Martian cobble left a mark, visible from orbit

Appliances, to send a person into space, becoming more perfect. More recently, the same Mars was Terra Incognita for humans. Now on the surface of Mars and the orbit of the Red Planet are several man-made devices, providing valuable data for science.
In particular, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter - orbiter sends to Earth quality photographs of the Martian surface (this unit explores the Martian atmosphere, its surface, and performs many other scientific purposes). Recently in the camera lens got MRO interest is reptilians, pretending to cobble cobblestone, rolled down an incline, and the trail left by these cobblestones.
Perhaps scientists 50s / 60s (both the USSR and the United States) would give half my life for the opportunity to explore the surface of Mars, this kind of technique.

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Well, Tonight is the usual occupation for a large team of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. As for the cobblestones, its dimensions are 6 * 3, 5 meters, and its track has a length of 500 meters. Scientists have studied the photo, but nothing unusual was found.

Actually - cobblestone, he and Mars cobblestone. A photo on the scientists were able to determine only the shape and approximate composition of the material on which the cobblestone rolled.

Dust daemon i>

Spirit, Photo rover and its track taken from orbit of Mars. Here it is no conspiracy theorists can not do anything:) i>

Viking Lander 1
MRO has repeatedly received pictures of interesting objects, including "Dust Demon" - a slight twist of the Martian atmosphere, as well as photos and Spirit Viking Lander.
Via space
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/233345/