"Police Academy"

One of the best American comedies! The film is exactly conveys the spirit of the 80s.
On the role of Cadet Mahoney considered candidates Tom Hanks, Michael Keaton, Judge Reinhold and Bruce Willis.
The first part - the only one of all the films of the franchise, featuring the wife of Eric Lassard.
In the USSR in the 1980 film spread on the "pirate" video cassettes with translations A. Mikhalev, LA Volodarsky and others; already in Russia - to license a VHS dubbing Varus Video.

Cane, which has become the hallmark of Lieutenant Harris throughout the film series, was not planned in the script. It was the usual props brought by on set by one of the crowd, who gave it to hold the time to play this role, the actor George. W. Bailey.
Scott Thomson (Cadet Chad Copeland) and Brant von Hoffman (Cadet Blanks) in a number of scenes in the film were forced to wear special wigs. This was due to the fact that the scenes were shot out of order, and the first fragment has been removed, in which they completely shaved head, and then it turned out that the remaining episodes of their participation in the time of arrival for future cadets at the Academy.

Script writer Neal Israel came up with the plot of "Police Academy" as revenge: he once whether for minor transgression, whether general misunderstanding spent the night in the "monkey" of the police station.
Guttenberg was barely 25 years old, and he was interrupted by episodes in various television series. "Police Academy" has helped him become known: after, he landed roles in such films as "Three Men and a Baby," "Cocoon" and "short-circuit».

When in 1984 out comedy "Police Academy", critics have left from her stone unturned. "Rude, vulgar, sexist" - these are just the most polite epithets bestowed picture intellectuals. But ordinary viewers were delighted in Germany "Police Academy" became the highest grossing film of the year, beating all competitors in Hollywood. The film was leaked even through the iron curtain of the Soviet Union.

One of the students played a future Samantha Jones from "C ** sa and the City" - Kim Cattrall, and the fourth part of one of the roles performed Sharon Stone.
Authors of the film cared about savings. Therefore, the police academy, which is presumed to be in California or Florida (in the background now and then see the palm trees), filmed in Toronto .... And not just anywhere, but in an old abandoned mental hospital.

Bubba Smith insanely afraid of sharks, and therefore during the filming of a scene in the third part, in which the actor stopped the boat in the water, he was scared to death.
The fourth part, the last film of the franchise "Police Academy", which was attended by Steve Guttenberg - the main star of the film series.
The scene with shoe polish on the megaphone was not invented by screenwriter and taken from real life. So once played a joke on the British director Michael Winner. Hugh Wilson heard about it from one of the participants in the lottery and decided to insert this joke in the film.
Michael Winslow (Larvell Jones) Wilson saw in a cheap diner, where he imitated the legendary musician Jimi Hendrix. Michael in those days was on the rocks, so much so that slept right in his car. When he was offered the role, Winslow agreed without hesitation.

Cadet Hooks played singer Marion Ramsey. Persuaded her to put on a wig and fastened rubber pads to make funnier and funnier. And the writers have promised that in the course of the film, at least in the second series, her character is required to lose weight and pohorosheet. But nothing like that happened - every time the director persuaded her to stay in that manner in which it is all remember.

One of the founding fathers of the "Police Academy", producer Paul Maslansky, has Russian roots and decided to take a chance turned up - to visit their historical homeland, and at the same time remove the film there.
Wishing to visit the Soviet Union was more than enough. Maslanski became quite well-known actors to call and offer themselves openly. That is why the "Police Academy: Mission to Moscow" remains the most stellar film series. Moscow police chief, Alexander Nikolaevich Rakov, played, for example, the great and terrible, Christopher Lee, Russian mobsters Constantine channels - Ron Perlman, Katrina - Claire Forlani. At the site were added and our Vladimir Dolinsky, Alexander Peskov, Valery Yaremenko (last played channels, Jr.).

A visiting Americans were allowed to shoot everywhere, even in the Moscow metro (one of the episodes filmed at the station "Novoslobodskaya"). Especially poignant look at the charred frame building of the Supreme Soviet of Russia (White House) - yes, the members of the crew became an involuntary witness the events of October 1993. One of the actors later admitted in an interview: "Filming in Moscow were quite dangerous, so I wanted to repeat them. Revolution better watch from the sidelines! »

Steve Guttenberg (Cadet Carey Mahoney) - the most appropriate character in the film "Police Academy", was born in 1958, received a theatrical education, with 19 years in the series was filmed. Earning money, Steve Guttenberg opened a production company «Mr. Kirby Productions ». He now works in the theater and in films. All spends his spare time on the golf course and walking the dog.

Kim Cattrall (Cadet Karen Thompson) was born in 1956 in Liverpool. In 16 years, moved to New York, where he graduated from drama school. Truly became famous thanks to Kim Cattrall "C ** su and the City».
Bubba Smith (Moses Hightower) - 1945-2011 years of his life. In fact, he was a professional American football player. Played college football. In 29 years, retired from the sport in Hollywood, where he played in 50 films. Died alone, under mysterious circumstances.

Michael Winslow (cadet Larvell Jones) was born in 1958 - graduated from the University of design and modeling (!!). In the movie came by accident. The fact that Michael Winslow really imitates sounds. After starring in "Police Academy" Michael Winslow broke into the big show business. "Man 10000 sounds" - his title on American TV. To this day, Michael Winslow gives concerts around the world.

George Bailey (Lt. Thaddeus Harris) was born in 1945. Shoot a lot and often, but only in the series. Role in the "Police Academy" was the high point for George Bailey.
George Bailey last ten years he has headed a charitable foundation to help children with cancer. Work takes him all the time, so that George Bailey is no longer in films.
David Graf (cadet Eugene Teklberri) life years 1950-2001. Charming thug with an unhealthy attraction to arms, a member of all the parts of the movie. Since childhood, was drawn to the theater, so it was logical to receive theatrical education. Filmed and voiced more than 80 films. Divorced with a single wife, had two sons. He died in 2001.

George Gaines (Commandant Eric Lassard), 1917 birth. Alive to this day. Born in Finland. From 1950 played in Broadway musicals, and in the early 60's began acting in movies. Star became role in "Tootsie" and "Police Academy" .Obraztsovy family man, once married, two children and grandchildren army. By the way, on my mother's side he was Russian.

Finally, a few quotes:
- Why did not hit the brakes?
- You did not tell me.
- Son where you took this pistol?
- My mother gave!
- Mahoney, remember - no one can fuck me.
- Do not promise, look meet a girl with whom you will succeed.
- Now, cadets, ended the first evening at the Academy pleasant stroll around the camp. BEGO-O-OM MARCH!
- How much is there to Cobra! (See Hightower, who breathes in the belly button) and it's very good for the Academy.
- This slide I will not comment because he speaks for sebyayayayaaaaaa ...
- I just trim the sides and rear.
- Is it possible? (Blenks and Copeland after being shaved by zero)
- Yes, this is not the army.
- Run, Mahoney, run!
- Chad, let me at him pooru.
- Barbara, where you are?
- Just run past you, sir!
(Hooligans) - I'm sorry, you do not interfere with my radio? Do be quiet?