Architectural delights

These are concrete canopies are at one of the hospitals in Moskve.

It turns out this lamellar peaks, which are set to improve the ventilation in the room. The principle of operation is as follows:
Warm air in any room at the top of the ceiling and wants to be even higher, and travel along the bottom of the cold.
When you open the window - warm air begins to come out on top of the window to the street, creating cravings that sucks cooler air from the street. This in simple okne.

If the "exit" of warm air from the window and put a "wing" type like an airplane, the warm air at the exit of the room falls below the profile of the wing, creating a lifting force like an airplane wing, and even quicker to get out of the edge rush up , uskorivshis.

Thus creating an even stronger pull cold air at the bottom of the window, which will soon be sucked into the room.
Zero cost to the fan for ventilation acceleration, forces of nature simply amplified cunning.
Source: dimka-jd.livejournal.com/4191761.html
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