The biggest pool in the world (8 photos)
The pool is on the Chilean coast, its length is 1013 meters, the area - 8 hectares. One reason for the construction of the pool was the pollution of the ocean and a large number of sharks off the coast.
via wunder-bar
Assembled the largest motorcycle in the world where you can ride
Badboot is the most environmentally friendly and the large swimming pool that becomes a skating rink
The largest swimming pool built in Chile
American has built the biggest house of cards (10 pics + text)
The biggest buildings in the world built over the past 100 years
In Australia, scientists have published the world's largest solar cells
The biggest bonfire in the world
Allure of the Seas - world's largest cruise ship
The biggest tuna in the world
The world's largest tent Khan Tent
Assembled the largest motorcycle in the world where you can ride
Badboot is the most environmentally friendly and the large swimming pool that becomes a skating rink
The largest swimming pool built in Chile
American has built the biggest house of cards (10 pics + text)
The biggest buildings in the world built over the past 100 years
In Australia, scientists have published the world's largest solar cells
The biggest bonfire in the world
Allure of the Seas - world's largest cruise ship
The biggest tuna in the world
The world's largest tent Khan Tent
Buy Chinese toys? (14 photos)
Weapons spies (pistols) (120 photos)