Chinese buyers Tesla Model S was released from the payment of license plate

And in China charge for license plate for your car is many thousands of dollars. For example, in Shanghai car buyer has to pay for my room the equivalent of 12 thousand dollars. This is done for good reason: in the big cities of China pollution vehicle emissions reached a maximum value for all time. All rules have long been exceeded, could not - normal thing for cities of China.
And the authorities have decided to limit the possibility of car buyers by raising the fee for license plate. In this case, you can either get a room at the auction, or receive as a prize in a special lottery. And then the room will have to pay and the marked up amount (which often exceed the price of the car). But buyers Tesla S now get the benefits - they get a free car number.
However, while the above applies only to Hangzhou, Shanghai and other cities. Needless to say, not without the influence of Tesla - the company has long been trying to negotiate with the authorities on cooperation, understanding that the market in China simply gigantic. Now the Chinese government went to meet the company's Elon Musk. Representatives of the company is now trying to negotiate with the authorities and other major cities of similar benefits.
As for the Tesla S sales in China, the company began selling its cars in the country since April this year, and so far the sales go quite smoothly (although exact figures are not disclosed).
Generally speaking, the idea is to remove the fee for license plate for buyers of electric vehicles - great idea. Probably heard of such a "share" the Chinese will buy electric vehicles still active, and potential buyers in China - the tens of millions. It remains only to wish Tesla success in the Chinese market.
Via bloomberg
Source: geektimes.ru/post/240964/
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