Traditional ways of getting rid of hiccups
People's ways of getting rid of the hiccups
It is not necessary to wait until the hiccups pass itself. You can use folk remedies, which inhibit the activity of the vagus nerve is irritated, causing an attack of hiccups. For example:
1. Place a teaspoon of sugar on the back of the tongue.
2. Properly plug fingers in his ears. It should stimulate the ear branch of the vagus nerve.
3. For some time Rinse throat with water.
4. Breathe through the paper bag (only briefly, otherwise you can lose consciousness) to "divert" the nervous system, as carbon dioxide levels in the body begin to grow.
5. Eat a large tablespoon of peanut butter. The process of chewing sticky consistency must "divert" the breath of the hiccups.
6. Swallow a tablespoon of powdered chocolate mixture. Swallowing may terminate hiccups reflex.
7. Cover with a glass of water with a paper towel and drink all the water through it. Such a method will cause the diaphragm to work harder and catch your breath.
8. stick out your tongue. This measure helps to reveal the gap between the vocal cords and breathing becomes freer.
9. From hiccups deliver something acidic, such as a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon slice.
10. Abstain from the top of the door frame, then leaned forward.
11. Try to escape, for example, read the mind of the alphabet backwards.
12. Drink water fast gulps; rhythmic contractions of the esophagus reduce spasms of the diaphragm.
13. Drink, bending his head down. Lay down your head or bend down from a standing position. Drink one or two mouthfuls of water and straighten.
14. Try to get scared. This is another form of mental distraction.
15. A long and passionate kiss relaxes the muscles of the diaphragm and stops hiccups.

It is not necessary to wait until the hiccups pass itself. You can use folk remedies, which inhibit the activity of the vagus nerve is irritated, causing an attack of hiccups. For example:
1. Place a teaspoon of sugar on the back of the tongue.
2. Properly plug fingers in his ears. It should stimulate the ear branch of the vagus nerve.
3. For some time Rinse throat with water.
4. Breathe through the paper bag (only briefly, otherwise you can lose consciousness) to "divert" the nervous system, as carbon dioxide levels in the body begin to grow.
5. Eat a large tablespoon of peanut butter. The process of chewing sticky consistency must "divert" the breath of the hiccups.
6. Swallow a tablespoon of powdered chocolate mixture. Swallowing may terminate hiccups reflex.
7. Cover with a glass of water with a paper towel and drink all the water through it. Such a method will cause the diaphragm to work harder and catch your breath.
8. stick out your tongue. This measure helps to reveal the gap between the vocal cords and breathing becomes freer.
9. From hiccups deliver something acidic, such as a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon slice.
10. Abstain from the top of the door frame, then leaned forward.
11. Try to escape, for example, read the mind of the alphabet backwards.
12. Drink water fast gulps; rhythmic contractions of the esophagus reduce spasms of the diaphragm.
13. Drink, bending his head down. Lay down your head or bend down from a standing position. Drink one or two mouthfuls of water and straighten.
14. Try to get scared. This is another form of mental distraction.
15. A long and passionate kiss relaxes the muscles of the diaphragm and stops hiccups.