Oculus Rift vs HTC Vive: comparison of two leading virtual reality helmets
Recently conducted a comparison of the two most recent versions of well-known at the market and competing with each other computer virtual reality helmets. These were the Oculus Rift CV1 and HTC Vive PRE. The review will be interesting for those who are now decides which of these gadgets to buy. And for those who just want to read for their own interest, which represent these two helmets. The video shows a detailed analysis of both helmets and content for them, and under cut short all this in text form
Specifications:. B >
As we can see, the device is very similar. Oculus wins on price and weight, but both of these victories are not enough. Why? See the following paragraphs
Ease of use:. B>
Here we share our subjective feelings, as all the perception is different. Some reviews I read that Oculus sits comfortably on the head, as a result of its lighter weight and less tired neck that vozduhoprovodimost it better, and spots on the face less than that Vaiva. So, subjectively HTC Vive is much easier and more pleasant sitting on his head. It is, so to speak, a soft, elastic and comfortable. As for the spots on the face, they are inevitable in all VR-devaysakh.
By the way, an important point, and if you wear glasses? During filming, I tried both of the helmet with goggles and it was convenient to just Vive. And only later on fb fidbek it was interesting on the subject of the user both hats:
«For example, I almost could not use the Rift with glasses. Due to the fact that unlike Vive you can not adjust the distance to the lens, a lot of time spent on fitting, constantly afraid of scratching the lens.
At the same time another person with a different shape of the face and other points do not have such problems, and used in full Rift advantage of putting \ taking off in style baseball cap.
And hack Vive peel with soft lining to increase the FOV and the sweetspot for me it worked perfectly, but not sure what it will be for all. »
And once touched the eyes, the ears and the mention. The Oculus Rift built headphones and HTC Vive removable. Sami headphones Vive stuff, but if I want to turn your ears cool when immersed in the VR, the Vive wins. If you use the native ears systems wins Oculus
Controllers:. B>
That's why HTC Vive is $ 200 more expensive. Because it comes with a steep intuitive controller for virtual reality, while Oculus comes with the Xbox controller. In the future, Oculus has promised to release its VR-controllers Oculus Touch. They have to buy for the same $ 200, which now make up the price difference of the two devices.
Required area for use:
Oculus can and should be used sitting in a chair, but the HTC Vive provides movement in space. It is necessary to highlight some of the apartment area free of furniture, the corners of which in the line of sight must be secured Lighthouse station, included in the helmet supplied. By the way, more about the HTC Vive delivery can be found in my other article on geektimes. Dimensions area: 1, 5x2 up to 4x5 meters.
This is an important distinction between the two systems. On the one hand all of the content for Vive steeper due to the fact that you actually move through the virtual space by moving the body in real. On the other hand, many simply do not have the space at home, but what can I say - some dishes less !!! And besides, after 20-30 minutes of the game offbeat people to Vive gets tired of the constant motion
Content:. B>
According to subjective feelings, playing Vive, requiring the movement and uses the controller is much better than playing with Oculus Xbox joystick. Here is the truth, archery or katana chopping vegetables, I caught at certain times total immersion and forgot that I was in a room with plastmasskoy in the hands of the sword, and that does not even smell here.
The text of the article I gave a very brief extracts from what is uttered on camera. But the conclusions are given in full. So:
Opinion 1: "Oculus great helmet sits well on the head, but there is a small gap from the bottom, there is a problem in that the built-in earphones - they are not always necessary, if I. for example want their use. My choice for Vive, because with it you can move around the room, you can see the wall, you can shoot a bow, you can do a lot of things that are not made in the Oculus. But Oculus is also good for apartments, rooms, when it is necessary to sit in kresle.Iz games under Oculus like the game Lucky's Tale, platformer from a third party this is what I think you need to VR at this stage under vive I really liked the Lab -.. it's a game from Valve, as the official demo with all the opportunities and all the setting, the most popular virtual reality Cool archery, pet dog in virtual reality -. it is generally an incredible feeling. "
Opinion 2: "I have all the impressions that bring a helmet, most liked the HTC Vive, however, need the room needed playground to play in it and is not always enough.. . Therefore, the place houses buy myself Oculus Though certainly enjoyed both gaming experience, and the impressions of the dressing on his head, that HTC Vive.. "
Opinion 3: " If you from the buyer's point of view, looking at the helmet, then perhaps we should wait a little bit. Because right now, we compared the helmets, but we in fact do not have the helmet from Sony. and Vive a little quicker and smarter turned and his hands is, and Oculus currently no hands. and it's very unfair comparison when the hand -. it is a very different level of immersion well, if you're a developer of games and want to develop your game by virtual reality, you do something good for the helmet that you have or that you like. or if you do not, then do a cell the VR, because development can be much more interesting to say, and now here in your hands a first VR-experience will be for any of the players that have a virtual reality is not encountered. If he is good, quality, and you do it with soul, you do a good deed. Therefore, both are good helmets, technically, both are excellent, so that you choose - up to you :-) "
Source: geektimes.ru/post/275076/
Specifications:. B >

As we can see, the device is very similar. Oculus wins on price and weight, but both of these victories are not enough. Why? See the following paragraphs
Ease of use:. B>
Here we share our subjective feelings, as all the perception is different. Some reviews I read that Oculus sits comfortably on the head, as a result of its lighter weight and less tired neck that vozduhoprovodimost it better, and spots on the face less than that Vaiva. So, subjectively HTC Vive is much easier and more pleasant sitting on his head. It is, so to speak, a soft, elastic and comfortable. As for the spots on the face, they are inevitable in all VR-devaysakh.

By the way, an important point, and if you wear glasses? During filming, I tried both of the helmet with goggles and it was convenient to just Vive. And only later on fb fidbek it was interesting on the subject of the user both hats:
«For example, I almost could not use the Rift with glasses. Due to the fact that unlike Vive you can not adjust the distance to the lens, a lot of time spent on fitting, constantly afraid of scratching the lens.
At the same time another person with a different shape of the face and other points do not have such problems, and used in full Rift advantage of putting \ taking off in style baseball cap.
And hack Vive peel with soft lining to increase the FOV and the sweetspot for me it worked perfectly, but not sure what it will be for all. »
And once touched the eyes, the ears and the mention. The Oculus Rift built headphones and HTC Vive removable. Sami headphones Vive stuff, but if I want to turn your ears cool when immersed in the VR, the Vive wins. If you use the native ears systems wins Oculus
Controllers:. B>
That's why HTC Vive is $ 200 more expensive. Because it comes with a steep intuitive controller for virtual reality, while Oculus comes with the Xbox controller. In the future, Oculus has promised to release its VR-controllers Oculus Touch. They have to buy for the same $ 200, which now make up the price difference of the two devices.

Required area for use:
Oculus can and should be used sitting in a chair, but the HTC Vive provides movement in space. It is necessary to highlight some of the apartment area free of furniture, the corners of which in the line of sight must be secured Lighthouse station, included in the helmet supplied. By the way, more about the HTC Vive delivery can be found in my other article on geektimes. Dimensions area: 1, 5x2 up to 4x5 meters.

This is an important distinction between the two systems. On the one hand all of the content for Vive steeper due to the fact that you actually move through the virtual space by moving the body in real. On the other hand, many simply do not have the space at home, but what can I say - some dishes less !!! And besides, after 20-30 minutes of the game offbeat people to Vive gets tired of the constant motion
Content:. B>
According to subjective feelings, playing Vive, requiring the movement and uses the controller is much better than playing with Oculus Xbox joystick. Here is the truth, archery or katana chopping vegetables, I caught at certain times total immersion and forgot that I was in a room with plastmasskoy in the hands of the sword, and that does not even smell here.

The text of the article I gave a very brief extracts from what is uttered on camera. But the conclusions are given in full. So:
Opinion 1: "Oculus great helmet sits well on the head, but there is a small gap from the bottom, there is a problem in that the built-in earphones - they are not always necessary, if I. for example want their use. My choice for Vive, because with it you can move around the room, you can see the wall, you can shoot a bow, you can do a lot of things that are not made in the Oculus. But Oculus is also good for apartments, rooms, when it is necessary to sit in kresle.Iz games under Oculus like the game Lucky's Tale, platformer from a third party this is what I think you need to VR at this stage under vive I really liked the Lab -.. it's a game from Valve, as the official demo with all the opportunities and all the setting, the most popular virtual reality Cool archery, pet dog in virtual reality -. it is generally an incredible feeling. "
Opinion 2: "I have all the impressions that bring a helmet, most liked the HTC Vive, however, need the room needed playground to play in it and is not always enough.. . Therefore, the place houses buy myself Oculus Though certainly enjoyed both gaming experience, and the impressions of the dressing on his head, that HTC Vive.. "
Opinion 3: " If you from the buyer's point of view, looking at the helmet, then perhaps we should wait a little bit. Because right now, we compared the helmets, but we in fact do not have the helmet from Sony. and Vive a little quicker and smarter turned and his hands is, and Oculus currently no hands. and it's very unfair comparison when the hand -. it is a very different level of immersion well, if you're a developer of games and want to develop your game by virtual reality, you do something good for the helmet that you have or that you like. or if you do not, then do a cell the VR, because development can be much more interesting to say, and now here in your hands a first VR-experience will be for any of the players that have a virtual reality is not encountered. If he is good, quality, and you do it with soul, you do a good deed. Therefore, both are good helmets, technically, both are excellent, so that you choose - up to you :-) "
Source: geektimes.ru/post/275076/
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