Yokulsarlon. Icelandic miracle
A beautiful glacial lake, is considered a natural wonder and a magnificent sight of Iceland, was formed more than seventy years ago as a result of glacial retreat. Since then, the size of the lake, the ice that reflects the color of the sky, increased several times, so today Yokulsarlon distanced himself from the edge of the Atlantic Ocean and a half kilometers and it seems to stop there is not going to.
In winter you can watch as tridtsatimetrovoy blocks of ice, resembling rocks covered with volcanic ash, slowly drifting across the lake, but with the onset of summer, when the lake is free of ice, glaciers opens the way to the sea.
Especially beautiful lake at sunset and early morning when the first rays of the rising sun makes him ice shine in the colors of the rainbow.
It would be unfair not to note that Yokulsarlon is also the deepest lake in Iceland, but its unique scenic landscapes that appear in front of tourists at any time of the year, have caused immense popularity.
Attractive this place for many animals that beckons here a great variety of marine fish, which falls into the lagoon with the tides. Her most ardent fans are birds gather here swarms, as well as seals.
Tourists can visit the lake Yokulsarlon at any time of the year, that's just entertainment will be offered different. For example, a boat trip among the floating icebergs will be relevant in the summer, but a ride around the lake on snowmobiles will be possible only in the winter.
In winter you can watch as tridtsatimetrovoy blocks of ice, resembling rocks covered with volcanic ash, slowly drifting across the lake, but with the onset of summer, when the lake is free of ice, glaciers opens the way to the sea.
Especially beautiful lake at sunset and early morning when the first rays of the rising sun makes him ice shine in the colors of the rainbow.
It would be unfair not to note that Yokulsarlon is also the deepest lake in Iceland, but its unique scenic landscapes that appear in front of tourists at any time of the year, have caused immense popularity.
Attractive this place for many animals that beckons here a great variety of marine fish, which falls into the lagoon with the tides. Her most ardent fans are birds gather here swarms, as well as seals.
Tourists can visit the lake Yokulsarlon at any time of the year, that's just entertainment will be offered different. For example, a boat trip among the floating icebergs will be relevant in the summer, but a ride around the lake on snowmobiles will be possible only in the winter.