Thanks festive lights in the Tyumen region has become famous small village
Thanks festive lights in the Tyumen region has become famous little village Uporovo. When attempting to usurp the garland with local House of Culture detained two young men. Thieves were 21-year-old resident of the village and its Uporovo previously convicted for stealing a friend.
From the words of the law enforcement authorities of the Tyumen region AMIA attackers were not sober. Young people walking around the village, looking for the opportunity to steal other people's property. Passing the rural House of Culture, the defendants decided to "borrow» street garland , and use the proceeds for her money to buy food. Not hiding plans, they began to realize their intentions in life. Inadequate actions of the mountain - the thieves immediately attracted the attention of the villagers. Thanks to the vigilance and heroism locals crime was prevented. Timely incoming call to the police, helped catch intruders in the act.
Upon silly attempts to steal public property with a preliminary conspiracy, police AMIA Tyumen region had to start a criminal case. In accordance with the law, the offender will have to be held criminally liable - up to 5 years in prison with the general regime.