Weekdays cryptographer

"Gipoimmunoglobulinemiya" - it is clear even to the infant. But the second for sure, "lemonade". Just do not understand why only 3 mg, and even at 1, 5 ml of saline.

It seems that the doctor only portrayed that writes something in order not to kill the patient by the news of his imminent demise. Nevertheless, one can decipher the mention of a 10% solution. Perhaps this poultice.

It is clear that the doctor meant "Intestinal collection number 2". But where will this fee and how much it is necessary to arrive there - is encrypted.

IRR - is dystonia. Carpenters MV - it Plotnikov MV But more explicitly son doctor painted handle.

Rare case when the patient among other medication was prescribed footwear. However, the cardiologist sure that there are no complaints, so obviously shoes a size smaller - so they appeared.

Source: nevolia.net