That sama Vlad Tepes

For many years, Prince Vlad Tepes keep all Wallachia in fear of their unpredictable and unbridled cruelty. Blood from the necks of the victims of course he did not drink, but thousands of bloody executions, murders "unworthy" citizens and impalement was quite liking him, that confirm the manuscript of the 15th century. Yet about him, there are two opposite points of view. The first is that the Impaler was crazy sadist who took pleasure in bullying their victims. According to the second - a fighter against the Turks hated him. In this way, he was just trying to fight the soldiers of cowardice and treachery of the boyars.
Prince dipped his bread in a bucket of blood of the people he killed. The manuscript of the 15th century, tells the story of how one day Dracula invited to his house for a few guests, throw a feast, and then put them on a stake right at the dinner table. After that, slowly finished his dinner, dipping bread into a bucket with their blood.

Dracula avenged his father by killing hundreds of people. And not just killed, and ripped blunt swords bellies. Much of his youth Vlad spent in a Turkish prison, and when released, he learned that his father betrayed by his own people, including nobles. And as the young prince did not know the names of traitors, then invited them all to a banquet, where they were executed.

Tepes preferred to be called Dracula, which means "son of the dragon." Although eventually appropriated the name of the people other value - "son of the Devil," which was more like the truth.

Dracula was a sense of humor - though quite unusual. For example, when people Impalement, twitching like a frog prince looked at them as if casually remarked: "Oh, what amazing grace they have!»
Impalement was the only penalty. It may seem that Dracula was the usual crazy, who only did what he ran and killed people, but it is not. Impalement was accepted as a punishment for a crime, regardless of whether the offender has committed murder or stealing a loaf of bread. Of course, exceptions were. One Roma from Tabora, who traveled through the lands of Dracula stole something. When he was caught, the prince ordered the cook accident and other Gypsies make him eat.

Dracula gets rid of all the sick and the poor, burning them alive in an attempt to bring order to the streets of the capital of Wallachia. One day, he called all the poor, the sick and the tramps in one of their homes on the pretext of a holiday. After they ate, Dracula politely excused himself, and went out and ordered to board up all windows and doors in the house. Then the house burned. According to the chronicles of the time, no one survived. It's flowers were: Prince sometimes burned entire villages in their possessions for no apparent reason.

Dracula, "gave" his subjects gold cups. The result of hundreds of murders was that Dracula is in full control of his people, and he knew it. To test whether subjects are afraid of him, he put on a major metropolitan area goblets of pure gold. It was announced that anyone can drink from them, but under no circumstances the cups do not have to leave the area. At that time, the city's population of about 60 000 people, but for the entire period of the reign of Prince nobody to these bowls do not even touched, even though they were in sight of thousands of people living in poverty.

Dracula has poisoned their own wells because of the constant threat of Turkish invasion. One day, he sent troops to those expelled the Turks from their land. And when the Turks began to win, Dracula began to burn their own villages to the Turks had nowhere to rest and restock provisions. Moreover, he had poisoned the wells and killed thousands of people, so that everything is not got the invaders.

Dracula's body disappeared.
During the war with the Turks, Prince died on the field of combat operations. It is believed that the body of Dracula was buried in the cemetery on the outskirts of Snagov Monastery Bucharest. But there are conflicting rumors: some argue that the prince's body was never found, others - that the remains were buried, but then disappeared. The second version seems true, as Vlad III, was probably buried treasure, and could get to the grave robbers.

Source: bigpicture.ru
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