The origin of virtual reality: prototypes of 3D video glasses and hats from the past
It seems that virtual reality is gaining momentum - this is clearly not dead-end development technologies like 3D TVs. Devices which man is immersed in a world of virtual reality becomes more and more refined technology, fewer differences between conventional and virtual reality.
To today there was this breakthrough technology on the relevant working scientists, engineers and futurists who see perspective in VR. Attempts to create a device that allow a person to immerse themselves in a different reality, has long maintained, it all originates with stereoscopic devices with sound. But there were other prototypes, much more interesting.
1956: Sensorama - 3D
This is - one of the attempts to immerse the person in a world of unusual, try to give him a sense of reality. Sensorama - the device with stereo sound, 3D display, zapahogeneratorami (yes, this is not a new technology) and vibrating seats, changes its position depending on what is happening on the screen
. It was a product of the mind and cinematographer Morton Heilig engineer who created six short films for Sensorama. Shoot everything on a special camera.
1961: Headsight - the user's head position tracking
Videoshlem Rift actively uses the user's head position tracking technology for more realistic immersion in virtual reality. But the first attempt to do something similar was implemented in 1961. It was a secret military project, in the course of which the scientists have created Headsight, consisting of a magnetic tracking system user's head position videoshlema display and translational cameras. The original purpose - to create a device that allows you to remotely examine any place where the person to go for some reason, it would be impossible (and dangerous).
1966: GAF Viewmaster
This is a stereoscopic glasses - in the '80s, many children were toys, whose operation was similar to the principle of operation of this device. But, of course, when a person first sees the "volume" stereoscopic image, it is very impressive.
1968: Sword of Damocles
Yes, the system is so called because it was very hard for a man, and hung on a special pad under the ceiling. There has been used the computer, which is superimposed on a geometric grid of all, that the person he saw before him.
1980: Eye Tap
Miniaturization in force. Steve Mann, the pioneer and "father" of portable devices has created a computer system (secured in a backpack behind) to be connected to videoshlemu and viewfinder. This system allows you to overlay computer-generated images that people saw before him. This system can be considered as augmented reality, not clean the VR, but it is still a very significant step.
1984: RB2
The first full VR-controllers. It was a virtual reality for two, which allowed users to see themselves in VR and interact with the virtual environment. And yes, it was a commercial development that could be bought. Why do not you become popular? The basic version of RB2 cost $ 50,000 (remember, this is 1984), and the usual - $ 100,000
1985: NASA
There already LCD-display, and the user's head position tracking. There are LEDs, good optics and all the rest. This is the first such device, which is already very much like what we have now.
1993: SEGA VR
The Japanese company has released a special video glasses for a full immersion in the game, and the device was presented at the CES, along with four games for the device. Unfortunately, the project was accepted by the technology community is not too warmly, and continue working Sega concept did not go.
1994: Nintendo Virtual Boy
The first home console from the Nintendo, capable of three-dimensional graphics, became the Virtual Boy, released in 1994. Here uses a technology similar to "virtual reality helmet" - immerse the person in the unit, and two monochrome (black and red), the projector image is transmitted separately for each eye
. But the failure of the system expected - users, mainly neck ached. And the black-and-red image is not happy
1995:. CAVE
It is a complex system, designed for multiple people. It consisted of projectors, video glasses, special lighting. Created CAVE students of the University of Illinois. Innovation is that in the VR environment has several people who can communicate with each other, and to see, feel the same.
2009: Kickstarter and the beginning of the modern history of virtual reality Oculus Rift Development Kit 1
What happened next, we already know. Now the weight is not very large and companies have started to create their own virtual reality device. Use a VR technology astronauts, scientists, the gamers. And all this is just beginning.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/274008/
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