Google has used a camel in the desert Liwa for Google Street View

On Google Street View has long been possible to view not only the city streets, architectural landmarks of different regions, but also some very remote, the corners of the world. In this case for taking pictures in places engineers corporations use not only cars but also bicycles, boats, and themselves, carrying the panoramic camera on himself.
But for the new route, Liwa Desert, was selected the most unusual vehicle and it means "driver". In the desert, the camel was used, and the Bedouin, the owner, for travel in the desert.
The very desert oasis of the same, is in the southern tip of Arabia. The first people came here thousands of years ago, in our own time Liva, with its oases, has become quite an important source of products such as dates, as well as the trunks of palm trees finikovoyh.
Now the desert - a tourist center, each year attracts curious here. And now the opportunity to take a virtual tour and those who for some reason can not attend personally Līvu. According to the corporation, in obtaining images of the route through the desert was planned to create a panorama with reference to a single journey with a camel through the dunes. Actually, the authors of this project has received excellent.
In the field of view and got the bare sand and desert plants, and even livestock farms located in the oases.

See what happened in the end, you can here at this link .
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/239841/
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