Mangalica - pig in sheep's clothing

This rare breed of pig has its roots in Hungary. On the surface, in front of you ordinary pig. The only difference is that the animal's body is covered with hair, very similar to the familiar for us sheep. Let's look at this more closely curly pig.

Mangalica come in three colors: black, reddish and white. Blondes among mangalica most. The only "relative" was mangalica Lincolnshire curly pig. However, today, this breed is considered to be extinct. Mangalica have also had serious problems with survival. In the mid-90s of the last century, the population of pigs in the fleece was less than two hundred. Breeding mangalica began in Austria-Hungary in the first half of the XIX-th century. Initially, all the pigs of this breed belonged to the Habsburgs. But by the end of the last century mangalica it became the most popular in Europe. The animal is very taxing on the catches of life and is considered one of the most fatty and rapidly gaining weight.


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