Zadolbali (literally)
High powerful speakers is quite plausible sense of rhythmic beats of the brain. This is not a metaphor: the rhythm of the music - it was hit, and hit a sound wave is not much different from a physical blow. It can be felt in the case of very loud sound, at a concert or a short distance from the fireworks: acoustic shock is so strong that the feeling of the body.
So you leave the bustling city, come to a quiet picturesque place, open the trunk and cut in Mouzon. I can still somehow cope with their puzzled about this, but I do not know what to do if at the same time and in the same place I was trying to relax. After all, if I politely ask you to turn off the music, you have the right as I politely refuse, and the ability to refuse rude.
And even if the blows to the head, including the speaker, stop causing me a headache, much easier I will not, because the music itself - is violence.
Music affects mood. You know it, because it is for her and that you are listening to. Look, as a rule, to the mood has improved, but the cases are different - for example, under some music well-popechalitsya mourn, and even some may cheer and razgoryachit. The sense one: the music changes the mood. Calling it the impact of violence, I'm not exaggerating. The combination of sound bursts into your psyche and controls your emotions, you want it or not.
At the same time, no matter how you tried not to notice, but different people like different music. This means that the music that you like, may not like the others. Practice shows that it is really difficult to understand. Almost everyone knows that people have different tastes, but are unable to do this the obvious conclusion: the music that enhances the mood you worsen the mood of someone else. That is why I am particularly zadolbali narrow-minded, that include care for all any type of pop Blatnyaka, claiming that music is fun.
However, it worsens or improves - the second question. Changes - this is important. Music changes your mood at the moment, when you hear it, even if you do not want to change your mood. And when you are doing something that you do not want, you call it violence. Or am I exaggerating?
Once the music improves mood, let's listen to it all the time - and louder. Why not? Good is never too much! Food is also a pleasure - so let's have more! And generously treated all around as well as you're treated to all the loud music. What is weak? Music, then, I suppose, for free, in contrast to the food. It turns out that you are much generosity only if it's free for you. And what is the price of such generosity?
Do you want to be generous for free - listen to metal. At least, I like it. Only for some reason you cringe from it. And, by the way, like many heavy rock. You did not know? This is because we listen to it so that it is audible only to us. Of course, there are exceptions annoying, but thanks to these exceptions, you can understand how you feel uncomfortable with the sounds of loud music. Also present at leisure metal that suddenly began to listen to music out loud and in public ... you do not understand, but just trust me: I was jarred out of your pop music in the same way as you cringe from my metal.
The city is almost impossible to take a break from the music, and for thirty years I've almost got used to it. But I decided to go out of town. The food at the station, where booming music, sit in the train, where begging unrecognized talents with lousy pop combo on batteries all day stuck in an area where several good neighbors vying to broadcast to the entire garden some excellent shit like "Radio Dacha" and even far away in the woods, on the banks of the river, not far always find the car with an open trunk, demonstrating the power of nature, defeated his acoustics.
I know that this article will not change anything. Just wanted to say how do you zadolbali me.
So you leave the bustling city, come to a quiet picturesque place, open the trunk and cut in Mouzon. I can still somehow cope with their puzzled about this, but I do not know what to do if at the same time and in the same place I was trying to relax. After all, if I politely ask you to turn off the music, you have the right as I politely refuse, and the ability to refuse rude.
And even if the blows to the head, including the speaker, stop causing me a headache, much easier I will not, because the music itself - is violence.

Music affects mood. You know it, because it is for her and that you are listening to. Look, as a rule, to the mood has improved, but the cases are different - for example, under some music well-popechalitsya mourn, and even some may cheer and razgoryachit. The sense one: the music changes the mood. Calling it the impact of violence, I'm not exaggerating. The combination of sound bursts into your psyche and controls your emotions, you want it or not.
At the same time, no matter how you tried not to notice, but different people like different music. This means that the music that you like, may not like the others. Practice shows that it is really difficult to understand. Almost everyone knows that people have different tastes, but are unable to do this the obvious conclusion: the music that enhances the mood you worsen the mood of someone else. That is why I am particularly zadolbali narrow-minded, that include care for all any type of pop Blatnyaka, claiming that music is fun.
However, it worsens or improves - the second question. Changes - this is important. Music changes your mood at the moment, when you hear it, even if you do not want to change your mood. And when you are doing something that you do not want, you call it violence. Or am I exaggerating?
Once the music improves mood, let's listen to it all the time - and louder. Why not? Good is never too much! Food is also a pleasure - so let's have more! And generously treated all around as well as you're treated to all the loud music. What is weak? Music, then, I suppose, for free, in contrast to the food. It turns out that you are much generosity only if it's free for you. And what is the price of such generosity?
Do you want to be generous for free - listen to metal. At least, I like it. Only for some reason you cringe from it. And, by the way, like many heavy rock. You did not know? This is because we listen to it so that it is audible only to us. Of course, there are exceptions annoying, but thanks to these exceptions, you can understand how you feel uncomfortable with the sounds of loud music. Also present at leisure metal that suddenly began to listen to music out loud and in public ... you do not understand, but just trust me: I was jarred out of your pop music in the same way as you cringe from my metal.
The city is almost impossible to take a break from the music, and for thirty years I've almost got used to it. But I decided to go out of town. The food at the station, where booming music, sit in the train, where begging unrecognized talents with lousy pop combo on batteries all day stuck in an area where several good neighbors vying to broadcast to the entire garden some excellent shit like "Radio Dacha" and even far away in the woods, on the banks of the river, not far always find the car with an open trunk, demonstrating the power of nature, defeated his acoustics.
I know that this article will not change anything. Just wanted to say how do you zadolbali me.