Agate 9 - Soviet response Apple. Part One
Today I would like to talk about another computer in my home collection, namely the PC Agat-9.
This 8-bit personal computer was developed in the Research Institute of the USSR computing systems (NIIVK). Development was carried out during 1981-1983 under the leadership of chief designer Anatoly Fedorovich Ioffe. And as always, the basis was taken computer overseas production, namely the American school computer Apple II.
AGATE PC serially produced since 1984 and was first presented at the exhibition CeBit 84. The last series of computers AGATE was released in 1993, and, according to information from various sources, some schools use Agatov in the learning process continued at least until 2001.
AGATE PC is available in several versions. Depending on the configuration and the design solutions provided several modifications: AGATE-4, Agat-7, 8-Agat, Agat-9.
AGATE-4 was released in the form of a small experimental batch and quickly fell into disuse. Lasted a little longer Agat-7, differs from its progenitor more memory, a floppy disk drive, and the presence of other minor improvements. Crown of creation of domestic steel producers Agat-9, which has an improved memory management system, additional graphics display modes, and most importantly, had a quite satisfactory compatibility with software computer Apple II + 64 K.
Software-based programming system amounted AGATE BASIC, one based on the Apple DOS 3.3 and interpreter Applesoft BASIC. The first software package for PC Agate Steel - System training texts "Agat-author of" The system and numerical simulation, is an adaptation and extension of the program VisiCalc. And one of the first gaming software programs began to play chess ("Anatsefal 1") and checkers. In consequence, the number of computer software AGATE reached enormous proportions - were developed database management systems, graphical editors for different graphic modes, the new system of training texts, and of course tutorials. In addition to its own development, computer AGATE adapted programs and games running on the computer, Apple II.
Agat staffed school classrooms. For teaching students to use the software complex "Schoolgirl", and also a fully functional operating system based on language interpreter rapier. The cost of the training class computing (KUVT) of 12 or 16 computers AGATE, including one teacher computer (which is usually packaged with the printer, and sometimes memory increased volume), was 50-65 thousand. Rub.
Image Source: http://deka18.tsk.ru/ i>
Specifications PC Agat-9. B>
Processor: 6502 Resolution: 8 bits Clock frequency: 1 MHz Capacity: 500 thousand. Operations / s li > Volume RAM: 128 KB (expandable to 640 KB) External Memory: 840 Kb - floppy, 140 Kb - floppy, NML (home tape) - cassette MK-60 Monitor: MS6105 Color "Electronics 32VTTS 201» display modes:
- Text: 32x32, 8 colors, 64x32, 40x24 (monochrome)
- Graphic: 512x256, 256x256 (monochrome), 256x256, 4 of the 16 possible colors (4 panel), 128x128, 16 colors, 280x192, 6 colors Keyboard: external, 74 keys Printers: D100 (Poland); CTI CPA-80, CPF-H80 (Japan); Epson FX-85, FX-800, LX-800 (Japan); SM6337, MS6313 (USSR) The package includes two game console To install the extension modules are 6 connector Dimensions (without external device): 500x351x195 mm Weight (without external device): 9 kg Power consumption (without external device): 60 W
The computer used AGATE processor 6502, which is also used (in addition to Apple II) in computers Правец 8 , 8-bit game consoles Atari, and Dendy . Also, under the control of the CPU 6502 operates the robot Bender - Futurama cartoon series character (пруф).
Peripherals, and expansion cards. B>
For Agatha has developed a number of expansion cards and accessories. Development carried out as engineers NIIVK and other enterprises, as well as individuals. Below is a list of some products:
Module LAN (NIIVK). Designed to create local networks based on PC-7 and Agat Agat-9. Provides ad hoc network to 127 subscribers (PC-7 and Agat Agat-9) at a distance of up to 1000 m, with a transfer rate up to 62 kBaud. Module "Joint-2" (NIIVK). Software and hardware for inter-machine communication via RS-232 ("C2 junction»). The controller board floppy «Card-93" (NTC "Sprite"). Is based on the IP 1818VG93 (WD1793) allows you to read floppy disks, computer recorded CAAC, PC, Spectrum. Hard Disk Controller (STC "Sprite"). Constructed on the basis of IP 1809VG7 (i82062), is designed to work with MFM drives zhёtskimi type. Working with HDD has been supported by the "Sprite-OS" OS LAN (ICP-1) KPON ("Schoolgirl", "Agat-author», BASIC). Pay «Nippel Clock Card "(" nipple "). Is based on the IP 512VI1 (MC146818), includes a lithium battery. Provides a continuous readout of time and non-volatile storage parameters (analog «CMOS» IBM PC); Manipulators "mouse". Connect manipulators CRM-01 "Martian" and MM8031 from PC "Corvette". With fee-based microcontroller 1816VE35 can connect the "mouse" on the PC (STC "Sprite"). Mouse control was supported by a number of software products, including graphic editors: «Markis», «MouseGraf»; Modem AM1200. Telephone modem that provides communication between the PC Agate or PC. Baud rate - 1200 baud. The package includes a modem software for messaging between users Agatov in the "Chat»; Pen "Agat-pointer." Designed to provide guidance function when fitted with a PC monitor Agate big demonstration. Online http://deka18.tsk.ru
Exterior and interior. B>
Computer Case Agat-9 is made of plastic. The front panel has two drive bays: the upper compartment is designed for installation on a conventional floppy 840Kb, and the bottom - for a wide drive to 140KB. This computer drive to 140KB is not installed.
On the rear panel there are connectors for the keyboard, black-and-white and color monitors, tape connector and remote control. Six slots for expansion cards and power button are located there. Expansion boards are fixed with a special plastic plate screwed with four screws to the metal frame housing.
To the top cover is attached dynamic head.
Remove the plastic cover and take out the controllers.
It looks like a floppy disk drive controller.
And this - the controller port of the printer.
Remove the drive cage. At the same time, you can remove all the plastic parts of the body, leaving only a metal frame.
Shopping for a floppy drive installed with at 840Kb.
Power supply.
Brains Bender Processor SCL 6502. Made in India!
Memory chips recruited KR565RU5.
Unpresentable type of keyboard. But it works.
The keyboard also analyze. Inside there is shallow logic and enough dust.
Now collect all to its original condition and turn on the computer.
Disk images with OS and software. B>
Unfortunately, Agat-9 got me without floppy with the operating system. Since the hard drive is missing, Georgia Agatha just not where, so all that can be seen on my car, this inscription Agat-9 at the top of the monitor.
Despite the fact that the Internet is full of images of floppy disks for AGATA with all kinds of software, record them using the drive on a regular PC, due to the technical features, is not possible. However, there are two ways to record the entire floppy image on the agate, connecting it to a PC.
The first method described here , but he did not come to me, as necessary for it to work with the OS loaded BASIC computer agate, or at least "Assembler" from the ICP.
The second method, called the author of the Bridge floppy-PC or Link N 2 a > allows you to read and write on a PC without floppy agatovskie live "Agatha", using only its standard controller and drive 800kb.
is a software and hardware device that connects to the parallel port of a personal computer and allows a speed of about 140 kb / s data transfer between the PC and the drive controller Agatha. Bridge floppy-PC is based on a controller ATmega16, operating at a frequency of 14 MHz 3, except it has several on-board TTL chips that form the oscillator close to the original generator Agatha.
Unfortunately, I was not able to repeat this unit, so I will strongly grateful to the people who will be able to write to me with a floppy disk operating system Agat-9.
If there is a miracle, and a floppy disk with the OS will be in my arms, followed by the second part of the post about the Soviet PC Agat-9, including an overview of system and application software, and computer games that run on this machine.
Thank you for your attention!
The literature on the topic. B>
This 8-bit personal computer was developed in the Research Institute of the USSR computing systems (NIIVK). Development was carried out during 1981-1983 under the leadership of chief designer Anatoly Fedorovich Ioffe. And as always, the basis was taken computer overseas production, namely the American school computer Apple II.

AGATE PC serially produced since 1984 and was first presented at the exhibition CeBit 84. The last series of computers AGATE was released in 1993, and, according to information from various sources, some schools use Agatov in the learning process continued at least until 2001.
AGATE PC is available in several versions. Depending on the configuration and the design solutions provided several modifications: AGATE-4, Agat-7, 8-Agat, Agat-9.
AGATE-4 was released in the form of a small experimental batch and quickly fell into disuse. Lasted a little longer Agat-7, differs from its progenitor more memory, a floppy disk drive, and the presence of other minor improvements. Crown of creation of domestic steel producers Agat-9, which has an improved memory management system, additional graphics display modes, and most importantly, had a quite satisfactory compatibility with software computer Apple II + 64 K.
Software-based programming system amounted AGATE BASIC, one based on the Apple DOS 3.3 and interpreter Applesoft BASIC. The first software package for PC Agate Steel - System training texts "Agat-author of" The system and numerical simulation, is an adaptation and extension of the program VisiCalc. And one of the first gaming software programs began to play chess ("Anatsefal 1") and checkers. In consequence, the number of computer software AGATE reached enormous proportions - were developed database management systems, graphical editors for different graphic modes, the new system of training texts, and of course tutorials. In addition to its own development, computer AGATE adapted programs and games running on the computer, Apple II.
Agat staffed school classrooms. For teaching students to use the software complex "Schoolgirl", and also a fully functional operating system based on language interpreter rapier. The cost of the training class computing (KUVT) of 12 or 16 computers AGATE, including one teacher computer (which is usually packaged with the printer, and sometimes memory increased volume), was 50-65 thousand. Rub.

Image Source: http://deka18.tsk.ru/ i>
Specifications PC Agat-9. B>
Processor: 6502 Resolution: 8 bits Clock frequency: 1 MHz Capacity: 500 thousand. Operations / s li > Volume RAM: 128 KB (expandable to 640 KB) External Memory: 840 Kb - floppy, 140 Kb - floppy, NML (home tape) - cassette MK-60 Monitor: MS6105 Color "Electronics 32VTTS 201» display modes:
- Text: 32x32, 8 colors, 64x32, 40x24 (monochrome)
- Graphic: 512x256, 256x256 (monochrome), 256x256, 4 of the 16 possible colors (4 panel), 128x128, 16 colors, 280x192, 6 colors Keyboard: external, 74 keys Printers: D100 (Poland); CTI CPA-80, CPF-H80 (Japan); Epson FX-85, FX-800, LX-800 (Japan); SM6337, MS6313 (USSR) The package includes two game console To install the extension modules are 6 connector Dimensions (without external device): 500x351x195 mm Weight (without external device): 9 kg Power consumption (without external device): 60 W
The computer used AGATE processor 6502, which is also used (in addition to Apple II) in computers Правец 8 , 8-bit game consoles Atari, and Dendy . Also, under the control of the CPU 6502 operates the robot Bender - Futurama cartoon series character (пруф).
Peripherals, and expansion cards. B>
For Agatha has developed a number of expansion cards and accessories. Development carried out as engineers NIIVK and other enterprises, as well as individuals. Below is a list of some products:
Module LAN (NIIVK). Designed to create local networks based on PC-7 and Agat Agat-9. Provides ad hoc network to 127 subscribers (PC-7 and Agat Agat-9) at a distance of up to 1000 m, with a transfer rate up to 62 kBaud. Module "Joint-2" (NIIVK). Software and hardware for inter-machine communication via RS-232 ("C2 junction»). The controller board floppy «Card-93" (NTC "Sprite"). Is based on the IP 1818VG93 (WD1793) allows you to read floppy disks, computer recorded CAAC, PC, Spectrum. Hard Disk Controller (STC "Sprite"). Constructed on the basis of IP 1809VG7 (i82062), is designed to work with MFM drives zhёtskimi type. Working with HDD has been supported by the "Sprite-OS" OS LAN (ICP-1) KPON ("Schoolgirl", "Agat-author», BASIC). Pay «Nippel Clock Card "(" nipple "). Is based on the IP 512VI1 (MC146818), includes a lithium battery. Provides a continuous readout of time and non-volatile storage parameters (analog «CMOS» IBM PC); Manipulators "mouse". Connect manipulators CRM-01 "Martian" and MM8031 from PC "Corvette". With fee-based microcontroller 1816VE35 can connect the "mouse" on the PC (STC "Sprite"). Mouse control was supported by a number of software products, including graphic editors: «Markis», «MouseGraf»; Modem AM1200. Telephone modem that provides communication between the PC Agate or PC. Baud rate - 1200 baud. The package includes a modem software for messaging between users Agatov in the "Chat»; Pen "Agat-pointer." Designed to provide guidance function when fitted with a PC monitor Agate big demonstration. Online http://deka18.tsk.ru
Exterior and interior. B>

Computer Case Agat-9 is made of plastic. The front panel has two drive bays: the upper compartment is designed for installation on a conventional floppy 840Kb, and the bottom - for a wide drive to 140KB. This computer drive to 140KB is not installed.

On the rear panel there are connectors for the keyboard, black-and-white and color monitors, tape connector and remote control. Six slots for expansion cards and power button are located there. Expansion boards are fixed with a special plastic plate screwed with four screws to the metal frame housing.

To the top cover is attached dynamic head.

Remove the plastic cover and take out the controllers.

It looks like a floppy disk drive controller.

And this - the controller port of the printer.

Remove the drive cage. At the same time, you can remove all the plastic parts of the body, leaving only a metal frame.

Shopping for a floppy drive installed with at 840Kb.

Power supply.


Brains Bender Processor SCL 6502. Made in India!

Memory chips recruited KR565RU5.

Unpresentable type of keyboard. But it works.

The keyboard also analyze. Inside there is shallow logic and enough dust.

Now collect all to its original condition and turn on the computer.
Disk images with OS and software. B>
Unfortunately, Agat-9 got me without floppy with the operating system. Since the hard drive is missing, Georgia Agatha just not where, so all that can be seen on my car, this inscription Agat-9 at the top of the monitor.
Despite the fact that the Internet is full of images of floppy disks for AGATA with all kinds of software, record them using the drive on a regular PC, due to the technical features, is not possible. However, there are two ways to record the entire floppy image on the agate, connecting it to a PC.
The first method described here , but he did not come to me, as necessary for it to work with the OS loaded BASIC computer agate, or at least "Assembler" from the ICP.
The second method, called the author of the Bridge floppy-PC or Link N 2 a > allows you to read and write on a PC without floppy agatovskie live "Agatha", using only its standard controller and drive 800kb.
is a software and hardware device that connects to the parallel port of a personal computer and allows a speed of about 140 kb / s data transfer between the PC and the drive controller Agatha. Bridge floppy-PC is based on a controller ATmega16, operating at a frequency of 14 MHz 3, except it has several on-board TTL chips that form the oscillator close to the original generator Agatha.
Unfortunately, I was not able to repeat this unit, so I will strongly grateful to the people who will be able to write to me with a floppy disk operating system Agat-9.
If there is a miracle, and a floppy disk with the OS will be in my arms, followed by the second part of the post about the Soviet PC Agat-9, including an overview of system and application software, and computer games that run on this machine.
Thank you for your attention!
The literature on the topic. B>
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