Ginandromorfizm butterflies
Ginandromorfizm - anomalous result of the body, which visually show signs of both sexes. The butterflies such differences are more than evident. We invite you now to look at such examples.
Ginandromorfov insects are divided into several categories. In our cases, we will focus on bilateral (longitudinal part of the body, such as wings, has pronounced the male and female characteristics) and the mosaic (there is no clear division of signs and they can be located all over the body of an insect). Perhaps, if we consider the insects. That ginandromorfizm their most attractive. See below a selection of the most visually pleasing ginandromorfov butterfly.
Ginandromorfov insects are divided into several categories. In our cases, we will focus on bilateral (longitudinal part of the body, such as wings, has pronounced the male and female characteristics) and the mosaic (there is no clear division of signs and they can be located all over the body of an insect). Perhaps, if we consider the insects. That ginandromorfizm their most attractive. See below a selection of the most visually pleasing ginandromorfov butterfly.