Nostalgia .. Do you remember? (57 photos)

I'm still at school

and what was the coolest computer game? That's right, Prince of Persia)) I even took it to the end)))

delicious mermaids ..)
Caps and were beaten. in the class they changed their 6 to 18 lollipop flavored watermelon ...

dandy I had not once, we went to a neighbor to play ...

but I had a strange set-top box, which you can play in tanchiki ..)

but this game was even better tanchikov, only instead of the wolf I had
Mickey Mouse, who collected the eggs) and it was the best game in the world ...

Tetris I had a couple of years after he became
popular) like they say - you never go up with fashion, a little
her be late)

and of course Mario ...

but in general their school routine was conducted in the boys (and I helped them
I write these words on the walls in the stairwell, but do not understand what
writing. however, I did not care whether to write about rap - it's cool
or acid - it's super)

and the girls spent their leisure time as well:

and remember Lizunov, which left traces in the main on the ceiling?), and my mother swore strongly about this ...)

But these dinosaurs? .. I had a whole collection in the country ... I
made them the cave and play war games between predators and herbivores)

By the way, remember the transfer of the same topics ..?)

and even stickers were great with dinosaurs ... and chewing gum has savory and firm, but it was still delicious, somehow ...)

but my favorite gum was like this ... just world!

which inserts just love encyclopedia)

and cockerels ... sugar ... mmm ...

and it seemed to me a miracle is always delicious fresh bananas) I remember
They buy them before going to school, eating in the classroom and out of their portfolios terribly
smell ..)

and what we saw ...))))

wild angel ..) boys also watched?)

Ellen and the boys ... the show was awesome)))

Flintstones ...

Fred Krueger)))

Of course, Santa Barbara!

love at first sight ... why do not make such transfers? Kiss on the flight some garbage compared to this)))

but remember this transfer ??? it still is)))

crazy hands - the coolest heading)

Beverly Hills 90210 ...

my second mom! the best series. I even had book))

Dirty Dancing ...

rush hour - every night, did not understand anything, but looked ...

and what we heard ...

and what)

and what we drank)

Cola Cao - champion of cocoa))))

but remember these bags ??? insanely delicious. these "juices" language became a color that my mother clutched at his heart ..)

delicious mermaids ..)

I wanted this ... and my mother said it was a plastic r ..)

rainbow ..) such a cool thing was)

somebody survived this book?

in the 7th grade, it was all the rage), especially in winter, the white snow ... so I often in window light

and this screensaver has always frightened me ..)

Comics Bamsey)

I watched the filmstrips at the ceiling while lying on the floor)

Sailor Moon - Sailor Moon)

everyone loves Mamba, and Sergei, too)

Chip Chip Chip Chip and Dale to us in a hurry)

black cloak! just shout - he appears ..)

Ear strange gum ... it was always interesting to know what they write)

And finally ... most of us have been tamagochchi))))