Reincarnation, or the second coming
I want to tell a story with me recently occurred. I am not a believer especially now know that a miracle happens and even those who have never believed in it.
That's actually the story.
July 2, 2014, I arrived home from the hospital ... I decided to go to the store (walking distance) to purchase cigarettes. I went to the store and I heard in the bushes, wild dogs growling. He came closer and see two healthy mongrel with a wild roaring and barking pressed something in the bushes. I drove the dogs, parted the bushes. And oh God! I just ask kak-as if by lightning. In the bushes, vzhavshis the ground, sat funky miracle (kitten). And from this place let me step back a little, in order to clarify the situation regarding the case of a miracle.
So. January 16, 2014 after a serious, but not a long illness, the death of my friend and even more than that. This is my cat Thomas, who lived with us 16, 5 years. But a terrible and insidious disease of CRF (chronic renal insufficiency) mown him for half a year. CRF is terrible that this is a one way ticket, can not be cured. One can only pause. A tricky because it does not manifest itself, the pet is the same as vsegda.Zhizneradostnym and moving, despite his age. This is me about her. And it gives an effect when the kidney is from a total of 30%. Thomas just suddenly became sad, stopped eating, refused water. I'm a fool, I thought a cold kotyara, tightened trip veterenarku week. Thinking oklemaetsya. A week later the cat completely extinguished. I grab and go to the clinic. The doctor learned age, examined him, suggested CRF. Later tests confirmed the diagnosis. Tom, I brought in a terminal condition when life is calculated in hours or even minutes. They offered to euthanize. But ...... not given! In short two weeks Hospital, continuous drip and injections. And for those expensive drugs in the US, because in Russia they simply do not have, for various reasons, mlyat. In general, the first crisis of October, we won. And 2 months cat lived for fun, just for show. But in mid-December a new attack even harder. Again, endless trips to vetkliniku. It had to be constantly drip, and at night to take him home. And so all the Christmas holidays, in the morning my wife and I are taking in klinniku evening pick. Too, he was sad at the clinic, even cried. I personally saw the tears in his eyes when he came to visit him in the hospital. After the holidays taken home, there is no improvement. My wife and I learned how to do IVs, injections stabbing, feed and water with a syringe, etc. January 16 went late on veterinarku, I had to donate blood and change the catheter. Yes forgot to say last night from 15 to 16 January, which Tom did not get up, write for themselves, suddenly he stood up and strongly staggered walked around the entire apartment. Even I tried to climb on my shelf near the ceiling. But the strength was not enough hanging on a pole, in the midst of the way. I shot him and took it to the closet, where he spent the last time. He either fell asleep, or coma. How then I realized it round the apartment, he forgave it. On the way to the clinic, he behaved very calmly, typically yelling, trying to break out of the carrying. I say to my wife: "If so, he always behaved, it can safely carry one" .... In short vetklinike sat in a long queue. An hour later we were summoned. They took blood (Volume no sound), changed the catheter (molchok), a shot of boljuchih and again silence. I put the cat to carry said: "SchA home to eat" ... The doctor writes a bill for services rendered ... I look, and Tom to carry buried in the floor forehead and on what does not react ... It was the end ............ Tomusya gone to the rainbow . And with it a large part of my heart. I'm a grown man roared like a little child. Describe life without Tom's first months, I can not, so to say that this is a hell of a meal .... It has been 90 days without ...... From the house and the house went SOUL was just flat. Commemorated Tomusa my wife and I decided that no one else we will never .......... Accompany their pets is a very very painful! I even took to his bed for a week. And so I decided that all anyone else. But until July 2, described to me the events above.
"I went to the store and I heard in the bushes, wild dogs growling. I went and saw two healthy mongrel with a wild roaring and barking pressed something in the bushes. I drove the dogs, parted the bushes. And oh God! I just ask kak-as if by lightning. In the bushes, vzhavshis the ground, sat funky miracle (kitten). »
So this is the spitting image of Tom Kitten in childhood. Of course, I took him home. It's some kind of miracle, a reincarnation! But the miracles did not end there. The next day I went with him to vetkliniku. Inquire about his condition. Get rid of fleas and worms if you have.) The doctor filling in a card asked for his name. And I ask, "Who's that boy or a girl?" The doctor said, "This is a cat" !!! And the cat is healthy! (In terms of health) Then I say write SIMBA.
I ask: what is his age? Answer: "1-1, 5 months" has recorded the birth of the middle of May.
So. Well, there can be as many matches. Tom was born in mid-May, and brought his daughter, found in the entrance under the stairs to the second change of the children's camp. Ie in early July.
And how, after all, do not believe that there is someone there ?! How not to believe in miracles ?!
The House returned SOUL! All happy again.
A Tomusya waiting for us on a rainbow. And we will sooner or later encounter! I believe !!!
That's actually the story.
July 2, 2014, I arrived home from the hospital ... I decided to go to the store (walking distance) to purchase cigarettes. I went to the store and I heard in the bushes, wild dogs growling. He came closer and see two healthy mongrel with a wild roaring and barking pressed something in the bushes. I drove the dogs, parted the bushes. And oh God! I just ask kak-as if by lightning. In the bushes, vzhavshis the ground, sat funky miracle (kitten). And from this place let me step back a little, in order to clarify the situation regarding the case of a miracle.
So. January 16, 2014 after a serious, but not a long illness, the death of my friend and even more than that. This is my cat Thomas, who lived with us 16, 5 years. But a terrible and insidious disease of CRF (chronic renal insufficiency) mown him for half a year. CRF is terrible that this is a one way ticket, can not be cured. One can only pause. A tricky because it does not manifest itself, the pet is the same as vsegda.Zhizneradostnym and moving, despite his age. This is me about her. And it gives an effect when the kidney is from a total of 30%. Thomas just suddenly became sad, stopped eating, refused water. I'm a fool, I thought a cold kotyara, tightened trip veterenarku week. Thinking oklemaetsya. A week later the cat completely extinguished. I grab and go to the clinic. The doctor learned age, examined him, suggested CRF. Later tests confirmed the diagnosis. Tom, I brought in a terminal condition when life is calculated in hours or even minutes. They offered to euthanize. But ...... not given! In short two weeks Hospital, continuous drip and injections. And for those expensive drugs in the US, because in Russia they simply do not have, for various reasons, mlyat. In general, the first crisis of October, we won. And 2 months cat lived for fun, just for show. But in mid-December a new attack even harder. Again, endless trips to vetkliniku. It had to be constantly drip, and at night to take him home. And so all the Christmas holidays, in the morning my wife and I are taking in klinniku evening pick. Too, he was sad at the clinic, even cried. I personally saw the tears in his eyes when he came to visit him in the hospital. After the holidays taken home, there is no improvement. My wife and I learned how to do IVs, injections stabbing, feed and water with a syringe, etc. January 16 went late on veterinarku, I had to donate blood and change the catheter. Yes forgot to say last night from 15 to 16 January, which Tom did not get up, write for themselves, suddenly he stood up and strongly staggered walked around the entire apartment. Even I tried to climb on my shelf near the ceiling. But the strength was not enough hanging on a pole, in the midst of the way. I shot him and took it to the closet, where he spent the last time. He either fell asleep, or coma. How then I realized it round the apartment, he forgave it. On the way to the clinic, he behaved very calmly, typically yelling, trying to break out of the carrying. I say to my wife: "If so, he always behaved, it can safely carry one" .... In short vetklinike sat in a long queue. An hour later we were summoned. They took blood (Volume no sound), changed the catheter (molchok), a shot of boljuchih and again silence. I put the cat to carry said: "SchA home to eat" ... The doctor writes a bill for services rendered ... I look, and Tom to carry buried in the floor forehead and on what does not react ... It was the end ............ Tomusya gone to the rainbow . And with it a large part of my heart. I'm a grown man roared like a little child. Describe life without Tom's first months, I can not, so to say that this is a hell of a meal .... It has been 90 days without ...... From the house and the house went SOUL was just flat. Commemorated Tomusa my wife and I decided that no one else we will never .......... Accompany their pets is a very very painful! I even took to his bed for a week. And so I decided that all anyone else. But until July 2, described to me the events above.
"I went to the store and I heard in the bushes, wild dogs growling. I went and saw two healthy mongrel with a wild roaring and barking pressed something in the bushes. I drove the dogs, parted the bushes. And oh God! I just ask kak-as if by lightning. In the bushes, vzhavshis the ground, sat funky miracle (kitten). »
So this is the spitting image of Tom Kitten in childhood. Of course, I took him home. It's some kind of miracle, a reincarnation! But the miracles did not end there. The next day I went with him to vetkliniku. Inquire about his condition. Get rid of fleas and worms if you have.) The doctor filling in a card asked for his name. And I ask, "Who's that boy or a girl?" The doctor said, "This is a cat" !!! And the cat is healthy! (In terms of health) Then I say write SIMBA.
I ask: what is his age? Answer: "1-1, 5 months" has recorded the birth of the middle of May.
So. Well, there can be as many matches. Tom was born in mid-May, and brought his daughter, found in the entrance under the stairs to the second change of the children's camp. Ie in early July.
And how, after all, do not believe that there is someone there ?! How not to believe in miracles ?!
The House returned SOUL! All happy again.
A Tomusya waiting for us on a rainbow. And we will sooner or later encounter! I believe !!!