Deadly battle and win immortal brig
Nicholas I: "We wish, that the memory of the famous merit command of Brig" Mercury "never in the fleet did not disappear, and, passing from generation to generation for ever, served as an example to posterity ..." Brig "Mercury" Attacked by Two Turkish Ships, 1892.
Ivan Aivazovsky
When on May 14 at the entrance to the Bosphorus two-masted 18-gun brig "Mercury" was caught two largest battleships and high-speed 110-gun Turks "Selimiye" and the 74-gun "Real-Bey", the upcoming Russian massacre waited not only enemies, but and "your" - on board the "Real" was a Russian crew of the frigate "Raphael" the other day to go down without a fight St. Andrew's flag, which was not the Russian fleet ever before.
Among Turkish officers still Stroynikov captain - later demoted and exiled him - ready to watch the destruction of Captain Kazarsky and 115 employees. Beyond the horizon disappeared "Standart" and "Orpheus", which together "Mercury" was guarding the entrance to the Strait - they lead away from the battle, Lieutenant-Commander Sahnovsky. At the two-masted brig had no chance - neither leave nor to win the battle.
Explain what happened then, we can only tell about the crew of the brig reconnaissance.
Son Provincial Secretary - "good name, Sasha - the only thing that you leave a legacy" - Alexander Kazarsky midshipman in 16 years became a midshipman and Suvorov learned "to win the science" in its naval version - there is enough of their teachers.
"On the watch do not expect tips - assessing the situation, act independently and decisively; establish a rapport with the lower ranks in their ability and coherence - a major success of maneuver; try to unravel the idea of the enemy and stay ahead of its actions, "- said a lieutenant his captain Kazarskyi Skalovsky.
The crew of the "Mercury" are constantly trained - to automatic action. Sailors Kazarsky set sail and cleaned for 3-4 minutes - the Turks considered an excellent result for 12-15 minutes. His gunners were snipers. Hundred Fifteen Russian sailors - nobility officers and men of the people - loved Captain Kazarsky so that some of them settled himself be buried next to him.
His contribution to the wonderful and terrible victory at the Bosphorus has made in the construction of the brig, Colonel Osminin that the recruitment of an oak hull "Mercury" has applied innovative technology that at the time of the legendary battle ship remained afloat even get huge damage ... Brig "Mercury" after Defeat of Two Turkish ships. 1848.
Ivan Aivazovsky
... The remaining 14 May, the huge - with a tenfold superiority in artillery - Turkish battleship captain Kazarsky gathered a military council officers. Discuss options for death. Lieutenant Prokofiev proposed to start a fight, to get close to the nearest battleship and explode along with it - and was supported unanimously.
Marine Charter in such cases ordered to consult with the team. Two days earlier, so I did the commander of the 36-gun "Raphael" Stroynikov when his ship in the fog encircled the Turks - and the team said he did not want to die and asked to hand over the ship. Captain Kazarskyi sailors said that they do their duty and be with him until the end.
All dressed in clean, prayed and began in places. Captain twenty-eight in front of everyone put his gun to the powder keg. What last living - it was clear just who knows them will.
First there was complete calm and sailors "Mercury" rowing standing - and such a design included - and in fact the chances of the brig if there were, then - in the maneuver, moving, avoiding fire and marksmanship back. Gunners captain ordered to demolish and rigging Turks - eighteen small guns.
After half an hour, "Mercury" burned - nearly 200 Turkish guns barrage carries it to pieces. Three times the sailors put out a fire, the Turks were shouting "Surrender! Get out of the sails! ", Russian shot back from everything that shoots - beaten with rifles. Contused and wounded Kazarsky shut a bullet one of the sailors, the other died, plugged a hole. After 4 hours of hell suddenly collapsed rigging on a "mudslide" - Gunners "Mercury" complied with the order. Following the same happened to the "Real" - the Turks do not believe in what is happening.
"Unheard! We could not get him to surrender. He fought, backing and maneuvering according to the rules of marine science so skillfully that, ashamed to say, we stopped fighting, and with glory he went on his way. If the world and there are heroes, whose name deserves to be inscribed in golden letters in the Temple of Glory - it Kazarsky captain and his brig "Mercury" - later wrote about this navigator Turkish "Real-Bey".
... Frustrated, with torn sails (133 hits) and holes in the board (22 hits), with blood-stained deck - brig from 148 injuries in the Russian squadron caught rigging the next day. He did not wait for all the ships were lowered flags in a sign of mourning, when on the eve ceased artillery fire on the horizon - a small victory seemed impossible brig and was buried. However, to say goodbye with honor had only four sailors ... Brig "Mercury" lead the fight with two Turkish ships
Nikolai Krasovsky
Survivors winners Reward: Lieutenant Prokofiev - the Order of St. George 4-th degree, other officers - the Order of St. Vladimir 4-th degree with a bow, the lower ranks - the decorations, and a lifetime pension equal to double the salary. Captain Kazarsky received the Order of St. George 4-th degree and the right place for your noble image of the coat of arms of Tula gun that was supposed to break out the last shot.
Survivors unworthy also noted: Stroinikova captain and his crew, the tribunal sentenced to death, the emperor pardoned, but Stroinikova deprived of rank, honors and nobility, was sent into exile; Officers were ordinary; sailors forgiven.
Nicholas ordered that the name of the frigate-deserter "Raphael" that the Turks renamed the "Fazli-Allah" - "This God & quot; - I never appropriated Russian ships. And also - to destroy the ship-traitor. After Sinop battle, Admiral Nakhimov reported to the emperor of the performance: "Will Your Imperial Majesty performed - the frigate" Raphael "does not exist».
"We wish, that the memory of the famous merit command of Brig" Mercury "never in the fleet did not disappear, and, passing from generation to generation for ever, served as an example to posterity," - commanded Nicholas, was awarded the "Mercury" Stern Georgiy flag and pennant, and also ordered to continue to always be a part of the Black Sea Fleet ship of the same name.
Kazarsky ended his life is terrible - he was poisoned. Appointed in 1831 adjutant of Emperor Nicholas I, he played the most important orders of the emperor, and came into conflict with the major embezzlers. Dying, all blackened, 36-year-old captain of the first rank whispered "Bastards killed me." During his coffin was people screaming, "They killed, killed our benefactor!»
Alexander is buried in the cemetery of Mykolaiv, his name was called three ships of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets, two streets - in Sevastopol and Nikolaev. Monuments captain Kazarskyi stand at the intersection of the Sevastopol and Nakhimov Prospekt in Moscow and the city of Russian glory Sevastopol. Ship named "Mercury" in the Russian Black Sea Fleet not ... source
Ivan Aivazovsky

When on May 14 at the entrance to the Bosphorus two-masted 18-gun brig "Mercury" was caught two largest battleships and high-speed 110-gun Turks "Selimiye" and the 74-gun "Real-Bey", the upcoming Russian massacre waited not only enemies, but and "your" - on board the "Real" was a Russian crew of the frigate "Raphael" the other day to go down without a fight St. Andrew's flag, which was not the Russian fleet ever before.
Among Turkish officers still Stroynikov captain - later demoted and exiled him - ready to watch the destruction of Captain Kazarsky and 115 employees. Beyond the horizon disappeared "Standart" and "Orpheus", which together "Mercury" was guarding the entrance to the Strait - they lead away from the battle, Lieutenant-Commander Sahnovsky. At the two-masted brig had no chance - neither leave nor to win the battle.
Explain what happened then, we can only tell about the crew of the brig reconnaissance.
Son Provincial Secretary - "good name, Sasha - the only thing that you leave a legacy" - Alexander Kazarsky midshipman in 16 years became a midshipman and Suvorov learned "to win the science" in its naval version - there is enough of their teachers.
"On the watch do not expect tips - assessing the situation, act independently and decisively; establish a rapport with the lower ranks in their ability and coherence - a major success of maneuver; try to unravel the idea of the enemy and stay ahead of its actions, "- said a lieutenant his captain Kazarskyi Skalovsky.
The crew of the "Mercury" are constantly trained - to automatic action. Sailors Kazarsky set sail and cleaned for 3-4 minutes - the Turks considered an excellent result for 12-15 minutes. His gunners were snipers. Hundred Fifteen Russian sailors - nobility officers and men of the people - loved Captain Kazarsky so that some of them settled himself be buried next to him.
His contribution to the wonderful and terrible victory at the Bosphorus has made in the construction of the brig, Colonel Osminin that the recruitment of an oak hull "Mercury" has applied innovative technology that at the time of the legendary battle ship remained afloat even get huge damage ... Brig "Mercury" after Defeat of Two Turkish ships. 1848.
Ivan Aivazovsky

... The remaining 14 May, the huge - with a tenfold superiority in artillery - Turkish battleship captain Kazarsky gathered a military council officers. Discuss options for death. Lieutenant Prokofiev proposed to start a fight, to get close to the nearest battleship and explode along with it - and was supported unanimously.
Marine Charter in such cases ordered to consult with the team. Two days earlier, so I did the commander of the 36-gun "Raphael" Stroynikov when his ship in the fog encircled the Turks - and the team said he did not want to die and asked to hand over the ship. Captain Kazarskyi sailors said that they do their duty and be with him until the end.
All dressed in clean, prayed and began in places. Captain twenty-eight in front of everyone put his gun to the powder keg. What last living - it was clear just who knows them will.
First there was complete calm and sailors "Mercury" rowing standing - and such a design included - and in fact the chances of the brig if there were, then - in the maneuver, moving, avoiding fire and marksmanship back. Gunners captain ordered to demolish and rigging Turks - eighteen small guns.
After half an hour, "Mercury" burned - nearly 200 Turkish guns barrage carries it to pieces. Three times the sailors put out a fire, the Turks were shouting "Surrender! Get out of the sails! ", Russian shot back from everything that shoots - beaten with rifles. Contused and wounded Kazarsky shut a bullet one of the sailors, the other died, plugged a hole. After 4 hours of hell suddenly collapsed rigging on a "mudslide" - Gunners "Mercury" complied with the order. Following the same happened to the "Real" - the Turks do not believe in what is happening.
"Unheard! We could not get him to surrender. He fought, backing and maneuvering according to the rules of marine science so skillfully that, ashamed to say, we stopped fighting, and with glory he went on his way. If the world and there are heroes, whose name deserves to be inscribed in golden letters in the Temple of Glory - it Kazarsky captain and his brig "Mercury" - later wrote about this navigator Turkish "Real-Bey".
... Frustrated, with torn sails (133 hits) and holes in the board (22 hits), with blood-stained deck - brig from 148 injuries in the Russian squadron caught rigging the next day. He did not wait for all the ships were lowered flags in a sign of mourning, when on the eve ceased artillery fire on the horizon - a small victory seemed impossible brig and was buried. However, to say goodbye with honor had only four sailors ... Brig "Mercury" lead the fight with two Turkish ships
Nikolai Krasovsky

Survivors winners Reward: Lieutenant Prokofiev - the Order of St. George 4-th degree, other officers - the Order of St. Vladimir 4-th degree with a bow, the lower ranks - the decorations, and a lifetime pension equal to double the salary. Captain Kazarsky received the Order of St. George 4-th degree and the right place for your noble image of the coat of arms of Tula gun that was supposed to break out the last shot.
Survivors unworthy also noted: Stroinikova captain and his crew, the tribunal sentenced to death, the emperor pardoned, but Stroinikova deprived of rank, honors and nobility, was sent into exile; Officers were ordinary; sailors forgiven.
Nicholas ordered that the name of the frigate-deserter "Raphael" that the Turks renamed the "Fazli-Allah" - "This God & quot; - I never appropriated Russian ships. And also - to destroy the ship-traitor. After Sinop battle, Admiral Nakhimov reported to the emperor of the performance: "Will Your Imperial Majesty performed - the frigate" Raphael "does not exist».
"We wish, that the memory of the famous merit command of Brig" Mercury "never in the fleet did not disappear, and, passing from generation to generation for ever, served as an example to posterity," - commanded Nicholas, was awarded the "Mercury" Stern Georgiy flag and pennant, and also ordered to continue to always be a part of the Black Sea Fleet ship of the same name.
Kazarsky ended his life is terrible - he was poisoned. Appointed in 1831 adjutant of Emperor Nicholas I, he played the most important orders of the emperor, and came into conflict with the major embezzlers. Dying, all blackened, 36-year-old captain of the first rank whispered "Bastards killed me." During his coffin was people screaming, "They killed, killed our benefactor!»
Alexander is buried in the cemetery of Mykolaiv, his name was called three ships of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets, two streets - in Sevastopol and Nikolaev. Monuments captain Kazarskyi stand at the intersection of the Sevastopol and Nakhimov Prospekt in Moscow and the city of Russian glory Sevastopol. Ship named "Mercury" in the Russian Black Sea Fleet not ... source