ANTVR: an interesting competitor Ocululs Rift hybrid controller included

Various kinds of devices, immersing their owners in a virtual reality, have become quite common. Despite the fact that the first such Soup (same Oculus Rift) were military development, virtual reality glasses are now used for entertainment.
Of course, the most famous gadget of this category are already twice mentioned Ocululs Rift. But, as a virtual reality goggles niche is large enough, there are new models of the new companies.
The other day it was reported video glasses ANTVR, which have a "zest" - a hybrid controller, which can be used in shooters like gun games with swords, as, indeed, a sword, and in any other games, like a normal controller with buttons and other controls.

Furthermore, ANTVR feature aspherical lenses, which, according to developers, do not distort the image at the edges. The gadget is designed so that it can be used, and people who are ordinary optical glasses.
Developers also mention the 9-axial sensor that responds to movements of the player. Also moving forward / backward, the owner can jump points, or vice versa, to duck. And "Avatar" in the game will do the same, of course, if allowed by the creators of the toys.

The rest of the screen / lens slightly differ from other devices. It is 1920 * 1080 display with 100 ° diagonal field of view.

Glasses are compatible with PC, Xbox, PlayStation and other devices, including electronic gadgets based on OS Android.

This wireless device, many elements of which are located just in the controller. Battery lasts for 8 hours of play.
Now developers собирают funds to start mass production of its devices, and at the time of writing the news already collected 115,570 dollars, of the required 200 thousand. Until the end of the "Collection" - 37 days, so that developers may well hope for a successful conclusion of the campaign.
By the way, here is a comparative table of features ANTVR and other virtual reality goggles.

Well, yes, "early birds" could order yourself this gadget for 270 US dollars. Now the amount of pre-order - $ 300 and above. Needless to say, the higher the fee, the greater the buyer receives buns.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/223147/