Nemudrenyh fun Soviet children

Alternative paintball
In summer, one of the favorite pastimes of getting water battles. As the "weapons" were homemade alternative water pistol - "bryzgalki." Make the device was simple, the main thing - to watch for when the bathroom is over shampoo in plastic bottle or make sure that the mother did not threw a bottle of "whiteness».

Red-hot at the plate with a nail to make holes where to insert the pen without the rod. That nothing was leaking at the connection lepilsya plasticine. Everything! "Weapons" Ready to Rumble! The first batch of water is usually recruited at home and then on columns or in the river. The greater the volume of water in the enclosing "bryzgalku", so it was more valuable.
Incidentally, the "weapon" was another feature: it can help to perfectly quench your thirst at the moment of calm "fight". And then came the era of disposable syringes and water pistols, but their availability is gone all the charm of aquatic fun.
Plasticine war
Less aesthetic device for moral damage everywhere became "harkalki." There are two variants of this simple device: a cool and normal. For the first required a steel tube - get it was not easy, so this "harkalka" was considered particularly valuable acquisition. Right on her naleplivalsya plasticine - the more, the better.

The principle of operation of a simple devaysa was primitive. Small pieces of plasticine tucked into the tube and "shoot" at all in a row: in girls, a gaping crow most desperate shot at passersby.
Almost always allow "attacker" to remain unnoticed, more compact and affordable was the second option "harkalki." He became a fixture in any boy with the appearance in the sale of helium pens. Instead of clay usually used various cereals, often buckwheat.
Without "chirkasha" as without hands
Chirkash on boot has long remained one of the essential attributes of the courtyard style. Equip their own shoes chirkashom could in a few minutes. All that was required - the filter of the cigarette, matchbox and the absence of parents at home. The cigarette filter is usually placed on the inner side of the end face of the sole.

Then he set fire to, and at the moment when it becomes dark, quickly applied the edge of a matchbox with sulfur, which miraculously remained on boot. Come to us, sitting back on the bench, throw his seat and effectively ignite a match of shoes - like skills possessed almost all the boys in the yard. The main thing that the rain on the street was not.
Younger chirkash used for "zapalivaniya boon", more adults - for lighting cigarettes.
Heavy metal
Garages or sheds, especially if there were many, were replaced in many courtyard playground. In the narrow passages between the metal (or wooden) buildings all day long chasing each other at high or demonstrated high-speed passage stages.

And yet it is next to the garage could find batteries. In any metal utensils, and often just a tin can, a battery plate lead threshed.
The vessel is then heated over a fire and watched with delight as the melted silver sparkles and heavy liquid. From it you can do anything. It was enough to make in clay or heavy earth deepening the desired shape.
"Magic" carbide
Recognizable scent and "magical" qualities - find carbide becomes a real event in the yard. If a number of welders work, chances to become the hero of the day increases many times. The main thing - to seize the moment when the hard workers shake carbide from the cylinder, and to be in place immediately after their departure.
In a pile of dirty-white powder almost always managed to find a few pebbles, which could prodelyvat different "tricks».

You could burn a puddle or warm his hands, fists carbide and immerse it in water (most usual puddle). And put it in a bottle with water, and stopped long stopper and observe what is happening inside the reaction.
But with the greatest efficiency carbide used in homemade guns, which the master of the empty cylinders "dichlorvos". Cut off the neck, at the bottom of a hole is made, put into carbide, lightly moistened with water, plastered all openings except the bottom, shook for about five minutes, and then the tray to the hole in the bottom of a lighted match.
The effect of the explosion of a couple of days discussing the whole court, again and again retelling the story with the new "pop-in memory" details such horrific experiments with carbide and real victims.
A city thought: scientists are
Games carbide were very dangerous pastime, but it gave the undertaking acuity. The same concerns and unpretentious games with slate. The stuff was very spread out and find its fragments, and, if lucky, and whole leaves, not too difficult. Entertainment was to throw the slate in the fire, and then "lie in the shelter" and wait until the slate will "shoot».

Often, by the end of "fun" from the fire a little that remained: "exploding" slate just scatter it in different directions. To county shook from a sharp explosion, could be used and empty bottle of any aerosol that says "Caution! Flammable! Do not expose to heat ».
As a child, many of them entered the opposite. At best, the game ended with a drive into the room and talking with the police precinct, at worst - a tragedy.
Every self-respecting boy had to prepare for the summer minimum arsenal of crossbow, "bombochek" darts and, in extreme cases - stock pistons from a toy gun. The easiest way was to make darts, which in quality are sometimes superior-store counterparts.
For the manufacture of ancient projectile weapons needed a small piece of paper (a page from the diary of a school is perfect), matches, needle, thread and glue. Craftsmen were making darts of the welding electrode, sharpened on the asphalt. For more chic such weapons was decorated with feathers.
Become the owner of the most primitive crossbow was even easier. At one end of a suitable rack primatyvalas clothespin on the other - harness attached (or any other elastic material). Shooting was conducted burning match.
The only negative - "weapons" were singly charged. Obedient offspring, mindful of parental instruction that matches the child is not a toy, a master of paper water projectiles - "bombs", hurled from the balconies at any moving target. If tinkering "bombs" were lazy, dumped conventional packages filled with water. It was fun to everyone except those next to someone "breaks" "shell».

Source: russian7.ru