Parents forced 11-month-old baby to fly on a parachute
unknown young couple on a beach in the Indian state of Kerala has forced the 11-month-old daughter to fly on a parachute, which by means of a cable was attached to the boat and then posted on the Internet a video of the event, reports Mirror. The video has angered many of his viewers of Internet users, the local police filed a case on the fact of ill-treatment rebenkom.
Witnesses of the incident have confirmed that the child was crying loudly when he was put in parachute suspension, and in flight in terror jerked nogami.
The video clearly shows that after landing the sobbing girl quickly took away the parents. According to eyewitnesses, the child is not physical injuries poluchil.
After the appearance of the Internet video with flying baby Commission for the Protection of Human Rights in the Kerala he appealed to the police to initiate criminal proceedings against the child's parents and the organizers of the "Entertainment» .
It is reported that one of the possible causes of unsafe venture became increased popularity in India parasailing - type of holiday, in which a person with a parachute attached by a long cable to move the vehicle (usually a boat), and soars on vozduhu.
Source: lenta.ru/news/2014/05/23/stabbedwife/