What they do not teach in school
1. The 80/20 Rule (Pareto principle), 80 percent of all income received by you brings you for only 20 percent of your activities. Much of what you do, in fact, is not so necessary as you think. 2. Law ParkinsonaVy can do what you need much faster than you think. The more time you allocate to the task, the more spend. 3. The group operation. A good way to carry out boring and repetitive tasks quickly - do the whole kit each other. 4. Please give, and then poluchayteImenno in that order, and not vice versa. Over time, you will get more than they give. 5. Anticipate events. Do not brake. This will not only save you from expectations, but also you will enjoy - you will feel that you have the power to control their lives. 6. Errors and failures - is horoshoOni allow to gain invaluable experience, learn a lot of interesting things and become successful, because success in life often comes only in the case if you do not succumb to failures and errors. He comes only to persistent. 7. Do not take yourself too surovoEto only creates additional unnecessary inner pain and takes valuable time. 8. Create a good kontaktOtnosites to any meeting as if there present your best friends. And you begin to communicate precisely with this setting, instead of all the time to get nervous. 9. Take advantage of the features of the reticular activating system as its preimuschestvomEto focusing system, located in the brain. To use it, you need to really focus on what you want and constantly keep their attention (for example, a piece of paper on which you can write something from this post, like "Please Give" or "Go to contact "). 10. What are your views change realnostPessimizm can hide behind the guise of realism. But it's because your PAC is set to a negative perception of who you want to see. That's why every time you find yourself "right." On the other hand, it may be better not to be right in such situations. If you try to radically change their attitude, rather than just looking at this opportunity, you will be pleasantly surprised. 11. Thanks - a simple way to feel schastlivymEsli to me someone said that the feeling of gratitude felt by only a minute or two, is a great way to turn a bad mood into a good, I would be seriously trained blagodarnym.Eto also a wonderful tool to maintain a positive relation to reality and concentrate on the correct order. And yet - make others happy. That, in turn, will make you even happier - emotions are contagious. 12. Do not compare yourself with drugimiEsli you compare yourself with others, you allow the outside world to control their sense of self. Mood swings you provided. Much more productive to compare myself with them though. To see how far you have advanced, what goals you have achieved and how you grew up on yourself. Maybe that does not sound so great, but in the end it will bring inner peace, strengthen willpower and fill you with positive emotions. 13. 80-90% of what you fear will never happen in deystvitelnostiEto - just a monster that exists only in your head. And if it still happens, more often it's not as bad as you'd expect. Anxiety in most cases is just a waste of time. 14. Do not take things too sereznoTo that today seem like a big problem, you can not even remember in three years. If you treat yourself, your thoughts and emotions too seriously, it will only bring unnecessary suffering. Therefore, cool down and relax. Your mood will change miraculously.