What did you do in the classroom. School Games in the USSR
1. "Points»
Strategy paper - a game for you and your neighbor's party. Props: 2 piece of the cell and 2 handles with pasta of different colors. Rules of the game: the players alternately put currents at the intersection of cell lines and on these points create a contiguous area of "their" colors, while in the area surrounding dot-smoking and one, and the other players. Goal: to create more such closed areas.
2. "Coins»
Gamble. Props: coins (first version), inserts of chewing gum (the second option). Rules of the game: Each player owns a stack of coins. In turn the players must hit the same coin stack neighbor "chock" (his coin). Those coins that overturned "eagle" up, the player takes. Also received and paper liners, so the collection of paper liners were very shabby look.
With coins is one more distraction, drawing. Coin is covered with paper and pencil lead on top, get the impression coins.
3. "The Fortune Teller - sekretnitsy»
This was a major fad girls. For example, each page containing certain prediction fortune tellers or any wrapper. We had to call the number of the page at random - and opens treasured forecast page, for example, for the next lesson or evening. The same principle had been arranged and "sekretnitsy." With them, the girls shared with each other their secrets.
4. "Tankzors»
«Words of tanks» Soviet times, but for two players. On a double sheet of paint "Tankzors" two opponents, then during your turn, each player puts a bullet at the end of the barrel of a "his" tank. Then the sheet is folded and this point is copied to the field of the opponent. If the "shell" hit the enemy tank, it is destroyed. By the way, the tanks were allowed dorisovyvat throughout the game.
5. "Pigtails»
Sometimes it happens that the neighbor's party was ill, and then had to entertain themselves by drawing braids and various options in the fields of notebooks. They were double, triple, etc., as well as horizontal, vertical and mixed.
6. "Balda»
A kind word game. In the center of the checkered field spell the word "noodle" and players with colored handles appends the letters, but only so that each successive letter was placed in a cell with an already written letter. After filling, you need to make as many words from the selected letter. Who came up with many words, he was the winner.
7. "Tic-Tac-Toe»
School of Classics of all time. The main thing was to have two pens with pasta of different colors, which in Soviet times indiscriminate deficit was not easy. For long and tedious lesson was long-playing version of this unpretentious game.
8. "Battleship»
Two in one - the logic and strategy - a favorite game tetrad students. The main thing is not very loud whisper "E 3" and "Past" to play to the end without angry diaries.
9. "Hangman»
Very intellectual game ... The Game: One player thinks of a word and writes the first and last letters, and denotes the empty space for the remaining letters. On the same sheet of paper is drawn so called gallows. The next player guesses a letter and if so with no hidden word, then added to the gallows head in the noose and the same player continues to guess letters. For a wrong answer to the gallows added torso. If the "little man" is fully drawn, then the player is considered to be hanged, and passes the baton to the next. If guesses the word before the hanging, he thinks of the next word.
10. "Anketnitsy»
Another hobby tetrad girls. Steal this cache was greatest desire boys - it was even better than pull the pigtails. By the way, sometimes their autographs in these girls' and boys shrines left.
Strategy paper - a game for you and your neighbor's party. Props: 2 piece of the cell and 2 handles with pasta of different colors. Rules of the game: the players alternately put currents at the intersection of cell lines and on these points create a contiguous area of "their" colors, while in the area surrounding dot-smoking and one, and the other players. Goal: to create more such closed areas.
2. "Coins»
Gamble. Props: coins (first version), inserts of chewing gum (the second option). Rules of the game: Each player owns a stack of coins. In turn the players must hit the same coin stack neighbor "chock" (his coin). Those coins that overturned "eagle" up, the player takes. Also received and paper liners, so the collection of paper liners were very shabby look.
With coins is one more distraction, drawing. Coin is covered with paper and pencil lead on top, get the impression coins.
3. "The Fortune Teller - sekretnitsy»
This was a major fad girls. For example, each page containing certain prediction fortune tellers or any wrapper. We had to call the number of the page at random - and opens treasured forecast page, for example, for the next lesson or evening. The same principle had been arranged and "sekretnitsy." With them, the girls shared with each other their secrets.
4. "Tankzors»
«Words of tanks» Soviet times, but for two players. On a double sheet of paint "Tankzors" two opponents, then during your turn, each player puts a bullet at the end of the barrel of a "his" tank. Then the sheet is folded and this point is copied to the field of the opponent. If the "shell" hit the enemy tank, it is destroyed. By the way, the tanks were allowed dorisovyvat throughout the game.
5. "Pigtails»
Sometimes it happens that the neighbor's party was ill, and then had to entertain themselves by drawing braids and various options in the fields of notebooks. They were double, triple, etc., as well as horizontal, vertical and mixed.
6. "Balda»
A kind word game. In the center of the checkered field spell the word "noodle" and players with colored handles appends the letters, but only so that each successive letter was placed in a cell with an already written letter. After filling, you need to make as many words from the selected letter. Who came up with many words, he was the winner.
7. "Tic-Tac-Toe»
School of Classics of all time. The main thing was to have two pens with pasta of different colors, which in Soviet times indiscriminate deficit was not easy. For long and tedious lesson was long-playing version of this unpretentious game.
8. "Battleship»
Two in one - the logic and strategy - a favorite game tetrad students. The main thing is not very loud whisper "E 3" and "Past" to play to the end without angry diaries.
9. "Hangman»
Very intellectual game ... The Game: One player thinks of a word and writes the first and last letters, and denotes the empty space for the remaining letters. On the same sheet of paper is drawn so called gallows. The next player guesses a letter and if so with no hidden word, then added to the gallows head in the noose and the same player continues to guess letters. For a wrong answer to the gallows added torso. If the "little man" is fully drawn, then the player is considered to be hanged, and passes the baton to the next. If guesses the word before the hanging, he thinks of the next word.
10. "Anketnitsy»
Another hobby tetrad girls. Steal this cache was greatest desire boys - it was even better than pull the pigtails. By the way, sometimes their autographs in these girls' and boys shrines left.