Technology breakthrough
Hybrids? Laser lights? Electronic gas pedal? All this is old and boring. Here's what cars will surprise us tomorrow. Well, ok, maybe the day after tomorrow ...
Alternative engines
And no, it's not about electric cars or fuel cells. Air, rather compressed air - that's probably the main fuel of the future. Peugeot and Citroen have already submitted a working prototype of a hybrid air. Honda Air Concept (pictured) shows a variant of the model, move exclusively by compressed air. True, range is still limited to 150 km. But in an air duel gets involved more automakers, including Cadillac, whose concept Aera promises cruising range of 1,500 km. It is necessary to wait!
Plastic. Plastic everywhere
And not only in the cabin, and not only at the site of wooden panels. In the future, the plastic in all forms - from ABS to carbon - will be the main component of the vehicle design. Body panels, power components chassis, suspension springs and generally anything that can be plastic. Probably profession tinsmith in 20-30 years will become an anachronism ...
External airbags
The first experiment came out lumpy. The world's first eyrbeg for pedestrians, which appeared on the Volvo V40, safely removed from the list of frames. Its effectiveness was not too high. But anyway, the most important thing, of course, come. Many companies znanimayuschiesya release components, such as TRW, promised by 2020 compacted eyrbegami almost entirely car. To hapless pedestrians from cars bounced like a ball on a tennis racket. Hmmm ... Doubtful ikspiriens ...
Tires without air
These are on the way. Pneumatics century is almost over. Future - for plastic - again! - Tires that are not afraid of punctures, weigh less, cost less and last longer. I wonder how many of tire giants go around the world?
ICE new wave
Those who predict gasoline and diesel engines demise, great wrong. The potential of the internal combustion engine is still very large, and the oil on the planet yet to fig. But, of course, internal combustion engines will continue to evolve. In what direction? Reducing weight - you will not believe, but there will not be without plastic - this time. Cutting too much - as you motor without camshafts ?! - Two. Using the strengths of the different types of internal combustion engines - three. This brings to mind the famous "mersedesovsky» Diesotto, gasoline engine, in which the mixture is ignited by the compression, as in a diesel engine. The result - a crazy cardinality otdcha with a minimum amount and SUPER SAVER.
Modular Construction
Why buy a lot of cars when you can buy one chassis, and then rent the appropriate body and powertrains? The technology that we dream about in the early 20th century, and which is embodied in the famous concept car GM Autonomy, is not far off.
Batteries new generation
Without a breakthrough in the field of electric vehicles have no future. But progress, fortunately, there is. First, a transitional stage - lithium batteries with a cooling system, the second, and more than a cardinal - graphene battery that is charged for half a minute and far superior lithium on the tank.
Self-park cars
They are close to it. An automatic (or rather, semi-automatic), parking lot, when the driver needs only to press a button and the brake in time, there was even a new "Corse". But much steeper agree when parked (as vyparkovat) my wheelbarrow can be by pressing a button on your smartphone, sitting in the office. "Look, the car, I need you at the door in three minutes. Went! »
Self-cleaning and samozazhivlyayuschayasya enamel
Nissan has long been experimenting with anti-vandal paint. Murano crossover even stained enamel, which alone draws quite small scratches. Then there will be more, that is steeper. And 20 years from now no one can complain that he had "on the wing nail scratched dirty word."
Cars do not get into accidents
Volvo promised to build such a car by 2020. Sounds too ambitious or even impossible? Your work, consider how you want. But remember - at the range AstraZero full swing test program, and Volvo are not accustomed to squander words in all that anyway for security. Until 2020 the second there are not too long. We'll Live - we'll see.

Alternative engines
And no, it's not about electric cars or fuel cells. Air, rather compressed air - that's probably the main fuel of the future. Peugeot and Citroen have already submitted a working prototype of a hybrid air. Honda Air Concept (pictured) shows a variant of the model, move exclusively by compressed air. True, range is still limited to 150 km. But in an air duel gets involved more automakers, including Cadillac, whose concept Aera promises cruising range of 1,500 km. It is necessary to wait!

Plastic. Plastic everywhere
And not only in the cabin, and not only at the site of wooden panels. In the future, the plastic in all forms - from ABS to carbon - will be the main component of the vehicle design. Body panels, power components chassis, suspension springs and generally anything that can be plastic. Probably profession tinsmith in 20-30 years will become an anachronism ...

External airbags
The first experiment came out lumpy. The world's first eyrbeg for pedestrians, which appeared on the Volvo V40, safely removed from the list of frames. Its effectiveness was not too high. But anyway, the most important thing, of course, come. Many companies znanimayuschiesya release components, such as TRW, promised by 2020 compacted eyrbegami almost entirely car. To hapless pedestrians from cars bounced like a ball on a tennis racket. Hmmm ... Doubtful ikspiriens ...

Tires without air
These are on the way. Pneumatics century is almost over. Future - for plastic - again! - Tires that are not afraid of punctures, weigh less, cost less and last longer. I wonder how many of tire giants go around the world?

ICE new wave
Those who predict gasoline and diesel engines demise, great wrong. The potential of the internal combustion engine is still very large, and the oil on the planet yet to fig. But, of course, internal combustion engines will continue to evolve. In what direction? Reducing weight - you will not believe, but there will not be without plastic - this time. Cutting too much - as you motor without camshafts ?! - Two. Using the strengths of the different types of internal combustion engines - three. This brings to mind the famous "mersedesovsky» Diesotto, gasoline engine, in which the mixture is ignited by the compression, as in a diesel engine. The result - a crazy cardinality otdcha with a minimum amount and SUPER SAVER.

Modular Construction
Why buy a lot of cars when you can buy one chassis, and then rent the appropriate body and powertrains? The technology that we dream about in the early 20th century, and which is embodied in the famous concept car GM Autonomy, is not far off.

Batteries new generation
Without a breakthrough in the field of electric vehicles have no future. But progress, fortunately, there is. First, a transitional stage - lithium batteries with a cooling system, the second, and more than a cardinal - graphene battery that is charged for half a minute and far superior lithium on the tank.

Self-park cars
They are close to it. An automatic (or rather, semi-automatic), parking lot, when the driver needs only to press a button and the brake in time, there was even a new "Corse". But much steeper agree when parked (as vyparkovat) my wheelbarrow can be by pressing a button on your smartphone, sitting in the office. "Look, the car, I need you at the door in three minutes. Went! »

Self-cleaning and samozazhivlyayuschayasya enamel
Nissan has long been experimenting with anti-vandal paint. Murano crossover even stained enamel, which alone draws quite small scratches. Then there will be more, that is steeper. And 20 years from now no one can complain that he had "on the wing nail scratched dirty word."

Cars do not get into accidents
Volvo promised to build such a car by 2020. Sounds too ambitious or even impossible? Your work, consider how you want. But remember - at the range AstraZero full swing test program, and Volvo are not accustomed to squander words in all that anyway for security. Until 2020 the second there are not too long. We'll Live - we'll see.