Afghanistan prisoner-2
In continuation of the post of Sergei (Nurmamadu) Krasnoperova "Russian Planet" continues to publish a series of photo stories Alexey Nikolaev - portraits of a limited contingent of troops, in Afghanistan have found a new faith and a second home.
Alexander (Ahmad) Leventsa and Gennady (Negmamadu) Tsevme for 49 years. Both - the natives of the south-east of Ukraine (one of Luhansk, the second - from the Donetsk region), both caught in Afghanistan shortly after the call, in the autumn of 1983 proved to be a prisoner of the Mujahideen, they had converted to Islam, married, and after the withdrawal of Soviet troops settled in Kunduz in the north-east of the country, making a living by carting
Will be 30 photos + text, the source RusPlt
Alexander Levenets. Registration card from the archive of the Committee for the soldiers-internationalists.
Gennady Tsevma. Registration card from the archive of the Committee for the soldiers-internationalists.
The tunnel under the Salang Pass, Hindu Kush. Built by experts from the USSR mountain tunnel connects the northern and central parts of Afghanistan. Above the entrance to see the portrait of Ahmad Shah Massoud - the only one of the warlords, who in the 1980s made a tactical truce with the Soviet troops, and a decade later he became one of the leaders of the Taliban resistance. To cut their way to the north of the country, forces led by Massoud of the Northern Alliance in 1997 blew up the tunnel.
From left to right: Gennady (Negmamad) Tsevma and Alexander (Ahmad) Levenets.
Gennady Tsevma
"I was called in 1983. At night we drank, wanted to take a walk in the morning. And right next to our unit we were basmachi - so I was captured. In the mountains with them I had to go under the supervision of six years, but I have not directly fought themselves shore. They offered, but I turned them down, said that his killing will not. Then I was offered to marry, and I agreed - to return I was not there. Betrothed to a girl, and we have been married for 23 years, the wife is younger than me by 15 years. The eldest son of 21 years, I myself - 49 years. "
Alexander Levenets: "I am from Ukraine, was called up April 2, 1983, almost immediately he found himself in Afghanistan. In the autumn of us in the division came to checking out of Moscow. I was in the convoy. I come, in general, such as in the fleet, and there drunken officer: "Why are you here?" He started yelling at me, insulted my mother. Well, I could not resist, fight ensued; then he turned on his lip. In the evening came another officer who ordered together with another soldier - Valera Kuskov - go to repair the broken machine. We were sat-sat, and decided to run to midnight. We are going to go to the airport, but almost immediately fell to the mujahideen. "
The road to Kabul - Kunduz, leaving Kabul.
Gennady and Alexander Tsevma Levenets in teahouses, Kunduz.
Gennady Tsevma sons.
The youngest son of Gennady Tsevmy father waiting at the machine.
Alexander Levenets: "In the morning we prisoners led to some great commander, I was with him and stayed. Immediately embraced Islam, was named Ahmad, in any prison I was put in prison - one night stayed under the supervision of all. First, he drank heavily, and then became the Mujahideen driver. With our I fought, and this one did not want to. "
Gennady Tsevma (his youngest son - in the background) and Alexander Levenets in teahouses, Kunduz.
Gennady Tsevma: "At first he worked as a driver. When the Taliban came, I did what they said - was wearing a turban, a long beard. Do not carry out their orders were not possible, and that everyone would be very bad. When the Taliban were gone, we were free - a light appeared, television, electricity. In addition to prayer day and night, nothing good from them was not: just read the prayer, came out of the mosque, you are sent back again to read the prayer. I think when the Americans leave, everything will start to eat each other and kill ».
Alexander Levenets: "After the withdrawal of Soviet troops began to work as a taxi driver, and then got married. I have five daughters now had a son, but he died, there is a small house of three rooms. Before the Taliban came, I called home, even thought to go. When the call to Ukraine after they (the Taliban. - ER) care, the receiver took cousin told me that my brother and mother died. More than anyone, I do not talk. "
Gennady Tsevma: "Since some of our ex-communicated, but one died is unknown, another Uzbek, his wife killed. In the past year, I traveled to the Ukraine, the father and mother had died, went to him in the cemetery, to see relatives. Visa I had only 15 days. There remains, of course, did not even think - because I have a family here, and I do not need nobody else in Russia. I have previously suggested, such as how to prepare an apartment in Donetsk region. There the wife of the congress, looked, but I realized that back in Afghanistan, we will not go back there ».
The road in the vicinity of Kunduz.
The skeleton of Soviet tanks, 20 kilometers from Kunduz.
The caterpillar armored vehicles, presumably - Soviet BMP.
Near the bread shops, Kunduz.
A small teahouse near the road Kunduz - Kabul.
Fee Alexander Leventsa and Gennady Tsevmy for filming and interviews. Hurriedly photographer mistaken and signed envelope Leventsa false name.
Alexander Levenets "When Gorbachev offered me to come back - said I was a hero of Afghanistan were promised a house, car, benefits. But those who came from Moscow, said that it was all a lie. Actually, God has given me everything. My life is here, here's my homeland. "
Gennady Tsevma: "Now I'm not even really can not work - injured his leg, I just did not cut it, but local saved. I go, though, is still difficult, and I even do not have any pension ».
Gennady Tsevma shows his baby photo on the phone screen.
Gennady Tsevma: "I think that you can live in Afghanistan. Good country, and should not be here the war. "
The skeleton of the Soviet BTR near the Salang Pass. A local resident checks are properly secured pole makeshift power lines.
Halt truckers to Salang.
View from the Salang Pass on the road to Kabul.
Levenets and Tsevma in teahouses, Kunduz.
Smoke artisanal brick factory near the road to Kabul - Kunduz.
I have everything, thank you for your attention !!!
P.S. Breaking selection, just wondering, you shit boils? Or incontinence? Endings can not wait?
Alexander (Ahmad) Leventsa and Gennady (Negmamadu) Tsevme for 49 years. Both - the natives of the south-east of Ukraine (one of Luhansk, the second - from the Donetsk region), both caught in Afghanistan shortly after the call, in the autumn of 1983 proved to be a prisoner of the Mujahideen, they had converted to Islam, married, and after the withdrawal of Soviet troops settled in Kunduz in the north-east of the country, making a living by carting
Will be 30 photos + text, the source RusPlt

Alexander Levenets. Registration card from the archive of the Committee for the soldiers-internationalists.

Gennady Tsevma. Registration card from the archive of the Committee for the soldiers-internationalists.

The tunnel under the Salang Pass, Hindu Kush. Built by experts from the USSR mountain tunnel connects the northern and central parts of Afghanistan. Above the entrance to see the portrait of Ahmad Shah Massoud - the only one of the warlords, who in the 1980s made a tactical truce with the Soviet troops, and a decade later he became one of the leaders of the Taliban resistance. To cut their way to the north of the country, forces led by Massoud of the Northern Alliance in 1997 blew up the tunnel.

From left to right: Gennady (Negmamad) Tsevma and Alexander (Ahmad) Levenets.

Gennady Tsevma
"I was called in 1983. At night we drank, wanted to take a walk in the morning. And right next to our unit we were basmachi - so I was captured. In the mountains with them I had to go under the supervision of six years, but I have not directly fought themselves shore. They offered, but I turned them down, said that his killing will not. Then I was offered to marry, and I agreed - to return I was not there. Betrothed to a girl, and we have been married for 23 years, the wife is younger than me by 15 years. The eldest son of 21 years, I myself - 49 years. "

Alexander Levenets: "I am from Ukraine, was called up April 2, 1983, almost immediately he found himself in Afghanistan. In the autumn of us in the division came to checking out of Moscow. I was in the convoy. I come, in general, such as in the fleet, and there drunken officer: "Why are you here?" He started yelling at me, insulted my mother. Well, I could not resist, fight ensued; then he turned on his lip. In the evening came another officer who ordered together with another soldier - Valera Kuskov - go to repair the broken machine. We were sat-sat, and decided to run to midnight. We are going to go to the airport, but almost immediately fell to the mujahideen. "

The road to Kabul - Kunduz, leaving Kabul.

Gennady and Alexander Tsevma Levenets in teahouses, Kunduz.

Gennady Tsevma sons.

The youngest son of Gennady Tsevmy father waiting at the machine.

Alexander Levenets: "In the morning we prisoners led to some great commander, I was with him and stayed. Immediately embraced Islam, was named Ahmad, in any prison I was put in prison - one night stayed under the supervision of all. First, he drank heavily, and then became the Mujahideen driver. With our I fought, and this one did not want to. "

Gennady Tsevma (his youngest son - in the background) and Alexander Levenets in teahouses, Kunduz.

Gennady Tsevma: "At first he worked as a driver. When the Taliban came, I did what they said - was wearing a turban, a long beard. Do not carry out their orders were not possible, and that everyone would be very bad. When the Taliban were gone, we were free - a light appeared, television, electricity. In addition to prayer day and night, nothing good from them was not: just read the prayer, came out of the mosque, you are sent back again to read the prayer. I think when the Americans leave, everything will start to eat each other and kill ».

Alexander Levenets: "After the withdrawal of Soviet troops began to work as a taxi driver, and then got married. I have five daughters now had a son, but he died, there is a small house of three rooms. Before the Taliban came, I called home, even thought to go. When the call to Ukraine after they (the Taliban. - ER) care, the receiver took cousin told me that my brother and mother died. More than anyone, I do not talk. "

Gennady Tsevma: "Since some of our ex-communicated, but one died is unknown, another Uzbek, his wife killed. In the past year, I traveled to the Ukraine, the father and mother had died, went to him in the cemetery, to see relatives. Visa I had only 15 days. There remains, of course, did not even think - because I have a family here, and I do not need nobody else in Russia. I have previously suggested, such as how to prepare an apartment in Donetsk region. There the wife of the congress, looked, but I realized that back in Afghanistan, we will not go back there ».

The road in the vicinity of Kunduz.

The skeleton of Soviet tanks, 20 kilometers from Kunduz.

The caterpillar armored vehicles, presumably - Soviet BMP.

Near the bread shops, Kunduz.

A small teahouse near the road Kunduz - Kabul.

Fee Alexander Leventsa and Gennady Tsevmy for filming and interviews. Hurriedly photographer mistaken and signed envelope Leventsa false name.

Alexander Levenets "When Gorbachev offered me to come back - said I was a hero of Afghanistan were promised a house, car, benefits. But those who came from Moscow, said that it was all a lie. Actually, God has given me everything. My life is here, here's my homeland. "

Gennady Tsevma: "Now I'm not even really can not work - injured his leg, I just did not cut it, but local saved. I go, though, is still difficult, and I even do not have any pension ».

Gennady Tsevma shows his baby photo on the phone screen.

Gennady Tsevma: "I think that you can live in Afghanistan. Good country, and should not be here the war. "

The skeleton of the Soviet BTR near the Salang Pass. A local resident checks are properly secured pole makeshift power lines.

Halt truckers to Salang.

View from the Salang Pass on the road to Kabul.

Levenets and Tsevma in teahouses, Kunduz.

Smoke artisanal brick factory near the road to Kabul - Kunduz.
I have everything, thank you for your attention !!!
P.S. Breaking selection, just wondering, you shit boils? Or incontinence? Endings can not wait?
