WTF in black and white
Today collection on the theme of WTF in black and white, let us remember that we had ...
WTF costumes
WTF is not for the faint of heart
45? February 9, 2010 We read: 77167 Comments (50) Print Like the post? Share with your friends! Share:
& Quot;); $ (& Quot; .topic object & quot;). Append (& quot; & quot;). Wrap (& quot; & quot;); } Else {$ (document) .ready (function () {var embedTag, params = & quot; & quot ;; $ (& quot; .topic embed & quot;). Each (function () {embedTag = $ (this) .attr (« outerHTML »); if ((embedTag! = null) && (embedTag.length & gt; 0)) {embedTag = embedTag.replace (/ embed / gi,« embed wmode = \ »opaque \ & quot; & quot;); $ ( this) .attr («outerHTML», embedTag);}}); $ (& quot; .topic object & quot;). each (function () {embedTag = $ (this) .attr («outerHTML»); $ (this) .children (). each (function () {if (($ (this) .tagName == «PARAM») && ($ (this) .attr («outerHTML»). search (/ name = & quot;? wmode & quot; ? / i) === - 1)) params + = $ (this) .attr («outerHTML»);}); params + = & quot; & quot ;; embedTag = embedTag.split (& quot; & gt; & quot;) + & quot ; & gt; & quot ;; embedTag = embedTag + params + $ (this) .attr («innerHTML») + & quot; & quot ;; $ (this) .attr («outerHTML», embedTag);})}); } [V] Contact (6) Facebook (0) Embed: Livejournal Ya.ru Livinternet.ru Embed --img27 - WTF in black and white collection today on the topic of WTF in black and white, let us remember that we had ... WTF WTF suits not for the faint of heart ... more
WTF costumes
WTF is not for the faint of heart
45? February 9, 2010 We read: 77167 Comments (50) Print Like the post? Share with your friends! Share:
& Quot;); $ (& Quot; .topic object & quot;). Append (& quot; & quot;). Wrap (& quot; & quot;); } Else {$ (document) .ready (function () {var embedTag, params = & quot; & quot ;; $ (& quot; .topic embed & quot;). Each (function () {embedTag = $ (this) .attr (« outerHTML »); if ((embedTag! = null) && (embedTag.length & gt; 0)) {embedTag = embedTag.replace (/ embed / gi,« embed wmode = \ »opaque \ & quot; & quot;); $ ( this) .attr («outerHTML», embedTag);}}); $ (& quot; .topic object & quot;). each (function () {embedTag = $ (this) .attr («outerHTML»); $ (this) .children (). each (function () {if (($ (this) .tagName == «PARAM») && ($ (this) .attr («outerHTML»). search (/ name = & quot;? wmode & quot; ? / i) === - 1)) params + = $ (this) .attr («outerHTML»);}); params + = & quot; & quot ;; embedTag = embedTag.split (& quot; & gt; & quot;) + & quot ; & gt; & quot ;; embedTag = embedTag + params + $ (this) .attr («innerHTML») + & quot; & quot ;; $ (this) .attr («outerHTML», embedTag);})}); } [V] Contact (6) Facebook (0) Embed: Livejournal Ya.ru Livinternet.ru Embed --img27 - WTF in black and white collection today on the topic of WTF in black and white, let us remember that we had ... WTF WTF suits not for the faint of heart ... more