Cowardly want to judge Gorbachev, not the Communists and the KGB
Briefly about the initiative of pro-government deputies Gorbachev judge for the "collapse of the USSR».
1. In the collapse of the state since the Soviet Union Communist Party and the KGB to blame
That's against the total lustration partchinovnikov and KGB officials personally, I would not mind, especially if it was preceded by a lustration court Nuremberg-type
2. Communist Party, Gorbachev and the USSR itself, casting away his people
The workers could not stand communists and that the strike of the workers, who, because of the Communists lived poor, hungry - that their protest levoboltunov throw off the yoke. Coupons for bread coupons for tea, sugar coupons, coupons and turns - all this was true of Communist rule. I've said nothing about the robbery type Pavlovian reform.
Neither Gorbachev nor the Communist Party - no one could change the reality - people do not want to preserve the dominance of the Communist Party, and at the same time and are tired of tomfoolery and wonders of Moscow. Is not surprising that all of the republic - and Russia including already wanted to live independently.
In general, if one judge and the collapse - that the very power. well, or people that kind of power on his neck did not want to have to endure.
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1. In the collapse of the state since the Soviet Union Communist Party and the KGB to blame
That's against the total lustration partchinovnikov and KGB officials personally, I would not mind, especially if it was preceded by a lustration court Nuremberg-type
2. Communist Party, Gorbachev and the USSR itself, casting away his people
The workers could not stand communists and that the strike of the workers, who, because of the Communists lived poor, hungry - that their protest levoboltunov throw off the yoke. Coupons for bread coupons for tea, sugar coupons, coupons and turns - all this was true of Communist rule. I've said nothing about the robbery type Pavlovian reform.
Neither Gorbachev nor the Communist Party - no one could change the reality - people do not want to preserve the dominance of the Communist Party, and at the same time and are tired of tomfoolery and wonders of Moscow. Is not surprising that all of the republic - and Russia including already wanted to live independently.
In general, if one judge and the collapse - that the very power. well, or people that kind of power on his neck did not want to have to endure.
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