Back in Togliatti on the eternal fire.
May 5 in the city of Togliatti group published a picture that caused a wave of indignation. The photo shows a horse standing on the eternal fire in erotic pose
Recall, the biggest scandal of the Eternal Flame in Togliatti, erupted in the spring of last year, when the LGBT fag put condoms to the eternal fire - ostensibly in memory of people who died of AIDS.
This action caused a wave of indignation. Things reached the point that when the organizer of the action - the main fag - Konstantin Golava gave the TV people interviewed on the street, ran pumped up local boys, grabbed Constantine and fastened to his hand a heavy dumbbell handcuffs with the words: "This cargo is up to the end of your days, freak ! '.
A court in central Togliatti cocksucker Constantine fined 10 thousand rubles for an administrative offense.
And now here's another beast - Explore.
Recall, the biggest scandal of the Eternal Flame in Togliatti, erupted in the spring of last year, when the LGBT fag put condoms to the eternal fire - ostensibly in memory of people who died of AIDS.
This action caused a wave of indignation. Things reached the point that when the organizer of the action - the main fag - Konstantin Golava gave the TV people interviewed on the street, ran pumped up local boys, grabbed Constantine and fastened to his hand a heavy dumbbell handcuffs with the words: "This cargo is up to the end of your days, freak ! '.
A court in central Togliatti cocksucker Constantine fined 10 thousand rubles for an administrative offense.
And now here's another beast - Explore.