Buryat backwoods
There backwoods where ... not the way to Moscow - the lives of others, people are different, the prices and values of others. All very different, as different country.
And there backwoods hinterland. Where all is not as in the outback, which is not, as in Moscow. It's not even as other countries, and as a completely different world that do not understand how he lives.
That's just the people here do not from another world, and not from another country. They are exactly the same as in the cities and the outback of the first level.
Only life they have another. A completely different ...
2. The farther we moved away from the lake along the road through the valley towards the Barguzin Ulyunhana, the more individuals stick to windows machine, considering every village along the way, every house in it ...
Why? Because with every kilometer picture becomes a bleak and harsh. First complete asphalt road and moved into the grader, then carefully replaced rickety high fences have not repair the fence of the waste from sawmills, then went to the house with boarded up windows and villages where you can not see a single person ...
3. No, the first between Ust-Barzuginym and BARGUZIN cabins were still more or less.
Near some of them had even once beautiful fence ...
But on asphalt roads here it goes anywhere else.
4. Almost a mandatory attribute of many households - a huge satellite dish.
Other way to watch TV is not here - the usual antenna signal from the nearest TV tower is unable to get
5. In local villages, there is one, is not entirely clear to me feature - very often, in fact each of them can be seen standing in the suburbs home.
All together, the neighborhood, and one house - aside.
Why so ... I do not know?
Some houses rogue.
Or people who live in them.
6. One of these houses rogue
7. And one more.
As they say, no stake, no court
8. On the outskirts can be seen not only at home but also the woodpile.
Whose who posted ... God knows
9. When I processed the pictures, could not understand that bothers me in this picture, and why he stayed in treatment, and has not been discarded.
I'm not used to seeing in villages such windows - no jumpers and vents.
Metalloplastikovye invasion reached even these remote villages
10. House on wheels, otherwise you will not tell.
11. In general, it must be said, so many boarded-up windows, I have not seen for a long time. Sometimes a row of 10 houses were "eyes closed»
12. To be honest, I do not imagine what these people are doing and places as earn a living.
If in the previous story about Baikal villages were more or less clear - logging, fishing, hunting, harvesting pine cones, berries and mushrooms, then here ...
Agriculture is not - the surrounding rocky hills and in varying degrees, swampy shores of the river Barguzin not intended for agriculture, forests, no, nothing at all ...
Livestock? But the big stage, I somehow did not notice. Yes, in some places ten grazing cows or horses, and a couple of ovine flocks hit the road. But visually cattle as in any village - Statement of milk, but not for the purpose of growing and selling.
13. Lego fence
14. Typical landscape transbaikalian village
15. And it was once a beautiful house with a beautiful carved windows, lived in it happy people get married, have children, have experienced joy and sorrow ...
16. All boarded
17. Once it was likely sales pavilion.
Closed and judging by the number of phones sold ...
18. The store also closed, although the time working
19. Lucky, this store is open.
Rather, it is a local supermarket - it grocery "Vlad" and building with a landmark called "Perestroika".
20. Barguzinskaya school sports.
In fact, only Barguzin more or less stands out from all the surrounding villages. It is understandable - it is a relatively large settlement, which concentrated the administrative life of the district.
But the road is still the same - without asphalt and houses boarded up windows in as much as the next on the "track".
21. A lot of ads homes.
I wonder how often deal in these parts.
Visually, this selling a house, by local standards, can get almost a luxury housing ...
Well, you yourself can be assessed by comparing with the photo above and below.
22. Procedure for the price of land in these places.
23. Sometimes classifieds sites can be seen in the most unexpected places.
24. Billboards and city lights in Buryat. Along the route of the usual first level in the province of huge billboards are almost there.
But here is full of advertising media
25. Probably, when viewing the photo above, there was a legitimate question - and live here at all if someone?
Where people in the photo?
People live here, but there are almost no photos of them, because we have not seen them, and some, in fact ...
26. Very rarely, children somewhere, somewhere in the elderly.
By the way, yes ... That child is somehow surprising number, given the fact that almost no one can see the adults.
It is clear that adults still somewhere something busy earning money. And children are in themselves. And they did not a few
27. In these parts of the village is inhabited mainly Buryats.
28. Time is going slowly.
People here will not hurry and always look very thoughtfully
29. The local kids and local fun
30. ask the way to Kurumkan ...
And, there, there ...
31. I told you, the locals are very thoughtful and will not hurry ...
32. This is also the locals.
Surprisingly, the livestock is not driven at night in the barn. Cows spend the night right at the yards, along roads and at night can be very dangerous (more on that in a future post on the roads in the Trans-Baikal).
By the way, we went in the dry season, in early August, and the ground around the yard over there looks like ...
Can you imagine what is going on here during the rains?
And considering that there is nowhere asphalt, dirt is just all around.
That's when the full trash in these parts.
33. Mother and Child
34. Another local feature - the power lines.
I wonder how there still have electricity in such a state of poles and wires.
35. Apparently, the winter and bad roads are quite severe weather, because so many rotten pillars and those who hold, actually on parole and wires
36. Sometimes even so
37. Or so
38. And even so. Incidentally, the lower part of the column dragged someone for firewood
39. The further we drove deep into Barguzinskaya valley, the less surprised that saw along the way.
Even a piece of asphalt road and it is not clear where it is not clear how to appear here.
And there backwoods hinterland. Where all is not as in the outback, which is not, as in Moscow. It's not even as other countries, and as a completely different world that do not understand how he lives.
That's just the people here do not from another world, and not from another country. They are exactly the same as in the cities and the outback of the first level.
Only life they have another. A completely different ...

2. The farther we moved away from the lake along the road through the valley towards the Barguzin Ulyunhana, the more individuals stick to windows machine, considering every village along the way, every house in it ...
Why? Because with every kilometer picture becomes a bleak and harsh. First complete asphalt road and moved into the grader, then carefully replaced rickety high fences have not repair the fence of the waste from sawmills, then went to the house with boarded up windows and villages where you can not see a single person ...

3. No, the first between Ust-Barzuginym and BARGUZIN cabins were still more or less.
Near some of them had even once beautiful fence ...
But on asphalt roads here it goes anywhere else.

4. Almost a mandatory attribute of many households - a huge satellite dish.
Other way to watch TV is not here - the usual antenna signal from the nearest TV tower is unable to get

5. In local villages, there is one, is not entirely clear to me feature - very often, in fact each of them can be seen standing in the suburbs home.
All together, the neighborhood, and one house - aside.
Why so ... I do not know?
Some houses rogue.
Or people who live in them.

6. One of these houses rogue

7. And one more.
As they say, no stake, no court

8. On the outskirts can be seen not only at home but also the woodpile.
Whose who posted ... God knows

9. When I processed the pictures, could not understand that bothers me in this picture, and why he stayed in treatment, and has not been discarded.
I'm not used to seeing in villages such windows - no jumpers and vents.
Metalloplastikovye invasion reached even these remote villages

10. House on wheels, otherwise you will not tell.

11. In general, it must be said, so many boarded-up windows, I have not seen for a long time. Sometimes a row of 10 houses were "eyes closed»

12. To be honest, I do not imagine what these people are doing and places as earn a living.
If in the previous story about Baikal villages were more or less clear - logging, fishing, hunting, harvesting pine cones, berries and mushrooms, then here ...
Agriculture is not - the surrounding rocky hills and in varying degrees, swampy shores of the river Barguzin not intended for agriculture, forests, no, nothing at all ...
Livestock? But the big stage, I somehow did not notice. Yes, in some places ten grazing cows or horses, and a couple of ovine flocks hit the road. But visually cattle as in any village - Statement of milk, but not for the purpose of growing and selling.

13. Lego fence

14. Typical landscape transbaikalian village

15. And it was once a beautiful house with a beautiful carved windows, lived in it happy people get married, have children, have experienced joy and sorrow ...

16. All boarded

17. Once it was likely sales pavilion.
Closed and judging by the number of phones sold ...

18. The store also closed, although the time working

19. Lucky, this store is open.
Rather, it is a local supermarket - it grocery "Vlad" and building with a landmark called "Perestroika".

20. Barguzinskaya school sports.
In fact, only Barguzin more or less stands out from all the surrounding villages. It is understandable - it is a relatively large settlement, which concentrated the administrative life of the district.
But the road is still the same - without asphalt and houses boarded up windows in as much as the next on the "track".

21. A lot of ads homes.
I wonder how often deal in these parts.
Visually, this selling a house, by local standards, can get almost a luxury housing ...
Well, you yourself can be assessed by comparing with the photo above and below.

22. Procedure for the price of land in these places.

23. Sometimes classifieds sites can be seen in the most unexpected places.

24. Billboards and city lights in Buryat. Along the route of the usual first level in the province of huge billboards are almost there.
But here is full of advertising media

25. Probably, when viewing the photo above, there was a legitimate question - and live here at all if someone?
Where people in the photo?
People live here, but there are almost no photos of them, because we have not seen them, and some, in fact ...

26. Very rarely, children somewhere, somewhere in the elderly.
By the way, yes ... That child is somehow surprising number, given the fact that almost no one can see the adults.
It is clear that adults still somewhere something busy earning money. And children are in themselves. And they did not a few

27. In these parts of the village is inhabited mainly Buryats.

28. Time is going slowly.
People here will not hurry and always look very thoughtfully

29. The local kids and local fun

30. ask the way to Kurumkan ...
And, there, there ...

31. I told you, the locals are very thoughtful and will not hurry ...

32. This is also the locals.
Surprisingly, the livestock is not driven at night in the barn. Cows spend the night right at the yards, along roads and at night can be very dangerous (more on that in a future post on the roads in the Trans-Baikal).
By the way, we went in the dry season, in early August, and the ground around the yard over there looks like ...
Can you imagine what is going on here during the rains?
And considering that there is nowhere asphalt, dirt is just all around.
That's when the full trash in these parts.

33. Mother and Child

34. Another local feature - the power lines.
I wonder how there still have electricity in such a state of poles and wires.

35. Apparently, the winter and bad roads are quite severe weather, because so many rotten pillars and those who hold, actually on parole and wires

36. Sometimes even so

37. Or so

38. And even so. Incidentally, the lower part of the column dragged someone for firewood

39. The further we drove deep into Barguzinskaya valley, the less surprised that saw along the way.
Even a piece of asphalt road and it is not clear where it is not clear how to appear here.