About Vasya or cat's earnings

It was such a big black cat grim. The whole day he was sitting at his box. But it is not just sitting there. Vasya was bandaged right front paw with claws on the elbow, and when someone walked past the second floor, he pulled the leg in front of him, bowed his head, and looked plaintively eyes passer. His appearance at the same time changed dramatically! As an experienced retsedivista in court. From the dark villain, he instantly turned into a miserable pusichku.
Needless to say that in such hands Vasina revenue per day is significantly higher than the turnover of the kiosk? I once looked out of curiosity into the box. You know, the little things were not there. Vasya served generously.
At first, watching Vasya, I thought it was a cat Seller kiosk. It has appeared. Box closed, the seller was on his way, and his Vasya. Most likely it was just a yard prodigal cat. All his spare time while shopping center was closed, it is Blondie in the surrounding area. However, every day, exactly half of the ninth in the morning, he sat at the door of the store and waited for the opening. And the bandage on his paw shone white.
I watched the beast almost every day for two years. Lapa course he was absolutely healthy, and compassionate in their spare time, he enjoyed the views of all her other relatives. Except for one particular. Where would Bob may be, whatever is done, tinkering whether garbage, tore whether gaping Muska, but when he noticed on itself the human mind, as he immediately threw all sat down, stretched out in front of his bandaged leg, looked passerby's eyes, and his appearance became miserable and nyashechnym.
But! If you once walked past and did not put in a box, you become for him an empty place. At the sight of you, he is not pulling his paw and did not pathetic. He simply did not notice you. He remembered all. I have not seen in the life of another living being, who could so demonstrate that you do not exist. Unpleasant, you know the feeling. When you like it is, and you do not.
Here you go. And then the room on the second floor of the bought bank and trade from there removed. Kiosk with food for the animals migrated to the two blocks to the center. And Bob was gone. Not just gone, no. More some time it every day, with half of the ninth, consistently held his place at the door. And I am waiting for the opening. But the door did not open. Vasya course fed sellers of groceries. But go he categorically did not want to.
I do not wish it, and move to a new location. Saleswoman of kiosk complained.
- I was taking it three times! And I put the box! Do not sit, the infection! Though tether!
Of course it was sad. This piece of daily revenue left by cash.
And then Bob completely disappeared and I forgot about him.
Until sometime later, maybe a year did not accidentally drove to the gas station on Old Yaroslavl.
On an empty gas station right under the window box office sat a large black cat grim. With a bandaged paw. Right front.
- Vaaaaasya! - I said cheerfully. - So here you are, you rascal! I get a job?
Bob showed me the complete absence in the surrounding space.
- Ahhh! Remember me, son of a bitch! - I laughed Vasin rancor, but not at all upset.
Having on hand delivery, he separated pyatidesyatirublёvuyu bill, put it under his nose Vase, and the words
- Here! Look!
ostentatiously placed in standing near the window box office plastic box with a solid inscription - "for a cat»
Vasya and ear has not led.
- Well, okay! - I said, turned around, and went his way.
- Mrryayayauu! - Suddenly sounded from behind.
I turned around in surprise.
Bob sat, handing me his bandaged leg, and he looked so pathetic and miserable that even cry.

After I published this story in zhezhe came here such comment.
"Hello! I happened to read your story, and decided to write about Vasya.
You know, I worked as a cashier at the gas station, about which you write. Who really sit in the decree.
Bob died about a year ago, we are all so worried. We are used to it, he was living with us at the gas station, everyone loved it, and the staff, and drivers who are constantly at us dressed.
A mes of the money he "earned" we did not take himself a penny that is not what anyone thought. We bought them cat food, and gave women who are close to stray cats and dogs. We did not give her the money, and buy themselves food. A "earned it a lot. So Bob feed not only themselves, but also many of his colleagues.
Land him down. Thank you for your story. "
Such cases.