Hot Water Beach - a hot beach in New Zealand
You can imagine tourists who go to the beach with shovels? Most likely no. However, it is. Hot Water Beach - a unique place with geothermal water, remote from human settlements.
Under the sand beach, there are two sources of hot water that seeps through the sand up. That is, you can even walk along the warm sand. But at the peak of the season, on the Coromandel Peninsula in New Zealand, there are hundreds of families with shovels and buckets. They dig themselves into the sand bathrooms. It is noteworthy that the deeper you dig, the hotter the water is in your makeshift bath. At peak times, the water temperature can reach 65 degrees Celsius. Many find a compromise and do a kind of link between sea water and geothermal sources, mixing, and get warm vodichku.
Under the sand beach, there are two sources of hot water that seeps through the sand up. That is, you can even walk along the warm sand. But at the peak of the season, on the Coromandel Peninsula in New Zealand, there are hundreds of families with shovels and buckets. They dig themselves into the sand bathrooms. It is noteworthy that the deeper you dig, the hotter the water is in your makeshift bath. At peak times, the water temperature can reach 65 degrees Celsius. Many find a compromise and do a kind of link between sea water and geothermal sources, mixing, and get warm vodichku.