Photo project "Friends of a hobby"
Shpreher Ursula (Ursula Sprecher) and Andy Kortellini (Andy Cortellini) - two photographers who are obsessed with their favorite hobbies of people. Two authors from Switzerland, created a unique project.
The pair of Swiss photographers for more than seven years traveling the native country and all kinds of pictures of gatherings, meetings of like-minded, work-related or just a fad. You'd be surprised, but the gatherings organized forums even butchers that looks quite grotesque. Shpreher Ursula (Ursula Sprecher) and Andy Kortellini (Andy Cortellini) have tried to make comments to the photos were unnecessary. How they got it - only judge you.
The pair of Swiss photographers for more than seven years traveling the native country and all kinds of pictures of gatherings, meetings of like-minded, work-related or just a fad. You'd be surprised, but the gatherings organized forums even butchers that looks quite grotesque. Shpreher Ursula (Ursula Sprecher) and Andy Kortellini (Andy Cortellini) have tried to make comments to the photos were unnecessary. How they got it - only judge you.