Zakarpattia craftsman creates wonderful sculptures from dead trees

The sculpture attracted masters in childhood, and after the ninth grade, he enrolled in Uzhgorod College of Art to study on cutter. During his life, he tried a lot of material, but eventually returned to the tree.
"I was cutting and stone, but I like a tree: it can be done from all conceived without spending a lot of time. And over the marble or granite to sit for months - he says "look" Nicholas Gleb. - I Tried different types of wood, but liked the pine nut and its color and texture. The material I brought from nearby villages, and find that he is, for example neighbors cut down a tree in the yard, and I will redeem them ».
Only chainsaw

Ideas for Sculpture Master looking everywhere: some images comes up with himself, others occur during travel, and others - suggest friends. All ideas outlines, sketched and filed, becoming weighty albums. Often the characters tells the material with which to work: the outlines visible - should see them and give the necessary form.
Of the tools a chainsaw: it quick and easy to cut sculptures. Only for the smallest details - the eyes, ears, teeth - incisors used. The price of the sculptures - $ 100-1000, but can be more, depending on the height, the complexity of work and type of wood.
Once the sketch is ready, Nicholas the wood picks and chooses the most suitable for her story. Then chainsaw cuts silhouette and large parts. And only after that work on the little things: outlines of muscles, hair, or hair. At the end of antiseptic handles from rot and insects and varnishes.

"It is important to portray the anatomy of the characters, reducing their muscles, muscle tension, facial expressions and mugs. It shows the life of the image: fox sneaks into a bird's nest or a bird of prey attacking a hare. However, I have not studied the anatomy, just observe the behavior of animals and people, "- says the artist.

"The most difficult - my first job" Passion of the Christ ", completely hand-carved beech. I saw a large tree in the forest, at a height of two meters with a branch viewed the silhouette of Jesus Christ. For a long time I went, I made sketches, and then carefully cut down beech, brought home and sat down to work. Normal tools were not, for cutters heated on a gas stove, metal bars and clench them, - says Nikolay. - Well, the biggest and most laborious - is 8 years with breaks, which I spent in the tourist village Rusinov in the Kostroma region of Russia. There were old Russian athlete Ivan and his girlfriend Maria, a hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga, playgrounds, made by me ».
In Ukraine, the talent Nicholas little demand, but is interested in foreign countries: the Germans and the Dutch bought playgrounds. Blame the Internet. Nikolay posted photos of sculptures on a page in a social network. In just two weeks the total number of likes Picture has about three hundred thousand clicks, not to mention the viewings, the number of which have long exceeded half a million.
The works of Nikolai Glebov are particularly realistic

Source: vz.ua