In the Norwegian army trying to manage armored vehicles with the help of virtual reality Oculus Rift

Habré has published several articles about the possibility of control quadrocopter using Oculus Rift. Well, how do you manage the idea armored vehicle / tank with Oculus Rift as the primary means of control / observation? It is this idea are ongoing military experts of the Norwegian army.
According to witnesses, the use of this gadget allows you to feel sitting in a "transparent tank».
All this is provided by several cameras installed on several sides of the vehicle. Camera images is reduced to a single "screen" that allows the person controlling the movement, to see everything that is happening around.
Needless to say, the project so far is in the stage of early development, and is still being finalized. After all, it has several drawbacks, including the possibility of damage / dirt chamber when monitoring with video glasses will be impossible.
Nevertheless, this project makes an impression. Among other things, the price of a set of cameras - only 2000 US dollars, for the military (especially Norway) - just a trifle. At the same time, a set of specialized military-type cameras may cost $ 100 thousand. And it is sensitive to any army in the world.
Via tujobs
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/221895/