About mockery of our SU - 24 on the American destroyer "Donald Cook"

I do not know how anyone, and I was so emotional and even somewhere hysterical speech of serious guys from the Pentagon, it seemed very, very strange.
Because really, what this, that the unarmed bomber, frankly, not the last generation has passed, even 12 times, close to the latest, armed to the teeth, specializing in air defense destroyer US? For example, during the confrontation between the USSR and the USA, these aircraft overflew the ships of both nations made in almost every meeting of potential enemies. So what happened this time? With so hurt Americans? Moreover, according to semi-official, appeared on secondary search engines information after the incident, "Donald Cook" urgently went to the port and there are 27 Romanian crew members have written a letter of resignation and left or intends to leave the ship.
This is indirectly confirmed by the words of the same statement the Pentagon. It argues that this action has demoralized the crew. Here I was absolutely confused happening. The fact that this suffering destroyer, USS Donald Cook (DDG-75) type "Arleigh Burke", belongs to a class of destroyers URO, multirole combat fast maneuverable ships, designed for anti-submarine warfare, aircraft (including missiles) and enemy ships, as well as for the protection and defense of the United ships or convoys of ships at sea passage. In service of this ship are including two 6-barrel storage "Phalanx" and up to 74 missiles RIM-66 SM-2 "Standard-2».
In other words, the specialization of the ship, it is a struggle not only with such low-speed malomanevrennymi objectives as the SU-24, but with the goals much more difficult - with anti-ship missiles that speed and mobility are higher and agility they are not limiting congestion on the crew and stealth they are many times greater than the Su-24. It would seem, what is there to demoralize - sit yourself, turn the air defense, "Aegis", but worked out in close to real conditions, reflection attack aircraft likely opponent!
But no, the crew was demoralized, 27 people have written statements with the phrase - "It is not going to risk their lives." So what happened in international waters? I believe the answer lies behind this mysterious name as "Khibiny". According to Wikipedia, Hibiny - a mountain massif on the Kola Peninsula in the Murmansk region, located 150 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle :) But, of course, not by the Khibiny was intimidated by the crew of the destroyer.
"Khibiny" - is the newest Russian complex electronic warfare, which will be installed on all promising Russian aircraft. Data about it, how many did not seek, has not found, but it says here that the Su-24 was already used in exercises in Buryatia. So, there is nothing that can demoralize the military man, as his own powerlessness!
The situation in the light of the foregoing, I see the following. April 10, 2014, the above-mentioned destroyer arrived in the neutral waters of the Black Sea to carry out acts of intimidation and demonstration of force - due to the intransigent stance of Russia in Ukraine and the Crimea. Prior to that, in the Black Sea was, in violation of the Montreux Convention, another American missile destroyer "Trakstan." That is, there is a typical, American favorite, rat race - saber rattling and the international rudeness.
Russia's reaction was calm but deadly: April 12, in the great day of space exploration, our shells for overflight in international waters, unarmed Su-24, but with the "Khibiny" under the wing. Further, all developed approximately in such a scenario, "Cook" spotted from afar the approach of "drying" played alarm and stopped at action stations. Everything went normally, radars considered a course of rapprochement with the aim of "Aegis" guided properly manage the system. And then - bang! All extinguished. "Aegis" is not working, the screen shows turbidity, even the "Phalanx" can not receive target information! SU-24, meanwhile, was on the deck, "Cook", made a U-turn and fighting simulated missile attack on the target. Of course, a successful - because there is no counter! Then he turned and faked another. And so on - even 10 times! All attempts technicians revive the "Aegis" and give target designation for air defense, failed, and only when the silhouette of "drying" melted into the haze over the Russian coast, the screens came to life, and the guidance system in good faith reported a net shining emptiness April sky.
Summarize. Most likely, after the SU-24 included in the immediate vicinity of the "Cook", "Khibiny", the whole air defense destroyer out of order. But our checking system performance EW 12 (!) Times simulated attack on an American ship. During all this time, the crew was unable to revive extinguished CICS. She earned only when the SU-24 left on base rate. It was then that he realized his own powerlessness against a complex EW conventional bomber, and 27 people have filed reports on the resignation.
Source: www.youtube.com
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