Cadillac WTF - the first car with a nuclear engine
As fuel development team used the weakly radioactive metal thorium (Thorium (Th)). For the first time the idea of using this element expressed American inventor Lawrence Kulesus in 2009 at a car show Chicago Auto Show. Well, engineers Laser Power Systems, headed by inventor Charles Stevenson could not only develop the concept of a nuclear engine, but also successfully put it into practice. The new concept is called Cadillac World Thorium Fuel (Cadillac WTF).
First began using thorium during the Second World War, because he considered the most safe substance among other radioactive elements. According to scientists, developers gram of thorium successfully replace about 30 thousand. Liters of conventional fuel. Well, and 8 grams of fully enough the car owner for life. In addition, released by the reaction of the excess energy will be enough to recharge and battery, and other devices.
Cadillac WTF is able to flip upside down today's idea about cars. The task of non-standard solutions that have found a place in the development kotsept car, is to combat environmental damage. Modern cars do not only have a short period of service, but also a negative impact on the environment during production, use and disposal. While the novelty of the Cadillac is designed to work without refueling and repairs for a century.
All systems are also different from the concept of traditional counterparts. Thorium energy as efficiently activates all of the internal program functioning akin to the human nervous system. The basic units of the car have a safety net function in the event of unforeseen failure to Cadillac WTF continued full operation without repair.
The concept car has 24 wheels, 6 on each side. Each of them is fairly narrow and have built an induction motor. These wheels need to be adjusted every 5 years without needing replacement.
Cadillac WTF construction itself is very flexible, able to transform a car like muscles, making intuitive control. For example, the angle of the wheels varies with road surface. Reactor vehicle for safety reasons at the rear of kotsept car.
If thorium positively show itself as a source of energy, as a concept car becomes a reality, the world leaders in the field of energy can be Australia and India. On the territory of these countries are located about 30% of deposits of this metal from all fields of the planet.
Source: www.novate.ru
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