Parents who was born triplets, faced with the problem of identification of children. However, they soon brilliantly coped with it by resorting to a fairly simple way.
8 photos and text
Whenever the light appears identical twins or triplets, their parents ask the same question: "How do you distinguish them from each other? & Quot; Often, the proud mother and father show inconspicuous to the surrounding features, but a married couple from South Wales, United Kingdom, this question has puzzled because they did not know which of them were born triplets Fiona who Maddison and who Paige
Desperate to develop its own system of identification, parents, Karen and Ian Gilbert, yet found a fairly simple way - they bought a few bright varnish and make-up of their toenails babes.
Spouses of specially selected colors for Fiona (Fiona) was purchased lacquer fuchsia (fuchsia), for Maddison (Maddison) - mint green (mint green), and for Paige (Paige) - violet (purple).
"It's not a fad - said the mother of triplets, 33-year-old Karen. - We tried our best, trying to distinguish them from each other, and finally came up with such a method. It has simplified our lives and now when it comes to changing diapers, feeding or bathing, color code shows us which of the girls passed these procedures, and who - not. We picked up the varnish so that the first letter of the name of the child coincided with the first letter of the color. It is really very comfortable! »
The parents of identical triplets are hoping that as they grow older girls will differ not only in color nail polish, but their views and tastes.
According to the Metro, a weekly family Gilbert requires more than 120 diapers and 80 bottles of milk formula, but all the necessary goods trio already earning their own, taking part in the filming comedy series «Stella».
According to Karen, the baby is so identical that can play the same child, and thus, avoid fatigue.
"They became a TV star before reached one year - she says proudly. - But for us with Ian they primarily beautiful babes who gave us a triple dose of happiness. "
© Forrest Gump
8 photos and text
Whenever the light appears identical twins or triplets, their parents ask the same question: "How do you distinguish them from each other? & Quot; Often, the proud mother and father show inconspicuous to the surrounding features, but a married couple from South Wales, United Kingdom, this question has puzzled because they did not know which of them were born triplets Fiona who Maddison and who Paige


Desperate to develop its own system of identification, parents, Karen and Ian Gilbert, yet found a fairly simple way - they bought a few bright varnish and make-up of their toenails babes.

Spouses of specially selected colors for Fiona (Fiona) was purchased lacquer fuchsia (fuchsia), for Maddison (Maddison) - mint green (mint green), and for Paige (Paige) - violet (purple).

"It's not a fad - said the mother of triplets, 33-year-old Karen. - We tried our best, trying to distinguish them from each other, and finally came up with such a method. It has simplified our lives and now when it comes to changing diapers, feeding or bathing, color code shows us which of the girls passed these procedures, and who - not. We picked up the varnish so that the first letter of the name of the child coincided with the first letter of the color. It is really very comfortable! »

The parents of identical triplets are hoping that as they grow older girls will differ not only in color nail polish, but their views and tastes.

According to the Metro, a weekly family Gilbert requires more than 120 diapers and 80 bottles of milk formula, but all the necessary goods trio already earning their own, taking part in the filming comedy series «Stella».

According to Karen, the baby is so identical that can play the same child, and thus, avoid fatigue.
"They became a TV star before reached one year - she says proudly. - But for us with Ian they primarily beautiful babes who gave us a triple dose of happiness. "
© Forrest Gump