. He even had time to think about myself - "Here orderlies, & lt; cenzored & gt ;!».
For a small table covered with a variety of goodies sat four rulers.