Maker Faire in Chinese (exhibition of achievements of robotics and electronics)

Maybe someone of you have heard about the exhibition Maker Faire, and may even have the lucky person who participated.
Maker Faire - an exhibition of innovative projects in robotics and electronics, supported by well-known magazine Make, hakspeysami, makers and many hi-tech companies. Unfortunately, as far as I know, in Russia until the exhibition was not carried out. But in China this year was held, and with the help of this post to see what is so interesting it was submitted.
Exhibition Maker Faire held in Shenzhen - the unofficial capital of the world of electronics.
At the entrance of the iron meets big robot:

A lot of people:

Stand on the local electronics company SeeedStudio

(By the way, they are sponsors hakspeysa Chaihuo Make Space, about which we have reviewed )
Ears of brain activity, the project necomimi

The essence of the project - that the behavior of the "ears" completely autonomously, or rather directly related to the state of human brain activity.
Stand Texas Instruments, their pay LaunchPad , something like Arduino:

(By the way, a set of developer they send in just $ 4.5)
Any Shield (ins) for the TI LaunchPad

Lighter, which tracks how much you smoke and bans you if you went over the limit.

Nozzle on a tennis rocket:

counts the number and force of impact.

Set the young sapper is certainly super :)

Stand products Chinese company alsrobot

Familiar faces from TehSpeysa already (about which we recently told )

Provided examples of laser cutting:

And as their quad-copter:

Stand Smart hours MetaWatch

Stand quadrocopter DJI Phantom

(Incidentally office DJI placed in Shenzhen)
Merry charging for phones

Project uArm robotic arm collected at кикстартере $ 250k. Developers from Shenzhen.

managed leapmotion .
Filters coins (video recognition system, and suction cup):

If anyone interested, here a little video report about the robotic arm in action:
Hidden Text < br />
This is the world's lowest cost and power consuming computer vision automation solution, WRTnode gives uARM eyes and brain, using OpenCV ported on OpenWrt, recognizing the coins, and control uARM to pick it up with one yuan goes one side, and fifty cents goes another side. This demo of WRTnode makes each child smile in Shenzhen MakerFaire 2014. We will remember the smiles. Blockquote>
The company's stand arcbotics
HEX spider
Charging for mobile phone. The main feature is that when it vibrates and tryasesh LED shows how much is charged.
SvetoKub LED
in action
Children enthusiastically collected by Grove-Mixer-Pack Designer from SeeedStudio.
Here's an interesting project polascii from the guys from the local hakspeysa:
The essence of the project - a video camera, the image is processed and converted into ASCII characters that can be printed here with the help of thermal printer. More about the project, and all the source code:
Climate control
From the company - redbearlab (Hong Kong)
Valliere mechanized animals!
Band of LEDs:
Internal (platform mbed ):
From the description:
we learn that the author - Japanese developer personally soldered over 1500 LED RGB!
By the way - in the background, another Japanese project - a robot Rapiro - inside RaspberryPi, servo body (theoretically) possible on the 3d print, gathered at кикстартере £ 75, 099
The light display on the basis of HDD, and a variant of the pendulum
The whole book is about POV (Persistence of vision, Persistence of vision)
The development team robo-designer Makeblock (which, by the way well as local - from Shenzhen), made a separate stand, with the possibility of robo-fighting
Thanks targence for the photos.
In conclusion h5>
Of course, this is only a small part of the projects that were presented at Maker Faire, here there are:
8-minute video with the visitor stands at the exhibition Maker Faire
You can feel the atmosphere.
I am sure our Russian craftsmen are no less interesting developments show, I want to, and in Russia, carried out the plan of the exhibition. Stimulate interest in robotics, electronics and general to DIY, and creativity - they may very.