Shooting in the shopping center "Caravan", Three killed
On Wednesday afternoon (26.09.2012) in the shopping center on the street Meadow Caravan in Kiev robber killed by firearms three employees of a private security firm, the fourth guard is in critical condition.
In one of the offices MegaMarket guards noticed a man who was trying to make a payment without a flash memory card. To clarify the security guard was detained and held in the office. Just crossed the threshold of the room, the detainee opened fire ...
In the capital torgovelno-rozvazhalnomu tsentrі "Caravan", roztashovanomu on Vul. Lugovіy, 12, vіdvіduvach, yaky LUVs vikriti in kradіzhtsі, vіdkriv Vogon s vognepalnoї zbroї on spіvrobіtnikah privatnoї receptionists in rezultatі chogo troє cholovіkіv zaginuli on mіstsі fourth gospіtalіzovano to reanіmatsіynogo vіddіlennya odnієї s lіkaren mista.
Yak povіdomili UNIAN in Tsentrі Gromadska zv'yazkіv GU MVS Ukraine in m. Kiєvі, іnformatsіya about nadіyshla suitable for lіnії "102" of 15.04, pіslya chogo on Location podії viїhala slіdcho-operative grupa.
Poperedno vstanovleno one scho s ohorontsіv pobachiv yak pokupets store vkrav s vіtrini stick, pіslya chogo Yogo asking him to pass h kіmnati receptionists that pred'yaviti zmіst Kishenya.
At one point in kіmnatі perebuvalo shte troє ohorontsіv.
Zamіst of dwellers vikonati vimogu, cholovіk dіstav vognepalnu The Weapon vіdkriv Vogon i have prisutnіh in kіmnatі, pіslya chogo vtіk.
According to the www.unian.ua
Video booth guards
The outer perimeter. Double fence of barbed wire under electric shock.
Love - is when you give, and you want to give even more.