New technology has allowed a paralyzed person to control his own hand
Biotechnology is rapidly evolving, and quite often there are news on restoring functionality paralyzed limbs using different kinds of technologies. Ideal, unfortunately, that is not, all of these technologies - the projects to completion which is still far.
However, the hope that in the near future will be the method of full recovery functionality hands / feet and other body parts of the paralyzed man is. For example, recently demonstrated the technology company Battelle, will partially paralyzed Jan Barhartu (Ian Burkhart) began to move his "lost" arm.
fact that four years ago, Yang broke his neck, resulting in a failed jump into the water, and as a result almost all of his body was paralyzed, including the right hand (from the fingertips to the elbow). Yang came to the attention of employees profit organization Battelle, which develops treatments for people with similar problems Jana.
Now Battelle method is to implant a special chip (chip size smaller than a pea) and the transmitter in the brain of the patient. Furthermore, electrodes are attached to the arm, plus a chip fixed to the patient's head is attached cable from the PC with special software, with which signals are transmitted from the brain to the nerves of the hands.
In order to control the hand, the patient needs a certain time to practice to learn how to apply the "right" signals to the PC directly from the brain. All this looks very cumbersome, but now it all - a prototype that with today's technology, you can easily make a portable.
Management of hand, as we see, is bypassing broken parts of the nervous system of man. Between the desire to perform some other action and the implementation of this action is less than 1/10 of a second, the whole system works fairly quickly.
Yang after a few workouts unable to move his fingers, squeeze his hand into a fist, and even take in hand the spoon on the table (it was already a spontaneous attempt, preliminary training for the collection of objects in his hands did not). Before this, the patient had to have several months to restore atrophied muscles paralyzed arm, developing muscles with special exercises.
In the future, experts hope to restore functionality to only the individual of course, but the whole body of the patient.
Video Test:
A little about the technology:
Via medcitynews
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/medgadgets/blog/228055/