Failure (3 photos)

October 19, 2006 at the mine potash mine №1 JSC "Uralkali" (Berezniki, Perm Territory) after the collapse began to celebrate a dramatic increase in water inflow to the face. The influx from the aquifer increased, which was extremely dangerous - if the water saturation of the whole formation of salt lead to its transformation into a kind of "ryapy", in the presence of a large system of cavities formed in the extraction of salt will dissolve water-rock potential impacts on the Earth's surface .
Make people in this situation, nothing could, and October 28, 2006 the mine was closed. Processes of dissolution and transfer of potassium salt mine in ever-increasing, and 9 months, 28 July 2007 formed a small dip on the factory site.

The failure of the growing "Stakhanovite" pace, and by the summer of 2008 has reached the diameter of 350 m. And a depth of about 100. Then, the process has slowed down.

The area of destruction has got not only the territory of the mine, but also lies close to the railway Chusovskaya-Solikamsk (where lay the rails - can be clearly seen in the photo). Passenger trains were canceled in 2006, it was built for freight temporary bypass (seen at the bottom of the frame). Now trains and long-distance trains depart from the station located south of the city of Berezniki and screening where passengers are delivered buses.
Precipitation and soil are expected around residential areas on Lenin Street. To rehouse urgently built a new neighborhood - Usolsky.