Linguistic puzzle. Translation from "dead" language
Inspired by post «Continue amateur» .
Although the original «Voynich manuscript. The Manchurian Candidate » in its shedevralen, the approach from the linguistic side outlined makondo , I would probably not agree places. But the debriefing read voraciously. In contrast to the "Continuation of the amateur", IMHO.
By the way, I've never understood people trying to like this - unceremoniously take such "linguistic" problem, and doing on the ground (sometimes huge) work done, but based on dubious source calculations, far-reaching conclusions.
And some methods generally delivered in cryptography they would be called - brute force and seriously to the analysis "of something" so no one comes.
But to criticize and holivar here do not want, as an application example, promptly inserted in the text of the knee, writing anonymous "dead" language, quite famous quote (from a book, which, IMHO, every "linguist" should read at least superficially).
This is in general not a cipher, a set of rules and a little morphemics semantics (in terms of word formation).
Let's just say, the language of many of the summer has undergone some changes.
Although the original «Voynich manuscript. The Manchurian Candidate » in its shedevralen, the approach from the linguistic side outlined makondo , I would probably not agree places. But the debriefing read voraciously. In contrast to the "Continuation of the amateur", IMHO.
By the way, I've never understood people trying to like this - unceremoniously take such "linguistic" problem, and doing on the ground (sometimes huge) work done, but based on dubious source calculations, far-reaching conclusions.
And some methods generally delivered in cryptography they would be called - brute force and seriously to the analysis "of something" so no one comes.
But to criticize and holivar here do not want, as an application example, promptly inserted in the text of the knee, writing anonymous "dead" language, quite famous quote (from a book, which, IMHO, every "linguist" should read at least superficially).
This is in general not a cipher, a set of rules and a little morphemics semantics (in terms of word formation).
Let's just say, the language of many of the summer has undergone some changes.
own text h5>
მეაგ პგლოეზგასელ პაგდლრეოლმელეოგ გილრაგლახაგ მოლ კეუგლზდლიმეილ პეალკგლეგ სფაგიხაგ, ეპეალ ფაგსცლგიბიშჩულდგ პაგდლრეოლეუგლშჩეილ, დოლ ფაგშცელეოგეუგლტ პაგდლრეოლინეგილ. გილრაგელეო კეუგლზდლოლ სტიკეალ პაგდლრეოლმეუგლრეოლ პეალკგლეგ ელ კეუგლლდეოჩედგეგ პეალკლეამკეოლეგ. დოლ მეაგ პაგდლიტ უგ პეალკგლეგ კეუგლზდლეგ, ოლ უგ კეუგლზდლეგ პეალკგლეგ ბლგიდ რეცინოგ ნაენოგ, ეპეალ ეოგლ სცლგოშმაგ პაგდლრეოლმეუგლრ, ელ ნმაეუგლ ტოხგ პაგდლრეოლმეუგლგტაგ. Code> pre>
Blockquote> The problem - the same, but in Russian.
Any resemblance to existing alphabets random (and I in no way did not want to name any existing language - dead).
Response and source + stemer (to and fro) If asked to lay out in the post.
Under the spoiler kechak-256 (SHA3) from my answer text in utf-8 / lowercase, in one line (instead of LF space separated - ie all
\ s + code > pre> regexps replaced with
\ x20 code> pre>, in the end there are no spaces) ...
actual spoiler with SHA3-256 for my answer e0b27382831ec6f684597e13b719566d917f0abd0a6f3013f34ea062cb31beb4
Please do not rush to answer (well, let others play with) - if you do decide puzzle, put a hash of your answer. Later, it can be checked.
Good luck and may arrive ...
PS - «encrypted" text - is not an invitation to work, ie, just to play (just4fun) ... I especially wonder who in some jungle climb :) But for your time, "the company is not liable»
PPS - (Tip 1) Quote really famous. To her yours truly was a bit by adding text (but with meaning and theme) to mean:
to increase the area for parsing and semantics sim try to prevent fraud (such as brute force search engine + etc.). Chew the fact that between the lines - no complicated syntax turns, not inherent in the Slavic languages, especially not here.
The text is really small, so if you need to be more clues - lay in the post.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/227611/
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