Sol 613: spherical panorama interactive Curiosity «in the night"

About the photographer Andrew Bodrov Habré already written. Now he has created an interesting interactive spherical panoramas Curiosity on Mars by composing various pictures coming from the Red Planet.
At this time, the photographer decided to show might look like Mars rover and at night. For this photograph was taken, "Self» Curiosity, made on the spot drilling Windjana, plus photos of the Milky Way made telescope VISTA Observatory of ESO (European Southern Observatory).

Panoramas Bodrov were considered works of high quality by the agency NASA.
Unfortunately, the code panorama "eaten up" habraparserom, but here's a reference 360cities . Panorama, as usual, you can expand to fill the screen, as well as to remove interfering controls.
Well, yes, as usual, a video explanation of how the rover makes "self»:
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/224835/
Right "to be forgotten" by Google
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