Extraordinary photos

Actor and bodybuilder Hafpor Julius Björnsson, who plays the role of mountains in the series "Game of Thrones»

Bruce Lee is involved with martial arts master named Yip Man 1955

Inside Fighter Harrier Jet

59-year-old Chinese actress Liu Xiaoqing, who apparently found the fountain of youth

Japanese capsule hotels
Rooms in these hotels is a kind of small capsules.

These hotels have been created to provide customers with cheap accommodation.

Capsule inside

Icy road that truckers deliver goods

Next-generation consoles are not that expensive compared to the consoles of the past, based on the value of modern money

Cartridge from the gun of the American A-10 attack aircraft

Motorcycle Lotus C-01 was designed by the same man who invented the motorcycle for the movie "Tron»

Family photos Yakuza

Hands Yakuza. Yubitsume - a procedure in which the offender cut off his little finger portion. With each cutting off the power of the sword in his hand gripping becoming less

Prison in El Salvador

This is Todd Miller, who came to North Korea, broke his tourist visa and demanded from the authorities in Pyongyang to give him shelter for the court sentenced him to 6 years in prison.

Group Foo Fighters concert staged in an old abandoned railway tunnel

View from the heights on the farm Saudi

The photo has been specially placed basketball hoop that you could ever imagine about how high jump athletes competing in the high jump

Blind man takes part in the marathon

Comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko in comparison with Los Angeles

Toilet in the Dutch supermarket, where you can test different brands of toilet paper, sold it

Sport aircraft from the company Nike
This aircraft was designed specifically for Nike athletes who commit frequent flights

Forked Mountain, Hunan, China

"The Motherland Calls" - the largest sculpture in Russia

High-tech parking at the Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg

Black burger, which is served in a Japanese Burger King. To give its components used black charcoal and ink squid

Source: 4tololo.ru