Steve Jobs is watching you
I have a friend, a practicing psychiatrist who treats people from severe neurosis, his name is Valerie.
So, call me Valerie morning and muttering in a tired voice:
- You VKontakte? Are not you afraid to fly off the rails?
- Valera you che amphetamines overeaten?
- Yes, I already zadolbali these neurotics - owners of iPhones! Every day new comes ...
- Che with them?
- The roof goes, a new form of persecution mania: the fear of surveillance over the Internet
- ...?
- Yeah, bring me some of Michael. He squeezes the hands of the iPhone, already vtsipilsya fingers turned blue. We have two nurses something after the injection unclenched stranglehold. I told him, 'Michael, let us together to calm down and you tell me what happened. " That in response to hysterical voice, "the doctor did not give me away, they may have to calculate ...»
I am who?
M: Dr. quieter! Turn off your phone!
I am Misha inhale deeply. Here, apart from us, no one
In general, we had tumbled about 30 minutes, no less. Then a shot and the guy acted like some calm. It turned out, dude working in a Big Four auditor, from morning to evening sitting in the social networks. Everywhere eV, bought the iPhone. And with all this joy I flew off the rails. He knocked in the head, Steve Jobs, along with Zuckerberg watching him out of his own head. In short, in the face of the loss of the boundaries between the real and the virtual. Previously, this was the gamers, but there's more sadistic inclination or any phobia and paranoid here.
- Hmm ... Yes, I do not like the face ...
- It to you so it seems. A small external stress, the yield drochevo social network (he calls friends pages swipe). Then, the loss of identity. And you, the pathology - maybe paranoid may simply neurosis. Suffice it to read another piece of news about the fact that your data using Google or Yandex sms reads all ...
Come to see me :)
- What do?
- I'm not a psychologist, I am a psychiatrist, flying only at the extreme stages. So I advise to think about what to do, and walk a little more and go drink beer today?
- As a treatment?
- As prevention :)
- Yeah, I'll invite schya in face post, let females know where we squander loot :)
Here's a story, Valera, by the way, is now writing a thesis about: "Features of development of psychosis in paronoidalnogo digitized society."
So, call me Valerie morning and muttering in a tired voice:
- You VKontakte? Are not you afraid to fly off the rails?
- Valera you che amphetamines overeaten?
- Yes, I already zadolbali these neurotics - owners of iPhones! Every day new comes ...
- Che with them?
- The roof goes, a new form of persecution mania: the fear of surveillance over the Internet
- ...?
- Yeah, bring me some of Michael. He squeezes the hands of the iPhone, already vtsipilsya fingers turned blue. We have two nurses something after the injection unclenched stranglehold. I told him, 'Michael, let us together to calm down and you tell me what happened. " That in response to hysterical voice, "the doctor did not give me away, they may have to calculate ...»
I am who?
M: Dr. quieter! Turn off your phone!
I am Misha inhale deeply. Here, apart from us, no one
In general, we had tumbled about 30 minutes, no less. Then a shot and the guy acted like some calm. It turned out, dude working in a Big Four auditor, from morning to evening sitting in the social networks. Everywhere eV, bought the iPhone. And with all this joy I flew off the rails. He knocked in the head, Steve Jobs, along with Zuckerberg watching him out of his own head. In short, in the face of the loss of the boundaries between the real and the virtual. Previously, this was the gamers, but there's more sadistic inclination or any phobia and paranoid here.
- Hmm ... Yes, I do not like the face ...
- It to you so it seems. A small external stress, the yield drochevo social network (he calls friends pages swipe). Then, the loss of identity. And you, the pathology - maybe paranoid may simply neurosis. Suffice it to read another piece of news about the fact that your data using Google or Yandex sms reads all ...
Come to see me :)
- What do?
- I'm not a psychologist, I am a psychiatrist, flying only at the extreme stages. So I advise to think about what to do, and walk a little more and go drink beer today?
- As a treatment?
- As prevention :)
- Yeah, I'll invite schya in face post, let females know where we squander loot :)
Here's a story, Valera, by the way, is now writing a thesis about: "Features of development of psychosis in paronoidalnogo digitized society."
