Tatiana Peltzer

The audience greeted it with laughter and then tears. Despite the fact that she was always grotesque, there was not a single gram of falsehood ...
His first role Tatiana Peltzer played as a child. With the birth of her life was filled with theater. Tania was born in the family of a wonderful actor and director, Ivan Romanovich Russified German Peltzer. Even before the revolution, he directed several films. And after a lot of playing in a movie in a theater, "Lone White Sail", "Bear", "Great Life» ...
It was he who became the first and only Tatiana teacher. At nine years old girl acted as Obadiah in the play "Quo Vadis." And to work in the following statement - "Noble Nest" - the first time received a fee. When in 1914, at the age of ten, private entreprise in Ekaterinoslavl in the play "Anna Karenina", she played Sergei Karenin, some ladies from the audience carried unconscious. So much penetration has been the scene of farewell Anna and her son, and as Tanya walked into his role.
Then, it is, however, recalled: "I am beside myself with happiness, but when the curtain closed, my father, he was a good actor, said that I would play a lot better if less happy." His father was a stern critic of the general, whose opinion Peltzer always listened.

After the revolution, she worked in the Political Department of mobile theater. Then there were the Nakhichevan, Yeisk and other cities.
And in the late 20's in love with Tatiana. German communist and philosopher Hans Teybler came to Moscow to study at the School of the Comintern. In 1927 they were married, and three years later moved to Germany. There Tatiana managed to get a typist at the Soviet trade mission.
But the scene was looking for her. The famous director Erwin Piscator, opened in Berlin its third theater, offered her a role in the play "Inga" Glebova on the play.

All seemed to work out. And love, and work. But Peltzer bored ... Having lived together for four years, the couple broke up. All my life they have maintained cordial relations. Hans married another woman, who bore him a son, but for many years they corresponded and met Peltzer. And when the son Teyblera came to study in Moscow, the actress gladly accept it at home.
The very same Tatyana married is no longer published, though the novels, of course, happened. Once Peltzer said: "I am very glad that I did not need to think about men in terms of their main purpose. But they are still very much like me as partners and companions ».

When he returned to the Soviet Union, she broke with the past - again took their father's name. And the stage is not broken. In MGSPS Theatre (now Theatre Mossovet) Peltzer was enrolled in an auxiliary part, citing the lack of theatrical education. And in 1934 and completely dismissed "as incompetent».

The actress once again had to bang on the keys with your fingers. She got a job as a typist at the Plant. Likhachev, which already worked as chief designer of her brother Alexander. But in 1936 he left his post "because of the departure from Moscow." So I explained in the papers ... While such "visits" had a lot of.
Then Tatyana Ivanovna, too, had to leave the factory. She went to Yaroslavl, the Russian Drama Theater named Volkov. Two years later Peltzer came back to Moscow and re-worked two years in the theater MGSPS. And once I learned about the opening of the theater of miniatures. The company selected a wonderful - Rina Green, Maria Mironova and Alexander Menaker. In the theater of miniatures she worked for seven years ... The house manager, thrush, banschitsa - these images of the actress was part pleasure.

Then before it "got" and a movie. Debuted Peltzer small role in the comedy "The Wedding" (1943), and then the tape was "It protects the homeland." A first major role - Plaksina military melodrama "Ordinary People" - Tatiana played in 1945. But the film is stuck on the shelf - by as much as 11 years.
A people's fame came as Tatyana Ivanovna with her transition into the Moscow Satire Theater. Lukeria Pokhlebkin role in the play "The Marriage of dowry" was, as they say, a sign. In 1953, the show filmed on tape and launched on screens. The film was a runaway success, and Tatiana Peltzer finally came to nationwide popularity. By the time she was 49 years old.
Then there will be the comedy "Ivan Perepelitsa" and "Soldier Ivan Brovkin". After the release of "Brovkina" Peltzer immediately dubbed the "mother of Russian soldier" and was awarded the title of Honored Artist. Then he followed "Ivan Brovkin on virgin soil." She, never had children, often had to play mothers and grandmothers. As she played them in the movies "Tiger Tamer", "Odinozhdy one", "Frost", "Eccentric from the fifth" B "", "You can not dream," "Quarantine»!

Children Tatyana Ivanovna believed. The Satire Theater actress for a long time played a Bok in the performance "The Kid and Carlson." They say that it domomuchitelnitsa never seemed angry.
Man Peltzer was very difficult. She clashed with colleagues and directors. One day at a meeting of the troupe actor Boris Novikov discussed in connection with his addiction to alcohol. Peltzer maliciously put "my 5 cents." "And you, Tatiana, no one likes to do, except the people!" - Retorted the offended actor.

When the whole house went to school for civil defense, she wryly observed. And the remark about evading employment responded: "Mi-and-lai, I know what to do then. I took three wars ».
Working with her was not easy. Before the performance Peltzer yelled at odevalschits and makeup artist ... and even fall in love with any of their partners, could at any time slander him virulence.
In the mid-60s Pluchek invited the young theater director Mark Zakharov. Peltzer immediately spoke aggressively against Zakharova "Well, what it is! When a man can not do anything, he just climbs in directing ... "However, the first released Zakharov play" A Profitable Post "changed her opinion about the young director.

Epoch Zakharova Theatre and became the era of its heyday. In the late '60s - early' 70s, she played big roles - Praskovya in the "Old Maid" Marcelino in the "Mad day or the Marriage of Figaro," Mother Courage, Bok .... And the apogee was the role of Aunt Toni directed by Mark Zakharov and Alexandra Shirvindt "Awake and Sing!". In 1972 Peltzer was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

With the departure of Zakharova in Lenk in the air that something has changed. Between Peltzer and Pluchek started falling out. And in 1977, she made a risky move - moved in Lenk. This is 73-something years!
In Lenkom Peltzer played a little bit: the role of the old woman in the play Lyudmila Feodorovna Petrushevskaya "Three Girls in Blue," as Clara Zetkin and Nadezhda Krupskaya. No, not everything in her life was smooth. However, she called herself "a happy old woman." Actress adored poison savory anecdotes - the memory of them she was excellent. However, she did have a special ability to remember details, notice strokes.

In his 75 playing old women, she then jumped the fence, then danced on the roof. She spat on the recommendations of doctors, smoked and drank strong coffee. Peltzer never went slowly - just run! In her speech constantly slip easy materok ...
But the disease is still caught Tatyana Ivanovna. In the last years of her life she began to lose memory. And somehow he came to the district mental hospital. Insane severely beaten Peltzer. After that, thanks to the efforts of its employees Lenkoma failed to translate into a good clinic.
After treatment, she again appeared on the scene. Especially for Peltzer Mark Zakharov decided to put the "Requiem." The role of the old Jewish Bertha assumed only a few remarks. Actress by then had difficulty walking and could not remember the lyrics, constantly confusing words. Alexander Abdulov, who played the heroine's son, cautious conclusion Peltzer on stage ... In the eyes of viewers assailed tears ...

In 1992, Tatiana again went to the hospital, where fell and broke her hip. She died when she was 88 years old. Peltzer was buried at Novodevichy Cemetery.

Two friends, two great women ...