10 most brutal rulers in history
Man by nature - being cruel. Not surprisingly, the history knows a great many cruel rulers who controlled their subjects by terror and mass kazney.No among them were those whose cruelty went beyond all conceivable limits. It is these, the most cruel and odious tyrants site has been gathered in this collection.
1. Vlad III Basarab
He Vlad Tepes, aka Vlad Dracula. The prince (ruler) of Wallachia in the 15th century. The man who served as the prototype of the character of Dracula.
As the ruler at different unbalance and violence. The reason for this is likely to become the psychological trauma of adolescence, when Vlad had to spend several years as a "collateral" in the court of the Turkish sultan.
A case where the Impaler called to him about 500 boyars and asked them how much the rulers remembers every one of them. It turned out that even the youngest of them remember at least 7 reigns. The answer Tepes was an attempt to put an end to this pattern - all nobles were impaled and dug around in his chambers Tepes capital of Targovishte.
One of the most terrible evidence states that Dracula loved breakfast on the site of the execution or place of recent battle. He ordered to bring him food and a table, he sat down and ate among the dead and dying on kolah people.
It has also been described a case where the tyrant ordered his guards came to a head nails caps foreign ambassadors, who refused to remove them by logging in to the count's chambers. Ambassadors sent Mehmed II, who found out about it, went to war Tsepeshp.
2. Leopold II
Leopold II was the second ruler of the king of Belgium and the Congo. He took the throne after his father, Leopold the First in 1865 and managed to retain power. His reign in the Congo was one of the most controversial in the history of Leopold seized in Africa in the 76 times the size of the area of present-day Belgium. More than 3 million citizens of the Congo have been victims of his regime.
3. Caligula (Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) 75,973,335
According to some, the madness of Caligula began after he survived a serious illness - encephalitis. Using power, he pampered all its inhuman whim: to engage in foreign * imnye relationships with relatives, arranged bloody op * s, during fights threw into the arena of spectators that they ate wild animals, executed common people left and right, even made relatives kill each other.
4. Francois Dyuvale
Haitian dictator, permanent president of Haiti from 1957 to 1971. Banned in the country of all parties, trade unions and civil society organizations. Imprisoned all the priests who refused to praise him in their sermons.
Taking advantage of the popularity of voodoo in Haiti, he presented himself as a powerful sorcerer. Freely to shoot people without a trial. The most sophisticated and favorite of his torture - putting the guilty in a box blade.
5. Gender Pot
Pol Pot or Salote Sar - Cambodian politician, leader of the "Khmer Rouge" and the head of government of Democratic Kampuchea from 1975 to 1979. In his hands bloody genocide of the Cambodian people as 4 years were exterminated 20% of the population, it ranked as a "intellectuals" and "bourgeoisie." Number of victims of the regime "Khmer Rouge" were 1, 5 million people.
6. Jean-Bedel Bokassa
President of the Central African Republic from 1966 to 1976, the emperor of the Central African Empire from 1976 to 1979, one of the most eccentric dictators of XX century. His name, and today the majority of the citizens of the Central African Republic with utter horror and shuddering.
Jean Bedel Bokassa was not only a sadist, a murderer and a tyrant, but the most famous high-eater. One day, in celebration of Mother's Day in 1971, Bokassa freed all prisoners of women and ordered the execution of men convicted of crimes against women's honor. Here are the main methods of suppression of the discontented, who used Bokassa: feeding crocodiles, moving trucks, tearing to pieces.
7. Nero (Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) 85,289,418
Nero got power over an empire in the age of 16. At first he behaved quite modest, and in five years, a period of less government, as despotism. He accidentally killed his first wife and second executed, killed political opponents and arranged bloody showdown with everyone who comes their way. Besides, he continued the tradition of Op * s incredible, forgotten since the reign of Caligula.
As we know from the writings of the historian Suetonius, Nero on the body there was no place he is not defiled by participating in impromptu weddings with eunuchs and concubines.
8. Adolf Gitler
The man needs no introduction - the ruler and the central figure in Nazi Germany. Created dictatorship, known as the Third Reich. Under the direction of his policies killed millions of people. In Russia alone lost 20 million civilians and 7 million soldiers during the Second World War.
9. Henry VIII Tyudor
The founder of the Church of England. He unfolded the most severe repression to force the British clergy to the new order. Historians estimate that during his tenure in Britain 376 monasteries were destroyed, and more than 70 thousand people were executed and burned at the stake.
10. Tamerlan
Central Asian Turkic warlord and a conqueror, founder of the Timurid Empire. In his conquests he killed countless people, often distinguished by extreme cruelty murder. So, on his orders were walled up alive about 2000 residents Isfisor who fell under its onslaught. In Georgia, one day before his eyes into the abyss were dropped 10,000 people, including women and children.
By the way, a role model for Tamerlane was Genghis Khan. Modern historians regard it as a crime of genocide prudent.
via fishki.net/1648670-10-samyh-zhestokih-pravitelej-v-istorii.html
1. Vlad III Basarab

He Vlad Tepes, aka Vlad Dracula. The prince (ruler) of Wallachia in the 15th century. The man who served as the prototype of the character of Dracula.
As the ruler at different unbalance and violence. The reason for this is likely to become the psychological trauma of adolescence, when Vlad had to spend several years as a "collateral" in the court of the Turkish sultan.
A case where the Impaler called to him about 500 boyars and asked them how much the rulers remembers every one of them. It turned out that even the youngest of them remember at least 7 reigns. The answer Tepes was an attempt to put an end to this pattern - all nobles were impaled and dug around in his chambers Tepes capital of Targovishte.
One of the most terrible evidence states that Dracula loved breakfast on the site of the execution or place of recent battle. He ordered to bring him food and a table, he sat down and ate among the dead and dying on kolah people.
It has also been described a case where the tyrant ordered his guards came to a head nails caps foreign ambassadors, who refused to remove them by logging in to the count's chambers. Ambassadors sent Mehmed II, who found out about it, went to war Tsepeshp.
2. Leopold II

Leopold II was the second ruler of the king of Belgium and the Congo. He took the throne after his father, Leopold the First in 1865 and managed to retain power. His reign in the Congo was one of the most controversial in the history of Leopold seized in Africa in the 76 times the size of the area of present-day Belgium. More than 3 million citizens of the Congo have been victims of his regime.
3. Caligula (Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) 75,973,335
According to some, the madness of Caligula began after he survived a serious illness - encephalitis. Using power, he pampered all its inhuman whim: to engage in foreign * imnye relationships with relatives, arranged bloody op * s, during fights threw into the arena of spectators that they ate wild animals, executed common people left and right, even made relatives kill each other.
4. Francois Dyuvale

Haitian dictator, permanent president of Haiti from 1957 to 1971. Banned in the country of all parties, trade unions and civil society organizations. Imprisoned all the priests who refused to praise him in their sermons.
Taking advantage of the popularity of voodoo in Haiti, he presented himself as a powerful sorcerer. Freely to shoot people without a trial. The most sophisticated and favorite of his torture - putting the guilty in a box blade.
5. Gender Pot

Pol Pot or Salote Sar - Cambodian politician, leader of the "Khmer Rouge" and the head of government of Democratic Kampuchea from 1975 to 1979. In his hands bloody genocide of the Cambodian people as 4 years were exterminated 20% of the population, it ranked as a "intellectuals" and "bourgeoisie." Number of victims of the regime "Khmer Rouge" were 1, 5 million people.
6. Jean-Bedel Bokassa

President of the Central African Republic from 1966 to 1976, the emperor of the Central African Empire from 1976 to 1979, one of the most eccentric dictators of XX century. His name, and today the majority of the citizens of the Central African Republic with utter horror and shuddering.
Jean Bedel Bokassa was not only a sadist, a murderer and a tyrant, but the most famous high-eater. One day, in celebration of Mother's Day in 1971, Bokassa freed all prisoners of women and ordered the execution of men convicted of crimes against women's honor. Here are the main methods of suppression of the discontented, who used Bokassa: feeding crocodiles, moving trucks, tearing to pieces.
7. Nero (Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) 85,289,418
Nero got power over an empire in the age of 16. At first he behaved quite modest, and in five years, a period of less government, as despotism. He accidentally killed his first wife and second executed, killed political opponents and arranged bloody showdown with everyone who comes their way. Besides, he continued the tradition of Op * s incredible, forgotten since the reign of Caligula.
As we know from the writings of the historian Suetonius, Nero on the body there was no place he is not defiled by participating in impromptu weddings with eunuchs and concubines.
8. Adolf Gitler

The man needs no introduction - the ruler and the central figure in Nazi Germany. Created dictatorship, known as the Third Reich. Under the direction of his policies killed millions of people. In Russia alone lost 20 million civilians and 7 million soldiers during the Second World War.
9. Henry VIII Tyudor

The founder of the Church of England. He unfolded the most severe repression to force the British clergy to the new order. Historians estimate that during his tenure in Britain 376 monasteries were destroyed, and more than 70 thousand people were executed and burned at the stake.
10. Tamerlan

Central Asian Turkic warlord and a conqueror, founder of the Timurid Empire. In his conquests he killed countless people, often distinguished by extreme cruelty murder. So, on his orders were walled up alive about 2000 residents Isfisor who fell under its onslaught. In Georgia, one day before his eyes into the abyss were dropped 10,000 people, including women and children.
By the way, a role model for Tamerlane was Genghis Khan. Modern historians regard it as a crime of genocide prudent.
via fishki.net/1648670-10-samyh-zhestokih-pravitelej-v-istorii.html
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